Ying Jiade also has his own considerations.

Although Lin Chuan is smart, and his management skills are also very good, we can definitely say that he is a particularly accomplished entrepreneur.

It's just that this person also has his own shortcomings, that is, he cares too much about interests and is too greedy for cheap.

This is a fatal flaw for a businessman.

It is understandable to want to make money, but if you want to make money too much and do not use any means to make money, it goes against the concept of business development.

And that's where he can take advantage.

Thinking of this, Ying Jiade smiled indifferently: "But he must give us coal in order to get the benefits he wants.

If we just look at these as business, we can try it. This time we will take a step back and agree to his request.

I just wanted to see, what tricks could Lin Chuan play? "

Although Ai Nan was still a little hesitant, but after all, this company should be what Jiade said, and she could only choose to remain silent.

Lin Chuan is very happy now after the phone number from the hostess Mo called Lin Chuan.

This Ying Jiade was already walking towards his plan without hesitation, but he thought he had everything under control.

If such a person can become a successful entrepreneur, then everyone in this world can become an entrepreneur.

But now he is relaxed, someone contributes money to his nightclub, and he doesn't need to take care of the rest.

It's only interesting to buy and buy.

At the same time, Linghong also called Catherine.

Her first words were.

"When can I kill the bastard Lin Chuan happily? I'm on the verge of enduring now. It's very likely that at some point I won't be able to bear it anymore.

I will use my dagger to pierce his neck fiercely! "

Catherine sneered and said, "Don't forget your identity when you are at your best. You are still alive to talk to me now, thanks to Mr. Michael's gift.

Our goal is not to let Lin Chuan be killed by you, but to let you fully contact him and understand everything about him, this is your task,

If you can't even solve this, our organization will make your life worse than death. Now I just want to hear from you, what has Lin Chuan been doing these days? "

Linghong's face became extremely ugly under Catherine's reprimand.

But she couldn't resist at all, because her control was in Michael's hands.

After she reported all Lin Chuan's actions in the past few days, she followed up: "Now he doesn't doubt my identity, everything is under my control!"

Catherine said with a little satisfaction: "I need to remind you that you are still just a bodyguard by Lin Chuan's side, so you need to be able to control your emotions properly.

Because what Lin Chuan said is right, this is the East Country, you can't use your rude and reckless behavior to make Lin Chuan doubt your identity, thereby sabotaging Mr. Michael's plan,

All you have to do is to gain Lin Chuan's trust, go back to your mission now, and don't let me and Mr. Michael be disappointed in you! "

But she had already felt disappointed in Katherine and Michael.

Unfortunately, she can only endure to accept their orders, and continue to endure Lin Chuan here.

Day and night alternated, and soon came the next day.

The whole world is developing with the rotation of the earth.

For example, at this moment in country F, the weather commentator of TV news is saying with confidence: "The weather will continue to be good in the future, and it looks like this year will be a good year for wine making!"

Ridokson, sitting on a luxurious private yacht, took a sip of steaming coffee first.

Exquisite cups, as well as sterling silver tableware, all show luxury and splendor.

But even so, Ridokson's mood was particularly hesitant.

He still didn't understand, why did Lin Chuan let him buy so many seemingly useless things?

At this time, a middle-aged man in a decent suit came to the front, bent down and said, "Mr. Ridokson, we have fully purchased a large number of puree, alcohol,

There are also various red wines, which have now been sent to our warehouse, and even we have acquired several small wine cellars, which cost a total of more than 600 million yuan! "

Riddock tightened the collar of his nightgown, and the sea breeze was still cold.

Just like this 600 million fund, the coldness in his heart.

Although these 600 million funds are not all he has spent, for a capitalist, investing in a daze is the most frightening.

"Don't buy any more, these are enough!"

The voice fell, and a wave rolled the luxury yacht with violent ups and downs.

After Ridokson told the man to leave, he still called Lin Chuan.

At this time, it was midnight in the Eastern Kingdom.

Awakened by the phone ringing, Lin Chuan impatiently picked up the phone by the bedside.

"Mr. Lin Chuan, I'm sorry to call back so late, because I really don't understand, why do you want me to buy so much puree and alcohol,

And according to what you said, I bought almost all the puree and alcohol in country F, as well as all the red wine I could buy, which cost me hundreds of millions of dollars! "

Lin Chuan looked at the time sleepily, and said impatiently, "Mr. Ridokson, what I hate most is being disturbed by people to sleep.

Good sleep is very important to me. As for your worries, I can't give you any explanation. If you believe me, just wait quietly.

If you choose not to believe me, then you can do what you want now, and you don't need to tell me, now I want to sleep, and don't call me when I'm sleeping! "

After all, Lin Chuan hung up the phone directly, not wanting to talk nonsense with this Ridokson.

They don't believe him, they still need his opinions, they give them a chance to make money, and they still think they are playing tricks on them.

This is the face of capitalists.

Lin Chuan shook his head helplessly, put his arms around Qin Mengying's delicate body, and continued to sleep.

Eastern morning, Western night.

Ridokson, sitting on the yacht, felt the waves getting bigger and the wind stronger.

He can only choose to go back to his villa.

However, before returning to the villa, there was a violent storm in the sky.

Then came hail the size of eggs, and the smashed windows cracked.

Ridoksong rushed to the window with a shocked face and looked out. The road under the steps of the villa had become a fast-flowing river.

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