My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 341 This Is A Good Opportunity

Lin Chuan felt that Sheng Ye was very happy, and Sheng Ye also felt that Lin Chuan also fit his temper.

In interpersonal communication, there is no need to care too much about the understanding of language.

Especially Lin Chuan and Sheng Ye are very profound people.

It is impossible to get to know each other from a meal or a meeting.

Even so, the two had a good time talking.

It turns out that Xi Xiaolei met Sheng Ye through Fangyuan, the owner of the teahouse.

Although Xi Xiaolei seldom goes to those so-called celebrity parties, she could not resist Fangyuan's invitation.

After all, Xi Xiaolei is a real social celebrity and an advertising star. She supports herself and her face is bright.

It was also at the celebrity tea party organized by Fangyuan that Sheng Ye met.

I also learned about Sheng Ye's occupation from Fangyuan, so I left a phone call, always feeling that I can use this person in the future.

It was indeed used this time.

Sheng Ye is especially attentive to collect everything about Chang Yongchi for Lin Chuan.

Back at home, Lin Chuan looked at the table full of his favorite dishes, and Qin Mengying's busy figure.

Lin Chuan cried and laughed.

Seeing his strange expression, Qin Mengying frowned and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you? What expression are you?"

While rubbing his stomach, Lin Chuan said helplessly, "I knew you had made so much delicious food, so I wouldn't eat out anymore. How can I still eat it? I'm in a hurry!"

It turned out to be because of this, Qin Mengying smiled angrily and said, "I thought you had a stomach ache, just eat it, I'll make it for you tomorrow, what's the point, it's just a bit of a waste!"

Even Lin Chuan felt it was a bit of a waste. The table full of chicken, duck and fish would cost ten yuan or eight yuan at least.

In the past when they were poor, these dishes could not even be eaten during the Chinese New Year.

And now Lin Wanyu and Lin Xiaozhou are actually picky eaters.

Especially Lin Wanyu, a big piece of meat, just a little fat, was thrown on the table.

Lin Xiaozhou was even more reluctant to eat rice, so he could only take a bite of it.

In response, Lin Chuan didn't say anything, just picked up the chopsticks and put the piece of meat in his mouth and ate it.

While eating, Lin Chuan said very seriously: "You have forgotten what we ate when our family was in trouble, right? Not to mention eating meat at that time, even eating a full stomach was not easy.

Don't even eat meat now? Do you think that we are living a good life now, and we can eat the big fish and meat every day as we want, and just throw it away if we don’t want to eat it? "

Lin Wanyu also knew that she shouldn't be like this, so she lowered her head.

Lin Chuan followed up: "Wanyu, my father will leave you all the best things, but he must not train you to be a person who likes to be extravagant and wasteful and doesn't know how to cherish food.

You can eat lean meat if you don’t want to eat it, but you can’t throw it all away. What you can eat now is something that most people can’t afford.

You must know that although we are rich people who do not worry about food and drink, we also need to know diligence and thrift.

Is it true that some people can’t even pay for the meals in the school cafeteria, so they can only bring meals from home, and some don’t even have meals, so they can only go to school hungry every day?

Are there still classmates who can't even afford a pen and a book or even a schoolbag? Do you think you are very happy compared to them? "

Lin Wanyu nodded, pouted and said, "Dad, I know I'm wrong, I won't waste food anymore!"

It is good for children to know when they are wrong.

After all, she is a girl. As the saying goes, the rich raises the daughter and the poor raises the man.

Just don't waste it.

But Lin Chuan looked at Lin Xiaozhou angrily, and said angrily, "What are you looking at? You said that your sister didn't say you were or that you didn't want to eat, so don't eat in the future,

You think you are my son, you can do whatever you want, I can break your legs, what are you looking at? you feed me! "

Lin Xiaozhou was so frightened that he hurriedly picked up his rice bowl and devoured it.

Qin Mengying couldn't help crying and laughing.

Lin Chuan also encouraged: "Yes, eat like this, this is my son, eat hard, beat people hard, pretend to be steady!"

She couldn't take it anymore when she was angry with Qin Mengying, so she pushed Lin Chuan hard.

This family is happy.

In the dark office of Shenggu Group branch, Chang Yongchi stared coldly at Du Yucong.

"You still have the face to see me? Who promised me that Lin Chuan would suffer heavy losses? As a result, the strikes you fanned didn't last for an hour,

Also let Lin Chuan know your identity, what do you want to say to me now? "

Du Yucong felt that he could never do it in vain.

He said with a heavy face: "Manager Chang, this strike failed, someone betrayed us, but I know that Manager Chang certainly can't let us people contribute in vain,

After all, we did it too, so, I want to get back the reward that belongs to us, even if I don't want it, I can't let my brothers do it for nothing! "

However, Chang Yongchi sneered, his gloomy eyes filled with murderous intent.

Even more viciously said: "I still let you live, which is the reward for you, now you get out of me immediately, don't let me see you!"

Du Yucong was full of anger, but Chang Yongchi didn't pay him, and he couldn't say anything else.

Who is called the boss? They are rich.

So Du Yucong squinted the corners of his eyes coldly, and left the office very unhappy.

Chang Yongchi didn't believe that anyone would betray Du Yucong.

In the final analysis, it is Du Yucong's waste. If he has any ability, how can this strike fail.

At the same time, Chang Yongchi also thinks that Lin Chuan's life is really good enough, and he can't hold him after several times.

It seems to have to think of another way.

In the office of the Guardian branch, Master Shi Mo slowly put down the newspaper and smiled indifferently: "I think Chang Yongchi is a little too anxious to do this,

He is directly damaging Lin Chuan's interests, Lin Chuan will definitely not let him go! "

Gao Huayuan said very happily: "Isn't this just a chance for us to deal with Lin Chuan? We can join forces with Chang Yongchi to deal with him!"

However, when the words fell, Su Shimo just laughed.

Then he said slowly: "Do you know why you always lose to Lin Chuan, it's because you are short-sighted and one-sided in thinking.

Now that we join forces with Sheng Gu, we can only defend Lin Chuan with them. Do you think we are busy now and take the initiative to help others?

Our goal to win is not only to make Lin Chuan compromise, if even Shenggu Group is killed together, then it will be a real win, so we not only do not help Shenggu, but also join forces with Lin Chuan,

This is a good opportunity to suppress Chang Yongchi, don't you see it? "

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