Lin Chuan said firmly: "Xiao Wen is my sister, so I have to get used to it, she wants to change her life, there is nothing wrong with that,

Each of us is working hard to change our lives in order to live a better life. You just think Xiao Wen is impulsive, but you have no idea of ​​what Xiao Wen has experienced and how much suffering she has endured.

I always feel that Xiao Wen is careless and heartless, but her emotions are the most vulnerable among the sisters. Think about it, if we don't even support her, who else can she rely on? "

Xiao Wen's tears rolled down her cheeks.

No one has ever understood her and understood her so well.

It seems that the heart has been repressed for many years, and is instantly warmed by a sunbeam.

Lin Chuan followed up: "It's only 200,000 yuan, and if you lose it, it will be spent as pocket money. We sisters should stick together, there is no need to care about money, then the relationship will fade!"

Meng Yuelin and Tang Jingyan blushed a little ashamed.

Xiao Wen held Lin Chuan's hand tightly, and said very moved: "Kuanzi, you really spoke to my heart, for so many years, no one has ever understood me so well, in my heart... "

I couldn't go on anymore, and the more I talked, the more uncomfortable I felt. I took the tissue that Lin Chuan gave her, but still couldn't stop the rolling tears.

Seeing her grievance, Meng Yuelin immediately joked: "Okay, don't cry, it's not enough for us to support you, like a child, quickly dry your tears and have a drink with us!"

More than just drinking a cup, Xiao Wen drank high in one breath, and before they had eaten, she snored while lying on the table first.

Lin Chuan was afraid that she would get cold, so he took off his coat and draped it over her shoulders.

Then it's time to get serious.

"Sister Yuelin, do you understand Heng Zhaoxiang from the Planning and Management Department?"

"Not very familiar, what's wrong?"

Lin Chuan sighed and said slowly: "My movie theater development project is stuck with him, but he will not approve it. He is happy to approve other projects, but this project is not approved!"

Meng Yuelin frowned slightly and said softly, "I think he did it on purpose. The movie theater development project is a good project, and it won't affect anything. Why didn't he approve it? Did he want some red envelopes?"

"If the red envelope can be solved, my people have already solved it. I will meet Xiang Shang tomorrow and see what he has to say!"

"Xiang Shang has gone to the provincial capital, not in the management department!"

Yes, after all, I still have to see Heng Zhaoxiang.

After dinner, Lin Chuan took Xiao Wen, who was completely drunk, home.

Xiao Wen's only consciousness now is to feel that someone is supporting her, and this person's hand is so warm and powerful.

Lin Chuan put her on the bed, took off her shoes and wanted to leave.

But Xiao Wen didn't know where the strength came from, she put her arms around Lin Chuan's neck, both of them fell on the bed, and Lin Chuan also happened to be on Xiao Wen's body.

The violent body touch made Xiao Wen softly groan in confusion.

She drank too much, but she knew it.

Clinging to Lin Chuan's earlobe, he said eagerly, "Kuanzi, you want me!"

Want her head?

How could Lin Chuan betray Qin Mengying and forget his redemption?

He slammed Xiao Wen's hand apart and refused sternly: "Xiao Wen, don't let my good impression of you change, I'll treat you as drinking too much, you can get a good night's sleep, I'll go back first! "

Xiao Wen couldn't hear Lin Chuan's reprimand at all, and was still grabbing Lin Chuan's hand indiscriminately.

However, Lin Chuan had already jumped out of bed, opened the door and left.

But he wasn't angry or sad.

Because this world is nothing more than men and women, he is still so good, and naturally there are many women who like him.

Accidental physical contact is unavoidable, as long as you control yourself and your mind is not disturbed, it's actually nothing.

So when I went home to see Qin Mengying, Lin Chuan still liked her and got close to her as always.

There is absolutely no other woman in his heart.

Qin Mengying poured the hot tea for Lin Chuan, and then said: "The boss, the coal company's sales for the past two weeks have also arrived, a total of 17.2 million,

Wenmei said that Jiapeng's surgery worked well a few days ago, and in a few days, they will be discharged from the hospital! "

After returning from country F, Lin Chuan hadn't seen Long Jiapeng yet, thinking that he would have time to visit him in the next two days.

And Qin Mengying said: "Head of the house, I want to go back to town tomorrow to see!"

Needless to say, Lin Chuan understood what Qin Mengying was thinking.

She was worried about Qin Zhensheng.

Qin Zhensheng has been abroad for more than 20 days, and he doesn't know how he is now, and Tian Jing doesn't have a phone at home.

"Okay, I'll go back with you tomorrow!"

In a blink of an eye, the next morning, Lin Chuan and Qin Mengying returned to the town where they had been away for a long time.

Now Lin Chuan and Qin Mengying are no longer the poorest people in the town in the past, and now they are the richest people not only in the town, but also in the city.

Anyone who knows or doesn't know Nissan, who is chasing after Lin Chuan, wants to see the legendary rich and big boss.

Lin Chuan now feels like he's coming to town, like a dimensional travel.

Those familiar shops are still the same.

The burnt down tailor shop has long been renovated and rebuilt.

There is also the courtyard where they lived. Although they haven't come back to live in a long time, the third uncle next door often comes to help clean it up, and it is still very clean.

Looking at the old furniture and the fire pit full of memories, Lin Chuan and Qin Mengying smiled at each other.

It was as if they were still living here yesterday.

They followed them to Tian Jing's house.

But the one who opened the door was a man of five and three rough.

He looked at Lin Chuan and Qin Mengying, and asked cautiously, "Who are you looking for?"

The guy doesn't seem to know who they are and is not very friendly to their arrival.

As if to snatch something from him.

"Does Tian Jing live here?" Lin Chuan asked coldly.

"Why are you looking for my wife?"

When the words fell, Lin Chuan and Qin Mengying were both taken aback.

He is Tian Jing's man, so what is Qin Zhensheng?

At this moment, Tian Jing also came to the door.

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