Lin Chuan then said indifferently: "Mr. Shao, you have taken care of my company so much, and now there are difficulties, there is absolutely nothing I should contribute.

After all, it's all for everyone's development. Although I have a small achievement now, it is absolutely impossible for me to spend only one or two million to get more benefits from the management department.

Those are just petty money, but some people always treat petty money as big money, which is really meaningless! "

Shao Hongyi kept nodding.

This Lin Chuan is really smart, he knows what he is talking about in a few words.

In this case, Shao Hongyi is also welcome.

He smiled and said, "The biggest headache for me now is that there are still some gaps in energy. You have more than 40 million tons of reserves now, so you should contribute some!"

A sneer sounded in Lin Chuan's heart.

It has long been known that Shao Hongyi will definitely give him some conditions.

But it's not a big deal, he always has to let people drink some soup when he eats meat.

So Lin Chuan said cheerfully: "What's the problem? I'll fill the gap of 1 million tons for you!"

Shao Hongyi nodded with satisfaction.

Compared with more than 40 million tons, 1 million tons is only a fraction.

But this fraction is at least free.

And at the current price, 1 million tons of clean coal, calculated at 58 yuan per ton, is equivalent to more than 58 million yuan.

In this era, 58 million, in terms of investment concept, is basically half of the Wanbang Group.

This money is used to develop business projects, social projects, and even management department projects, which is definitely an astounding investment.

Even if Lin Chuan gave coal, not money.

But in the financial budget of the management department, this money can be saved and used where it is most needed.

How could Shao Hongyi be dissatisfied?

"The management department is very grateful to you for this sponsorship, which has also eased the financial tension of the management department. If every company can care about everyone's development as you do, then it will be the best development.

I also hope that you can continue to develop your own business, and the support that the management department should provide you will not be less! "

Enough has been said.

1 million tons in exchange for the support of the management department.

But Lin Chuan doesn't feel bad about this either, because the money must be paid by Wanbang Group.

Without his fuss, he wouldn't be able to congratulate the 1 million tons.

"Mr. Shao, you are very kind. My business development depends entirely on the support of you and the management department. The grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by the spring. If there is any need in the future, we can discuss and solve it!"

After a few more polite conversations, the two hung up the phone.

Shao Hongyi immediately called Xiang Shang again.

"Mr. Shao, what are your instructions?" Xiang Shang's tone was very attentive.

On the contrary, it was Shao Hongyi's tone, but it was already calm and deep, and slow with momentum.

"That's right. Recently, the management department has several particularly important development projects that need to cooperate with Mengying Company, which is a star enterprise in Hui City.

In terms of business development, we have always done a very good job. We must also support this company, especially the coal company. A contract is a contract, and it is impossible to re-sign it! "

Xiang Shang nodded again and again.

"Mr. Shao, I understand what you mean, and I will definitely support the business development of Mengying Company in the future!"

Shao Hongyi followed up: "As for Wanbang Group, we still welcome their investment, but the premise is that the normal operation of the market cannot be disrupted, nor the normal business development!"

"Understood, I understand, I will communicate with Wanbang Group immediately!"

After hanging up, Xiang Shang sighed helplessly.

Seeing that his face was a little gloomy, Zhao Dongyan asked softly, "Mr. Xiang, what did Mr. Shao say?"

Xiang Shang said helplessly: "What else can I say, I want us to fully support Mengying Company!"

"The investment project that Wanbang Group gave us may be cancelled!"

"That can't be helped. Let's keep an understanding mentality. After all, Mr. Shao was able to make such a decision, and it was fully measured. When you look back, you can call Mr. Shao's decision and tell Shi Yongjin!"

At that time, Yong Jin was extremely angry after listening to Zhao Dongyan's remarks.

The angrier he got, the more crooked his face looked.

But his tone was surprisingly calm, and he even smiled disapprovingly: "If that's the case, it's impossible for my investment project to be placed in Hui City.

It's nothing to me, but to you, it's really a loss! "

Zhao Dongyan didn't have much to say. He was just a secretary who was only responsible for spreading the word, and he could not decide anything else.

But when the phone hung up, Shi Yongjin's eyes were as cold as ice.

Even Wang Kaizhe, who was sitting on the sofa beside him, didn't dare to speak to him.

Shi Yongjin was angry because Lin Chuan actually blocked both of his plans.

The kidnapping of Long Jiapeng's daughter was destroyed by him, and he also destroyed the investment in exchange for shares.

It seems that he underestimated Lin Chuan's tenacity.

But this does not allow him to easily admit defeat. Now he has only made two moves, and he has more moves to use.

Thinking of this, Shi Yongjin immediately said to Wang Kaizhe coldly: "I need some information about Lin Chuan's cronies now, you can help me get it as soon as possible!"

Wang Kaizhe couldn't see what Shi Yongjin wanted to do at all, so he could only nod his head and make arrangements as soon as possible.

Lin Chuan wasn't idle either, and he didn't want to give Shi Yongjin a chance to continue to play tricks behind his back.

He immediately looked at the Gregorian calendar card on the table, and calculated the timeline in his mind and the memories of his previous life.

This reminded him clearly of a current project of Wanbang Group.

It is a project that Wanbang has invested millions of yuan in research and development, but has never broken through the technical bottleneck.

And the core data of this project has long existed in the memory of his previous life.

Now this bit of memory is the capital that makes Wanbang Group pay for it.

At this moment, Qin Mengying ran into the room in a hurry.

"Master, Wenwen fainted again!"

Half an hour later, in the ward of the hospital, several medical experts carefully examined Wenwen.

Finally, the doctor said to Lin Chuan and others: "The child's condition is very urgent now, and a bone marrow transplant must be performed immediately, but the premise is that there must be suitable bone marrow cells.

Usually the child's parents, or siblings can extract! "

As soon as she said this, Zhou Wenmei's face became very helpless.

After the doctor left, Zhou Wenmei said that her bone marrow could not be transplanted.

Lin Chuan sighed and said, "The only one who can save Wenwen now is Long Jiapeng!"

But Zhou Wenmei was silent for a moment.

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