My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 340 Private Business

The rhythm of the scene has been completely mastered by Lin Chuan. The press conference that was originally a strike turned into a demonstration of the factory's welfare system under the leadership of Lin Chuan.

And as Lin Chuan said, a large number of workers automatically returned to the factory to start work after the leaders disappeared.

It is better to strike than to start work. Only by starting work can you make money.

The point is that everyone is afraid of losing such a good job because of the strike.

Even more afraid of angering Lin Chuan and being kicked out of the factory.

But Lin Chuan couldn't just let it go.

The first is Du Yucong and his subordinates.

Lin Chuan came to the warehouse in person, and when Du Yucong, who was sitting by the wall with a group of people, saw Lin Chuan, he quickly got up and said pleadingly, "Mr. Lin, you can do whatever you want, just give me a chance. Bar!"


He wants a chance now, but when he fanned the strike, why didn't he think of giving himself a chance?

So Lin Chuan said very coldly: "I want to break my scalp and can't think of any reason to give you a chance. You chose to be the victim of my competition with Shenggu Group.

How else do you want me to give you a chance? But don't be afraid, I won't beat you or scold you, now you can leave with your people! "

Du Yucong looked at Lin Chuan in disbelief.

"You're telling the truth, can we really leave?"

"What? If you don't want to leave, then you can continue to stay here!"

Feeling that Lin Chuan did let them go, Du Yucong immediately folded his fists and said, "Thank you, Mr. Lin for giving me this opportunity. In the future, where Du Yucong will be of use to me, you can speak up, and I will definitely repay you!"

Lin Chuan didn't even want to talk to him, and quickly let them go.

Wu Lei asked with a puzzled face: "Mr. Lin, you really let them go, doesn't that seem to be your character?"

This really speaks to Lin Chuan's heart.

Looking at the backs of Du Yucong and others, Lin Chuan laughed and said, "You are right, it is absolutely impossible for them to leave so easily.

It's useless to keep them here. They are just Chang Yongchi's son-in-law. It is not painful for Shenggu Group to crippling them.

If they want to do it once, they will vomit blood, which will make Shenggu Group completely hurt. The next time he wants to do this with me, he has to think about it! "

Wu Lei couldn't understand these esoteric things. Anyway, as long as there was a chance to use his fist, he would just call him.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chuan once again held a high-level meeting of the company.

At the meeting, Lin Chuan solemnly announced.

"From now on, since Meiling is the general manager of the administrative department of Mengying Company, she will be in charge of all the business of the administrative department of Mengying Group Company in the future!"

To be honest, the applause of the crowd did not seem so warm.

Because they are all too familiar with Meiling.

When she was the manager of the sales department, she also acted recklessly and made a mess of her work. In the end, she was punished by Lin Chuan to be the team leader in the factory.

Now, taking advantage of the wind of workers' strikes, he has returned to the management again.

It seems that this woman's methods are indeed very unusual.

Especially Zou Shumin, who didn't even give a round of applause.

I hate it even more deeply.

It was hard to drive this woman away from Lin Chuan's side, but she came back after a circle, what an unbeatable bitch.

Especially when she saw Yu Meiling's proud and excited smile, Zou Shumin said fiercely in her heart: "Let's make you proud first, let's see!"

At this time, Lin Chuan followed up: "In the end, this strike was deliberately fanned, although all the workers were fooled into participating in the strike,

But most of the workers just follow the crowd to join in the fun, but there are also a small number of workers who follow those people to incite the strike.

My company will never keep such people. For the human resources department, you should dismiss all these people, and when recruiting workers in the future, be sure to say hello to the details of the workers.

Don't be in such a situation, this is also my last chance for you, I can't waste time on the management details of these departments every day! "

Cao Shanchen made a statement immediately.

"I know what to do with Mr. Lin. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely seize this opportunity!"

Lin Chuan just nodded slightly.

He followed up: "Everyone must be clear, we are a private enterprise, and we are not eating from a big pot, everyone must understand this, and I will not continue to say,

The dismissed workers should recruit new workers as soon as possible to replace them. I have nothing to say. Everyone should do what they do! "

After the meeting, Lin Chuan returned to the office, checked the date and time, and then called Shang Jiaxiu to call Xi Xiaolei into the office.

"Xiaolei, activate your network, I want the details of Chang Yongchi!"

Speaking of this, Xi Xiaolei suddenly thought of a person.

"Mr. Lin, I think I should introduce this person to you!"

In the evening, in the box of the Huishi Hotel, there were Lin Chuan, Xi Xiaolei, and a very calm and sophisticated man in his thirties sitting on both sides of a table of sumptuous banquets.

Lin Chuan's impression of this person is not bad, at least not a person who is willing to talk nonsense.

Under the introduction of Xi Xiaolei, this person's name is Sheng Ye, and he is also the owner of a small company.

And his company is not a product, not even a fixed office location.

The main business is private business.

And in Hui City, no one has heard the name of Sheng Ye at all.

But everyone who worked with him was impressed.

Not even he can invite anyone to dinner, it depends first on his mood, and second on the strength of the other party.

Lin Chuan definitely has the strength to let him eat this meal.

So Sheng Ye respected Lin Chuan and said, "It's my honor that Mr. Lin can invite me to dinner, and Mr. Lin must have some problems to solve, right?"

He is so direct, and Lin Chuan doesn't cut corners.

"I need all the information of Chang Yongchi, the general manager of Shenggu Group Huishi Branch, including the people closest to him and everything about his investment projects!"

Sheng Ye nodded slightly and said slowly: "Shenggu Group is a large group company. This time it may be a little difficult, but it is not impossible, or the cost is relatively high!"

You can mention anything to Lin Chuan, even if you don't mention money, it would be a waste of his time.

So Lin Chuan smiled indifferently: "There is no need to ask about the cost, as long as you can give me something wonderful, I will also give you a wonderful reward!"

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