My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 222 More Talk Than More Action

Lin Chuan saw Zhou Wenmei's concern, and immediately persuaded: "Wenmei, now only Jiapeng can save Wenwen, for the sake of the child, you have to let go of the past first, you can't just watch the child endure such torture. ?"

Zhou Wenmei bit her lip, looking at the pitiful little appearance of Wenwen on the sickbed, her heart pierced.

"You ask Long Jiapeng to come over now!"

What else do you say.

Lin Chuan immediately called Long Jiapeng from the hospital's phone.

At this time, Long Jiapeng just returned to the shed, and the phone rang.

After hearing Lin Chuan's remarks, Long Jiapeng came to the hospital without a word.

Even Lin Chuan was surprised that Long Jiapeng rushed into the ward, and the moment he saw Wenwen, he broke his defense instantly.

He knelt directly to Wenwen's side, held Wenwen's small hand gently, and burst into tears.

"Wenwen, my father is sorry for you. It's all my father's fault. Wenwen, my father tried his best to cure you!"

Wenwen, who was in a coma, or felt the affection conveyed between her palms, actually gently held Long Jiapeng's fingers.

Just this action, Long Jiapeng felt that his heart was about to be torn apart, and he cried even more sadly.

This is definitely not an intentional sadness.

Because everyone can see the pain in Long Jiapeng's eyes and the guilty love for Wenwen.

Even Zhou Wenmei, who was standing beside her, couldn't bear to look out the window with her tearful eyes.

Now she doesn't want to say anything, just hope this man can save her daughter.

And Lin Chuan also thought of Wanyu at this time. He has always been redeeming his debt to his daughter, and he has been using this rebirth to make up for his love for Wanyu.

Only when you have lost can you truly understand how deep the pain is.

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, stepped forward to support Long Jiapeng, and said softly, "If you've cried enough, hurry up and do what you need to do, Wenwen needs your marrow!"

Long Jiapeng glanced at Zhou Wenmei by the window with tears in his eyes, before he wanted to say something, Lin Chuan stopped him.

There is no need to say those useless words now, and Zhou Wenmei doesn't want to hear it either.

It's better to do more than talk, let's hurry up and test the bone marrow.

In the blink of an eye, the doctor told them a particularly happy news.

The bone marrow of Long Jiapeng and Wenwen can be transplanted.

But the premise is that Wenwen must be prepared for the operation first, especially the nutrition of her body, and her mood must be adjusted well before she can accept the operation.

At this time, Wenwen also woke up, and Long Jiapeng wanted to stay with the child again, but was directly blocked by Zhou Wenmei from the door.

She said blankly, "I won't let you see Wenwen, go back and come back when you can have surgery!"

After dropping a sentence coldly, Zhou Wenmei closed the door tightly.

As if in front of Long Jiapeng, an impenetrable wall was erected directly.

Long Jiapeng didn't want to give up, so he was about to knock on the door.

Lin Chuan immediately dragged him aside and said softly, "It's useless for you to do this now, can you be a little more mindful?"

"I know I'm sorry for their mother and daughter, but Wenwen needs me now!"

Seeing his urgent expression, Lin Chuan said impatiently: "You have waited for more than ten years, is it still so short? Can you be more reserved?

Now, if you want to make Zhou Wenmei accept you from a strategy, you can't be in a hurry. Their mother and daughter are now penniless. Then you heard the doctor say,

Wenwen needs all kinds of supplements now, and Zhou Wenmei has no money to buy them. You should start in this area and let Zhou Wenmei see your efforts.

And as a man, in front of the woman you love, your face is of no value at all. You have to let Zhou Wenmei know the hardships in your heart,

Only in this way can I forgive you and accept you, instead of being so crazy as I am now! "

Long Jiapeng was stunned when he heard it.

But he thinks what Lin Chuan said still makes sense.

"You're right, I have to use actions to make up for what I owe to their mother and daughter. I'll go buy supplements now!"

