My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 67 Good Bricks Are Covered

Lin Chuan found that the red bricks used on the wall did not meet quality standards at all.

The drill bit cracked as soon as it was hit.

And those workers are working really hard.

Lin Chuan immediately asked the workers to call Zhao Nianshun.

Zhao Nianshun didn't know what happened, but when he saw Lin Chuan, he smiled politely and said, "Boss Lin, you're back from a business trip, how do you feel about the progress of the project?"

After all, Zhao Nianshun realized that Lin Chuan's face was a little wrong.

Looks very gloomy.

"What's the matter, Boss Lin, is there something you're not satisfied with?"

"Look at the quality of your project!"

Lin Chuan immediately picked up a brick and smashed it against the wall, which immediately cracked several red bricks.

Zhao Nianshun was also taken aback and hurriedly picked up the broken red brick on the ground. After a closer look, his expression changed instantly.

"Don't do it, let go of the work in your hand!"

The workers looked at each other in dismay, and the bustling construction site was instantly quiet.

Zhao Nianshun came to the pile of bricks again, picked up the hammer, and smashed more than a dozen bricks in a row, all of which were semi-hard bricks.

Lin Chuan also saw these bricks, but got even more angry.

"Nianshun, these red bricks are semi-finished bricks that have not been fired. How can they appear in my project? Such bricks cannot be used at all. Can you give me an explanation?"

Zhao Nianshun's face was like that red brick.

He didn't know how these bricks appeared here?

"Boss Lin, I asked people to buy these bricks from the brick factory. I'm also very angry when this happens. I'll call the brick buyer now and ask him how he bought the bricks!"

It was not too long. A man in his thirties with a smile on his face trotted all the way to the crowd.

"Brother Nian Shun, what's the matter, you're in such a hurry to call me?"

Zhao Nianshun suppressed the fire in his throat and asked coldly, "Hua Peng, let me ask you, which brick factory did you buy this brick from?"

"I just bought it at the Huishi Brick Factory. Is there anything wrong with it?"

Hua Peng was puzzled and looked at the red bricks.

Lin Chuan could tell from Hua Peng's eyes that he didn't even know that these bricks were semi-finished products.

But Zhao Nianshun can't do it anymore.

In a fit of anger, he snapped at Hua Peng's collar fiercely, and scolded his eyes angrily, "These are all semi-hard bricks, didn't you look at them when you bought them? I think you don't want to do it anymore. Bar!"

"What? Semi-hard bricks?"

Hua Peng was so frightened that his face seemed to have lost his bones, and he became pale in an instant.

Zhao Nian raised his hand happily and was about to fight.

Lin Chuan immediately stopped: "It's useless for you to hit him, let's think about how to solve the problem!"

If the adults can solve it, he has done it himself, and it is his turn to do it?

There are two reasons for this problem.

People deliberately dig holes.

The second is that someone is behind the scenes.

Now bricks are in short supply, and many projects have to be organized if they want to get bricks.

There is just such a brick factory in Hui City, and the speed of burning bricks can't keep up with the speed of using bricks, so they sold semi-hard bricks in order to make money.

As for someone behind the scenes, Lin Chuan can't think of anyone who would play tricks with him on the bricks.

So Lin Chuan planned to go to the brick factory to see the situation in person, and he knew it.

So Lin Chuan took Zhao Nianshun and went to the brick factory in the suburbs together.

The scale of the brick factory is very large, and it is also in the wind of economic development, so that their sails are also raised.

On average, there are 141 pulling bricks every minute, or tractors drive out of the brickyard.

Zhao Nianshun also knew a few people, including Lao Qin who was in charge of the brick movers.

This old Qin was in his fifties, with a chubby figure and his mouth turned upside down.

Zhao Nianshun took out a cigarette and lit one for Lao Qin.

Because of his fat stature, Lao Qin was gasping for breath, and he was a little polite to Zhao Nianshun.

"Old Zhao, I heard that you have contracted a big project. Now it's amazing!"

Zhao Nianshun looked at Lin Chuan's eyes.

At this time, Lin Chuan doesn't need to talk, he just needs to listen.

So he motioned Zhao Nianshun to continue.

So Zhao Nianshun said with a wry smile: "The project was packaged, but there is a problem now. The bricks I pulled from here are all half-hard, and they shattered when I knocked on it. What's going on?"

Not only was Lao Qin not surprised at all, but a disdainful smile appeared on his fat face.

Looking at his expression, he must know the inside story, but he doesn't want to say it.

It's clear that it's a benefit.

Zhao Nianshun saw that there was no one left and right, so he stuffed the whole pack of cigarettes into Lao Qin.

But Lao Qin smiled and said: "It's good if you can use semi-hard bricks, and some can't even buy semi-hard bricks. It's only because your father and the deputy factory director have been drinking before they are approved for you. of,

What, do you still want good bricks? "

Lin Chuan thinks this is irritating, but there must be something inside.

Zhao Nianshun said with a bitter expression: "Old Qin, this is not a good thing to say, how long have we known each other, and you still don't know me? Bring your family to earn some money and wrap up a project,

I usually pull bricks with you, but the benefits are not less than you. Isn't this tricking me? "

Lao Qin's face was also a little gloomy.

"Old Zhao, I don't want to listen to what you said. I'm just a brick watcher. I'll give you whatever bricks they ask me to give you. Do you think this is what I said?

Besides, now everyone wants good bricks, where can there be so many good bricks for you? These are semi-hard bricks behind me, and someone will pull them all away later,

Can a good brick be your turn? How much do you really think your dad's drink is worth? "

Just when Zhao Nianshun wanted to get angry, Lin Chuan laughed and said, "What Brother Qin said is not wrong at all, Lao Zhao, learn from Brother Qin, people can see through it, and say it through!"

Being held by Lin Chuan like this, Lao Qin became even more excited, and he said loudly, "Look at what this young man has to say!"

Lin Chuan laughed and said, "Brother Qin, in fact, Lao Zhao is also worried. For the sake of being good at ordinary times, give pointers!"

Lao Qin felt that Lin Chuan could talk and hold people together, and he was quite happy.

Immediately took a cigarette, looked left and right, and said in a low voice, "Young man, I only told you because I saw that you are a good person. In fact, no one is cheating on you, but the good bricks here are all sold by Kazo Construction Company. Pack it up!"

Lin Chuan frowned slightly and asked, "Which Kazo Construction Company?"

"Don't you know? It's the construction company that Wang Kaizhe works. He has a lot of money, so he started a hotel, and now he has contracted the construction of the Huishi Airport Terminal.

The whole project requires hundreds of millions of bricks, and the owner of the brick factory and Wang Kaizhe are kowtow brothers. He gave him all the good bricks, and it was not someone like Lao Zhao who took it.

Semi-hard bricks, in fact, can be used if you add two layers, just put more cement! "

When Lin Chuan heard this, the anger in his eyes erupted coldly.

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