My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 402: Consuming Resources

Lin Chuan, who returned to the company, immediately called Mo, the master of the Guardian branch.

Su Shimo felt inexplicably nervous when he heard Lin Chuan's voice now.

I always feel that every sentence and every word of Lin Chuan is a pit, and he will fall into that pit before he knows it and struggle.

Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said, "Hello Manager Su, I'm calling you to tell you about the nightclub we're cooperating with. I already have a good idea here.

If you don't have any opinions, we can do it anytime! "

Su Shimo nodded, trying his best to conceal his inner beating with a calm tone.

He smiled slowly: "That's great, I've been waiting for news from Mr. Lin these days. We've also called Mr. Ying several times. He is looking forward to cooperating with you!"

Lin Chuan also heard what Su Shimo meant.

I just wanted him to tell Ying Jiade directly that at the level of his former teacher, Mo, he seemed unable to cope with his Lin Chuan-level business cooperation plan.

But Lin Chuan didn't tell Ying Jiade, but smiled: "Then you can tell Mr. Ying that our cooperation can start immediately, but before that, you may need to do some preparatory work.

The place I am optimistic about is the five-story guest house opposite the textile wholesale market, because it is a subordinate enterprise of the management department. Your Guardian company often deals with the management department.

They are also very familiar with each other's business, so you will run the hostel and let them move out. After that, we will discuss the detailed cooperation! "

The hostess knew that Lin Chuan was not so easy to cooperate with them happily.

But he couldn't decide these things, he could only smile happily: "President Lin's request is nothing, but I'm just a manager of a branch company,

I have to ask Mr. Ying about this important decision. I will communicate with Mr. Lin as soon as there is news! "

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news!"

The phone hangs up, happy and sad at the same time.

Lin Chuan is very happy because Guardian is stepping into his layout step by step.

The worry is that the teacher Mo, he doesn't know how to say this to Ying Jiade.

But he could only call Ying Jiade and tell him Lin Chuan's request.

The wily Ying Jiade didn't immediately say his decision, he had to listen to Ai Nan's thoughts first.

After Ai Nan heard it, he sneered and folded his arms, and said slowly: "Before we officially start cooperation, he will treat us as his working boys first.

It seems that this is a very reasonable request, but in fact, Lin Chuan is using the resources of our Guardian company. If he agrees to this request,

After that, there will be various requirements. It is very likely that in order to start a small nightclub, we need to catch up with the resources of a large enterprise.

This is a loss-making business. My opinion is that I cannot agree. We must not open the door for him and let him use our capital unscrupulously! "

Ying Jiade gently placed his priceless gold pen in the pen holder.

His desk is full of valuable things, and even the notebook he uses is specially made to order.

Therefore, the wealth he possesses is completely worthy of his unscrupulous protection.

"What you said is very reasonable, but we rejected Lin Chuan's request. He will 100% cancel the cooperation plan as an excuse. My idea is to agree to him.

But the premise is that we also have our conditions. Now we can help him win the hostel, but he will have to pay for the later expenses, we only need the shares! "

Ai Nan nodded in agreement, this is the best way.

The news came to Lin Chuan very quickly.

Lin Chuan just smiled coldly, thinking that Ying Jiade was a little smart.

Knowing that he wanted to spend his vast resources with a small nightclub.

But Ying Jiade is right to think so.

In order to let Ying Jiade enter the game, he must be confident that he can think of everything and see through everything.

Only in this way can he ignore more and more important aspects.

So Lin Chuan's answer to Su Shimo was that he disagreed.

"The land is mine, the capital investment is mine, and the management is mine, and you are just relocating the guest house and moving, which is not sincere in cooperation at all.

Since you Guardian Company said that you sincerely want to cooperate with me, then let me see your sincerity. I made it very clear when I talked to you, Ying.

Our cooperation is for each other's interests, not to undermine each other's interests. If we have not started cooperation, we will do this. What is the meaning of cooperation?

My idea is very simple. After the hostel is moved, you will pay for the renovation and renovation of the nightclub. After that, I will pay for the management and personnel, and then we each share 50% of the profit.

If we agree, we will do it, if we do not agree, we will do it, nothing! "

When Shi Shimo heard this, he couldn't help but feel irritable in his heart, and said coldly: "Mr. Lin, then you have to be sincere, you are just making a piece of land, and then we will take care of everything else.

Do you think this is really a fair cooperation as you say? Our Guardian company has always been sincere in cooperating with you in projects, but are your conditions a bit too harsh? "

Lin Chuan immediately smiled disdainfully, confident and wise, and let him say confidently: "You should discuss this with the general manager, your level may not be the master,

By the way, I would like to say something to Mr. Ying. I think the coal trading company he mentioned before is still a bit interesting. It happens that my coal mine is going to increase production recently, and the price may drop a little.

We can still consider this cooperation! "

After that, Lin Chuan hung up the phone.

Su Shimo squeezed his chin hard.

It feels like talking to Lin Chuan is like letting him talk nonstop for a year, and even my jaw feels sore.

And this Lin Chuan obviously had Ying Jiade's phone call, but he had to let him pass it on.

He couldn't save face and directly negotiated terms with Ying Jiade, and Ying Jiade didn't want to face Lin Chuan's pressure.

So inside and outside, he was tired of being alone.

The words had to be said, Su Shimo could only tell Ying Jiade what he meant.

Ying Jiade laughed heartily after hearing this.

"This Lin Chuan is really good enough, one fish is not enough to eat, he still wants a few more fish!"

Ai Nan shook his head and said coldly: "You see, Mr. Ying, he is using the project to consume our patience and resources. This is the south, and most of the coal in this market is for industrial use.

Although the profit of the coal trading market is relatively large, I always feel that Lin Chuan is unlikely to give us such a happy profit! "

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