My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 308 The City Of Romance

Qi Wenyao asked very unconvinced: "Why not, isn't the fashion week for the whole world!"

The opposite side smiled disdainfully: "To be precise, it is a fashion designer facing the whole world. It is hard for me to imagine that an oriental country that does not even know how to display its own personality can design any amazing works?

And we only give Dongfang Guo a place to participate in this fashion week. We have already given this place to Kazo Clothing Company, so you can only wait until next time! "

This is more than ruthless strangulation of Qi Wenyao's dream.

It also ignited Lin Chuan's anger.

Those dead foreigners know what real fashion art is. They only wear a few rags on the shoulders of the models, which is the so-called art.

Qi Wen's rumor is not wrong at all, they despise the Orientals from the bottom of their hearts.

Since they are so rude, there is no need to look at their faces.

Lin Chuan snorted coldly and said with a firm gaze, "They won't let us participate, and we don't care about their competition. We will show it ourselves. I must show the world the profoundness and breadth of our oriental culture!"

His tone shocked Qi Wenyao.

Lin Chuan continued: "Wenyao, go back and prepare now. Tomorrow we will fly directly to country F. I would like to see how ridiculous those so-called arts are!"

"Mr. Lin, are you going with me?"

Under Qi Wenyao's surprised eyes, Lin Chuan nodded and said, "Yes, I will bring my wife with me, and take this opportunity to relax!"

"That's great, I'll go back and prepare now!"

It is said to go abroad, but it was not so easy to go abroad in those days.

Visa, passport, whatever.

Just doing these things takes a long time.

But Lin Chuan got all the visas and passports at noon the next day.

Such a fast speed, Lin Chuan is very grateful to Meng Yuelin and Qiu Chenyuan.

Qin Mengying held her passport and smiled in surprise: "With this small notebook, we can go anywhere in the world?"

Lin Chuan explained with a smile: "Passport is your identity in a foreign country, and you need a visa to enter other countries. This time we are applying for a business travel visa, so it is faster to get it.

Let's not talk about this for now, hurry up and prepare the child's things, and the company has to arrange it too! "

Qin Mengying put away her passport, but asked slowly, "Master, are you really just doing some clothing show? You are so precious about time, how could you possibly take us abroad to meet the world?"

I was embarrassed to laugh at what Lin Chuan said.

"The daughter-in-law who knows me, the significance of going to country F this time is more important. If our Mengying brand can be launched in fashion week, our Mengying brand will also rank among the world famous brands.

This will create enormous value, so this time, I will do it myself, and I will also take you and your child out to meet the world and rest! "

For other reasons, Lin Chuan can't say.

Brook and Victor are very unreliable now, and they must find someone who can replace them, preferably a company that can directly threaten Victor's interests.

Qin Mengying didn't think much about it, Lin Chuan was doing it for work anyway.

She immediately said: "In the morning, Zhou Wenmei sent the sales cash for the past two weeks. This month, 100,000 tons of clean coal and 100,000 tons of coal lumps and high-grade coal were sold.

According to the current market price of coal, dividends to Long Jiapeng, and 20% tax, the net profit is 15.61 million. I have deposited the money in the bank.

Let Wenmei sit in the finance department these days! "

Lin Chuan followed up: "I also called Xi Xiaolei, let her come to the company to preside over the overall situation, and if everything is cleaned up, let's go to the airport!"

This time the team going abroad is very large.

Lin Chuan, Qin Mengying, Lin Wanyu, Lin Xiaozhou, Wu Lei, female bodyguard Jiatong, Qi Wenyao and her team totaled 16 people.

It was the first time for Qin Mengying and the two children to fly, and Lin Chuan booked the luxury first-class cabin. The excited mother and daughter were amazed again and again.

When they arrived at the Imperial Capital Airport in the evening, they directly changed to a direct flight to country F.

From the imperial capital to the romantic capital of country F, it takes a full 12 hours.

Unlike domestic flights, flights to foreign countries are basically foreigners.

Lin Chuan, who was still sitting in the first class cabin, could sleep comfortably.

And the time difference between country F and the imperial capital is 7 hours. When they arrived at the romantic capital airport of country F, it was still night.

Except for Lin Chuan, it was impossible for everyone to get over the jet lag immediately, and everyone was exhausted.

Lin Xiaozhou fell asleep on Lin Chuan's shoulder.

Fortunately, the customs clearance was smooth, and the group officially set foot on Bari, the world-famous romantic capital.

On the way to the hotel, everyone enjoyed this urban night view, which was still very fashionable at the time.

The bars along the way, the shops of fashionable and famous products, and the foreigners who are fashionably dressed, sexy and avant-garde, are all very fresh in the eyes of Qin Mengying and others.

And for Lin Chuan, who has been here many times in his previous life, it's actually nothing more than that.

What people see is only the side that they allow you to see, and the side that you cannot see is the unimaginable evil.

But Barry's service industry, in a capitalist country, is particularly good.

For example, the waiters of the hotel, they will use very complicated language to introduce you to each room of the hotel, and can't wait to introduce you to the height of the bathtub in the bathroom.

Everyone is tired and hungry, and who is in the mood to listen to him.

Lin Chuan immediately said in very standard French: "Thank you for your introduction, and open 15 rooms for us, including one suite!"

The gentleman-faced male manager smiled respectfully: "I thought you didn't understand our language, sir, you are very welcome to our hotel, please give me your passports,

Now I will arrange a room for you! "

The manager is also an observant person. He had already seen that Lin Chuan was the boss of these people, so he ignored others and just smiled at Lin Chuan.

"Sir, our hotel also provides ordering, laundry services, and of course the best swimming pool in Bari. The water in the pool is clearer than a girl's sweat. You will definitely like it!"

Taking over his passport, Lin Chuan asked directly, "What's your name?"

"My name is Rickards, dear sir, if you have any needs, you can order at any time!"

Lin Chuan immediately took out 50 yuan of FL that had been exchanged before, and gave it to Rickards as a consumption.

In foreign countries, tipping is a very pleasant thing.

Just like Rickards, the smiling mouth is like a flower.

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