Lin Chuan is angry, but anger doesn't solve anything at all.

It is even more impossible to ask Wang Kaizhe to share some of it with himself.

He would never ask for alms from Wang Kaizhe, and Wang Kaizhe was eager to see his jokes, and it was impossible to give him a good brick.

When he walked out of the brick factory, Zhao Nianshun was a little stuck in his heart, so he came up with an idea to ask the vice president of the brick factory.

Lin Chuan shook his head and smiled and said, "It's useless, our face is worthless in the eyes of others, it's better to ask others than ourselves, that's the best way to solve the problem!"

Having said that, Zhao Nianshun was afraid of delaying the project.

Then he said helplessly: "If you can't get good bricks, the project can't be carried out, so what should we do?"

"Then I'll build my own brick factory!"

Lin Chuan's tone was very firm.

This is what someone else forced him to do.

To develop your own business, you must remove all obstacles.

In this era, the production technology of brick factories is very backward, and all of them are made by hand.

Productivity is low and workers work extremely hard.

The brick factory behind it has continued from a handicraft workshop decades ago to the present.

There is almost no modern production equipment, all relying on labor.

The daily output is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Even so, it can still be dragged like 2.58 million.

They think that there will be no competitiveness, only his family, the only one.

He even thinks that there is only one brick factory in Huizhou, and he has to buy bricks from his family no matter what, so there is no need for innovation or the development of mechanized equipment.

Lin Chuan's vision is long-term and unique.

This is also a very good business opportunity.

At least in the next few decades, with the development of industry and society, the demand for various new bricks will remain high.

You don't even need to develop to other cities, as long as Hui City is enough to make money.

But what needs to be solved now is the project of the garment factory.

The construction of the brick factory is not so easy.

Site selection, workers, purchase of machinery and equipment, purchase of raw materials, and application for manufacturing licenses, etc.

A month at the earliest.

The garment factory has orders every day, but the current productivity, 24-hour production, is only one or two hundred pieces, which is far from enough.

There are countless phone calls every day to urge goods, and some of them are in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan asked indifferently, "Nianshun, how many bricks do you normally use per square meter?"

"Calculated by thickness, 72 pieces are needed!"

So 2,000 square meters is close to 150,000 bricks.

Lin Chuan nodded, then said, "You let the workers do other things first, and I'll take care of the rest!"

Although Zhao Nianshun agreed, he still felt very guilty.

He was afraid that Lin Chuan would be dissatisfied with his ability, so he said ashamedly: "Boss Lin, I'm really sorry, it's a shame this time!"

But Lin Chuan laughed and said: "It's nothing, it's normal, don't be stressed, just do the rest of the work well, hurry up and get busy!"

Zhao Nianshun was both grateful and moved.

If you change to another boss, you have been anxious with them for a long time, and you don't know what to say.

But Lin Chuan is always so generous, not only not angry but also encouraging and comforting him, where can I find such a good boss.

You must give him a good job in the following work to repay him.

Lin Chuan just returned to the office, and Xi Xiaolei came.

She originally wanted to explain to Lin Chuan that she was very disgusted when Wang Kaizhe came to him that day.

However, Lin Chuan is not in the mood to listen to this now. Instead, he asked directly: "You decided not to sit at the hotel?"

In Xi Xiaolei's beautiful eye sockets, there was a touch of unquestionable firmness.

She said slowly: "Yes, in fact, I don't want to be that vice president at all, because everything in the hotel is not like what Wang Kaizhe said!"

Lin Chuan smiled lightly and his breath was calm, which made Xi Xiaolei feel particularly relaxed.

He then said softly: "Okay, then from now on, you are the office director of the garment factory and the manager of the human resources department.

The monthly salary is 150, bonuses and benefits are calculated separately. I will ask Qin Mengying to arrange an office for you, go to work immediately, organize employee information immediately, and then manage it. Is there any problem? "

Xi Xiaolei was very surprised.

The smile on his face is like a blooming flower bud.

"Of course there is no problem, but if there is something you don't understand, you have to teach me!"

"Go to work first, and ask me if you don't understand anything!"

Lin Chuan didn't want to waste time, so he picked up the phone and called someone.

But Xi Xiaolei followed closely: "Lin Chuan, oh no, boss, if you let me work here, Wang Kaizhe will definitely be very angry, aren't you afraid?"

Lin Chuan sneered directly.

With disdain hanging from the corner of his mouth, he had already told Xi Xiaolei very clearly that he did not take Wang Kaizhe in his eyes at all.

He said coldly: "He doesn't even count as a fart. It's not his turn to master this world. You can do what you want, you don't need to care about him!"

Xi Xiaolei was excited by Lin Chuan's domineering.

This feeling is really great.

She got up immediately and smiled sincerely: "Okay boss, from now on, I will be yours, thank you!"

After saying that, Xi Xiaolei turned around and left.

Lin Chuan grinned, what do you call his people?

Fortunately, Qin Mengying didn't hear what she said.

But Wang Kizhe should be heard.

Good anger, this is pretending.

Lin Chuan snorted coldly.

Xi Xiaolei also felt that he was afraid of Wang Kaizhe.

There is nothing to be afraid of now, the competition has begun, and Wang Kaizhe's influence on his interests must be eliminated.

Nothing else to say.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan picked up the phone and called Meng Yuelin directly.

When the call was connected, Meng Yuelin smiled and said, "Oh, Boss Lin, why are you free to call me?"

"Call Xiao Wen, let's have dinner together at noon, I'll treat you!"

"It's a deal, I have to eat you a good meal today, you wait for me!" Meng Yuelin joked unceremoniously at all.

"The cyclamen restaurant, 11 o'clock!"

After saying that, Lin Chuan hung up the phone.

Whether it is Meng Yuelin or Xiao Wen, if there is one who can help him get 150,000 bricks, this meal is not free.

In the blink of an eye, at noon, the cyclists came to the restaurant, and the three met on time.

After two rounds of eating and drinking, Lin Chuan turned to the topic.

"Two sisters, my brother is in trouble, and I want to ask the two sisters for a little help!"

Xiao Wen thought that Lin Chuan was short of money, so she said carelessly: "Our relationship, we still need to ask for it? Do we need money? Yuelin, isn't your uncle in the financial port?

How much does Kawako use, can you just say hello? "

Meng Yuelin took it seriously, so she smiled and said, "Small idea, Chuanzi, how much do you want to use?"

Lin Chuan both laughed.

These two sisters are real.

He immediately said, "It's not that I'm short of money, it's that I have money that I can't spend. I want to expand the factory now, and I need 150,000 good bricks. Now I can't get through. I want to ask the two sisters to think about it!"

However, as soon as the words came out, Meng Yuelin and Xiao Wen were stunned.

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