Lin Chuan called a company meeting immediately after a simple celebration.

In the past 20 days, Mengying Company and Hui City have undergone great changes.

The first is that the shoe factory and the electronics factory are fully operational, and the third textile factory is also under construction and will soon be put into use.

The machinery factory has completed the replacement of the equipment, and has produced 20 pavers.

The order for the road paver has reached 50 units, and the production will continue in the future.

The experimental primary school and the management department building have been put into use, and the engineering department is now working hard to build the third textile factory.

Lin Chuan followed and said to everyone: "Our fashion show was very successful this time, and Mengying brand has officially entered the ranks of world famous brands, and there will be large orders in the future.

And we have to continue to expand our production capacity. Workers in the shoe factory and the electronics factory can now be recruited, with a scale of 1,000 people in each factory.

As for the products to be produced, I will hand over the design drawings to you one after another, and other departments will continue their work! "

After a brief meeting, Lin Chuan regained the feeling of being the president.

This trip to country F, whether it is the time difference or the feeling, seems to be still in that romantic city.

Now that he is back, he has to do his part well and continue to make money.

Back in the office, Xi Xiaolei brought him a message.

"Mr. Lin, the plan for the demolition and development of the movie theater was not approved by the management department. They said that there is no such plan yet!"

Lin Chuan frowned slightly.

The movie theater development plan was approved by Xiang Shang and Shao Hongyi in person, and the planning department must have been under pressure.

The most likely one is Guardian.

Only they have the ability to put pressure on the planning management department.

Xi Xiaolei followed up: "If they don't approve, we will not be able to start the construction. The manager of the planning department is Heng Zhaoxiang. I have met him twice, but this person gives me the feeling,

He seemed to want something, but he didn't say what he wanted. After that, I went to see him, either in a meeting or out of the office. It seems that only you can see him! "

Lin Chuan smiled coldly.

"What he wants, we can't give it, and the Guardian company will give it, he is just a dog under the guardian company's door, let him bark at anyone, and he will bark at anyone.

Even seeing him is useless, the boss behind him doesn't speak, he can't decide anything, I'd better go and see Xiang Shang! "

Xi Xiaolei couldn't figure out what Lin Chuan was thinking, so she didn't need to ask.

She just wanted to be a quiet woman beside him and didn't want to create any emotional pressure on Lin Chuan.

But some people are impatient to see Lin Chuan, such as Zou Shumin.

She didn't even want to sit and talk to Lin Chuan, but snuggled at the edge of the desk beside Lin Chuan like relatives she hadn't seen in a long time.

Even her smiling eyes were full of tenderness and longing.

"Mr. Lin, many fashion companies all over the world are calling us now, wanting to cooperate with us to manage our clothing, especially the evening wear at the fashion show,

They are very impressed with those evening wear and hope to have it in their clothing market! "

Lin Chuan was very resistant to her closeness, even Qin Mengying did not act like this.

He immediately said: "This is my office, there are some rules, go sit in front and talk!"

But Zou Shumin kept her face close to Lin Chuan and whispered in a tone that was almost seductive: "What? Are you afraid that I will eat you? ?"

What is this all about?

Lin Chuan said helplessly: "Can you stop saying these words, if you are so crazy again, you will go to the mental hospital to have a good look at your head,

I'm sure it's completely normal, you come back to work, what are you doing now? "

Seeing Lin Chuan was a little angry, Zou Shumin felt very relieved. She knew that Lin Chuan liked her, but this was his office, so he couldn't mess around.

But there will always be opportunities. She doesn't believe that Lin Chuan can be satisfied with one Qin Mengying in this life?

Lin Chuan stared coldly at the back of Zou Shumin leaving, and sighed in his heart.

If I hadn't kowtowed to her, I would have let her go.

In the evening, Lin Chuan invited Xiao Wen, Meng Yuelin and Tang Jingyan to eat, but Zou Shumin was not called.

I distributed the purchased gifts to a few sisters, and everyone was very happy.

Xiao Wen immediately said: "Chuanzi, I no longer work in that unit. During this time, I have been researching decoration companies, and I think I can do it.

I've already found a place to start a company, but now I'm short of start-up capital! "

Just do what she says, Xiao Wen's character is really similar to her own.

Lin Chuan then asked with a smile, "So how much will it cost?"

"At least 100,000 yuan, because you have to buy a lot of decoration materials, tools, and workers. Anyway, 100,000 yuan is enough!"

One hundred thousand to open a decoration company is not much.

But in the folk, 100,000 yuan is an astronomical figure that is out of reach.

Obviously, Xiao Wen wants to start a big decoration company and doesn't want to start small.

Lin Chuan did not hesitate and wrote her a check for 200,000 yuan directly.

He said proudly: "If you want to do it, then do the best thing. You can tell me what you need, but doing business is not as simple as you think. When making a decision, you must think carefully!"

Xiao Wen held the check, her heart was full of mixed feelings, and she was very moved.

But Meng Yuelin poured cold water on her.

"Chuanzi, you are the only one who supports her in doing business. Xiao Wen's personality is so carefree that she is not suitable for business at all. When you give her so much money, when will she be able to earn it back?"

Tang Jingyan also said: "Doing business and starting a company is very complicated, she always thinks it is very simple, Xiao Wen, Chuanzi's money is not from the wind, you are sure that you can really,

It's too late to regret it now, don't lose money by then, you have no face to see Kawako! "

Xiao Wen was very unwilling to listen to these words.

The smile on his face turned into anger in an instant.

"Whether you are my sisters, don't help me, how can you still be cynical, I just don't want to continue living my old life,

Is it wrong to want to start a business, to make money, and to make your life more exciting? Why don't you support me? "

Meng Yuelin said bitterly: "Aren't we doing this for you, you are willing to be impulsive, and don't think about anything when your head is hot, so are you, Chuanzi, how can you be so used to her?"

But what Lin Chuan said made Xiao Wen instantly stunned.

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