Looking at Long Jiapeng's stupid behavior, Lin Chuan couldn't help laughing.

Just then, someone suddenly called him from behind.

Looking back, it turned out that Meng Yuelin came to see Lao Zhu with wishes.

"Uncle Five!"

I like Lin Chuan if I wish, and when I see Lin Chuan, I am happy to run to him.

Lin Chuan also liked to squeeze his wishful little face, and said with a smile, "I really like to hear what the fifth uncle called. Have you eaten yet?"

The little girl smiled and said, "I didn't eat, Uncle Fifth, take me to eat something delicious!"

Meng Yuelin laughed and scolded: "This child, you know what to eat. The whole day's big fish and meat are not enough for you? By the way, Chuanzi, why are you here?"

Lin Chuan said with a smile: "It's nothing, my friend's child is sick, I'll come and see, how is Lao Zhu recently?"

"It's still the same!" Meng Yuelin sighed softly, with a hint of exhaustion in her eyes.

"I'm hungry too, let's go eat some food together!"

Lin Chuan suggested that Meng Yuelin would not refuse, so the three found a restaurant near the hospital, ordered a few dishes that they wished to eat, and chatted while eating.

Meng Yuelin took a sip of beer and told Lin Chuan about the trivial life and work she was holding down.

"Recently, the unit has undergone personnel adjustments, and the position of the deputy general manager of the management department has also been vacated. I also want to fight for it, but the competition is too fierce now, and I feel a lot of pressure!"

In fact, Lin Chuan understood Meng Yuelin's thoughts.

If you can be promoted to the position of vice president, the future career development will be smooth sailing.

Unable to grasp this opportunity, she can only continue to be an ordinary employee and live with that little salary.

But with Meng Yuelin's ability, it is basically impossible to compete for vice president.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said, "You don't have to think about pressure or anything. With me, there will be no pressure. I'll help you get the position of vice president!"

Meng Yuelin was excited for a while, but then she shook her head and said, "Forget it, you have done so much for me, I really don't want to tire you anymore!"

Lin Chuan said indifferently while adding food to the wishes: "This is what you said, as if our head kowtowed in vain. Even if we didn't kowtow, I will definitely help you if you are busy. This is obligatory.

And this time, it is also very important to you. We can get it. Why should we give it to others? "

Meng Yuelin was very grateful.

"That's okay, we are a family originally, come on, let's have a drink first!"

As long as he is his own person, Lin Chuan is bound to do so.

When the time came to the morning of the next day, Xi Xiaolei and Yu Meiling also came back after filming the advertisement.

In the product exhibition hall, everyone watched the shooting effect of the advertisement together.

Yu Meiling is the one who is excited, she insists that everyone watch her filming first.

Lin Chuan just smiled without saying a word, looking at her first.

However, after everyone saw it, Yu Meiling asked impatiently, "What do you think? Can you give me some advice?"

No one wanted to talk, because they felt that although the commercial was well shot, it always felt that it was on Meiling, as if something was missing, and it didn't feel so perfect.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, Yu Meiling looked at Lin Chuan even more anxiously.

"Mr. Lin, what do you think? Just say a few words!"

Lin Chuan smiled bitterly and said: "What do you want me to say? Didn't we all agree before? Let everyone choose, whoever is better will use whoever is better. Now we just look at yours.

Those who haven't seen Xi Xiaolei yet, those who have seen her are talking! "

Tong Miaoxuan glared at Yu Meiling in disgust, she was going to be tortured to death for this commercial shoot.

I thought she was really a star.

At this time, Xi Xiaolei's videotape was changed.

After watching the advertisement shot by Xi Xiaolei, the overall feeling and grade went up in an instant.

If nothing else, let's talk about temperament, Yu Meiling and Xi Xiaolei are not at the same level.

Xi Xiaolei not only perfectly displayed her knowledge, experience, and her perception of feelings, but also made the clothes full of high-end feeling.

And Yu Meiling?

Lin Chuan still smiled helplessly.

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