It is impossible for Lin Chuan to tip him in vain, which requires a lot of help from him.

In this country, if you do something according to the color of your skin, there will always be all kinds of resistance.

Therefore, if there are people with big noses like them to help, it will be more effective.

This is Lin Chuan's experience accumulated in his previous life.

"Rickards, take us to our room and prepare dinner for the rest of us in the dining room!"

Only 50 FL, equivalent to 100 RM, this is not a small income, enough for Rickards to buy a very good clothes.

Therefore, Rickards is also more diligent in providing services.

Lead everyone through the resplendent hall, take a luxurious carpeted elevator, and come to a luxurious room full of Western art.

Rickards said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, if you have any orders, you can call me on the phone in the room, I wish you a good day!"

"Thank you, Rickards, I'll call you if I need it. The 50 yuan tip will be distributed to those who help us with our luggage!"

"I would love it, thank you for the tip!"

To Rickaz's impression, this man in a suit is simply a rich man.

A tip of 100 yuan was given before and after, and other guests were only a few yuan at most.

In the room, Lin Xiaozhou was very energetic, jumping around on the soft big bed.

Lin Wanyu likes the abstract paintings on the walls.

Qin Mengying looked at the bathroom first, then looked at the other rooms, and sighed, "So this is what this foreign hotel looks like!"

Open the curtains, the field of vision is wide enough to see the whole river, meandering in the romantic city.

This is the taste of a foreign country, and the beauty that precipitates the passing light and shadow.

Lin Chuan said indifferently: "Even if it is the best here, this is not our home, we just come here to take some things, and then we will leave,

So these days, you can take your children to play as much as you like. You can go to every attraction in Bari, and then take Wanyu to enjoy the music and art gallery in Bari, or you can go to department stores.

Buy the world's top cosmetics and jewelry. In short, in these ten days, you only need to have fun, but you must remember to go to the bank to exchange FL. You can't directly use RM to trade here.

Besides, don't trust anyone here except our own people. We must keep the money well. We will stay in the hotel for two days and then go to another place to live! "

Lin Chuan arranged everything in an orderly manner. Even though Qin Mengying was in a foreign country, her heart was full of security and happiness.

Besides them, Lin Chuan has a lot to arrange.

When eating in the restaurant, Rickards specially arranged a large table for everyone.

On the table are flowers, candles, red wine, everything.

Seeing such a luxurious dinner, Qi Wenyao clicked her tongue in surprise: "This meal looks so expensive!"

It is indeed very expensive. According to the standard of 35FL per person, 16 people are 560. Plus several hundred yuan of red wine and special dishes, this meal will cost at least 1500 FL.

Converted to RM is more than 3000 yuan.

Since it was Lin Chuan who brought everyone out, it is natural to not treat everyone badly when it comes to eating and drinking.

He even paid for the hotel, and he didn't care about the meal.

It's just Western food that some people are not used to, but now there is no other choice.

Lin Chuan said with a smile: "Our visa is only 20 days, so now I will arrange the next work, we only need to stay in this hotel for two days,

Have a good rest tonight, and then use the day tomorrow to walk around, and then I will provide us with other accommodation,

Then in that residence, I will make the clothing works that need to be exhibited this time. As for the venue, I will take care of it. You arrange the fabrics we brought, and you don't need to worry about anything else! "

Qi Wenyao blinked her misty eyes, and suddenly felt that everything was so easy by Lin Chuan's side.

Such a man is really too stable and too secure.

Lin Chuan followed up: "Wu Lei, you don't have to follow me these days. You and Jiatong can just follow my wife and children together. Pay more attention to safety and endure as long as you can. After all, this is not in our own home!"

"I know the boss!"

Immediately after, Lin Chuan called Rickards to his side.

"Mr. Lin, what are your orders?" Rickards was always smiling.

"I need two female translators and a more capable assistant. Do you have a good introduction?"

"No problem, tomorrow morning I will let the person you need wait for you at the door of your room!"

Lin Chuan then gave him a tip of 50 yuan.

For people who like money, a random bit of money will make them go to hell for you.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Lin Chuan washed up and dressed, and Rickards knocked on the door softly.

"Mr. Lin, the translator and assistant you need will be waiting for you in the restaurant!"

"Thank you Rickards, you have helped me a lot!"

"It's my honor to be able to serve you!"

Fifteen minutes later, Lin Chuan and Qin Mengying came to the restaurant.

Rickards found three young girls, each with blue eyes, beautiful and sexy.

After being seated, I introduced myself first.

The first is a woman in her twenties, wearing a red dress and ponytail, with particularly big eyes.

"Hello, my name is Erinza, my good sister Ruth and I can translate for you!"

The one sitting next to him was wearing a black skirt, with snow-white skin and a hot figure, especially the gully that loomed over the neckline, which was very attractive.

She also said in standard Mandarin: "Hello Mr. Lin, my name is Ruth, I and Erinsa have studied culture in Dongfang for several years, so we can do the translation work for you!"

Lin Chuan and Qin Mengying were both surprised that their spoken language was so standard.

"I am very satisfied. Your main job is to accompany my wife to play and shop everywhere, to ensure that they can communicate with people smoothly, and to be translators and tour guides at the same time.

Your salary is 200FL per day, you can eat with my wife and bodyguards, the working hours are from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm every day, you need to work for 20 days! "

There is no need to talk too much useless to foreigners, they just care about remuneration, benefits, and working hours.

Erinsa and Ruth did not answer Lin Chuan first, but communicated with each other in French.

It's just the content of their communication that is a bit interesting.

But Lin Chuan just listened quietly to see what else they could say?

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