Xi Xiaolei is very Wang Kaizhe's personality.

He will do it when he says it.

Xi Xiaolei will never allow Wang Kaizhe to hurt Lin Chuan for her sake.

"Wang Kaizhe, listen to me, if you dare to touch Lin Chuan, I will never forgive you in my life!"

However, her words had no effect in the face of Wang Kaizhe, who was full of anger.

Instead, he got into his Mercedes-Benz and let the tires rub against the ground making a harsh whistle to express his determination to engage Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan also drove his light truck to the door at this time.

Seeing the cold anger on Xi Xiaolei's face, she knew that she must have completely quarreled with Wang Kaizhe.

Instead, he smiled and said, "Would you like to take my big card for a spin?"

The haze in Xi Xiaolei's heart was also swept away in Lin Chuan's smile like sunshine.

The wind was blowing, and the scenery fluttered.

Lin Chuan also said briskly: "You don't need to care about what a person says or does to you, there are many factors that govern a person, in addition to the brain, and personality,

For example, calmness, impulsiveness, arrogance and inferiority, Wang Kaizhe is a double face, in front of others, he is a proud rich man, but in front of you, he is a man with inferiority complex,

Inferiority makes him crazy, and his words or actions are like a madman. For such a person, you just need to ignore it! "

Xi Xiaolei found that Lin Chuan spoke with a philosophical meaning.

In those days, no one could have such profound emotional insights.

Therefore, Xi Xiaolei's eyes also showed more worship.

"You're right, Wang Kaizhe is a lunatic. He always thinks that you dug me into a garment factory, and he doesn't want you to continue to be the boss. It's unreasonable!"

Lin Chuan laughed and said, "Can you imagine how angry he was at that time? This fully proves how narrow-minded this person is.

The most fearful thing in business is not competition, but one's own heart. People who can't tolerate the slightest violation are precisely the lack of character. After all, such people can't have much development! "

The two chatted and laughed and came to the suburbs of Nancheng.

Xi Xiaolei went to talk to Lin Chuan, only to find that they had come to a suburb with no people and grass everywhere.

"Why are we here?" Xi Xiaolei followed Lin Chuan into a meadow.

"I want to build a brick factory here!"

As he spoke, Lin Chuan reached out and grabbed a handful of clay and rubbed it carefully.

The clay here is very suitable for making bricks, and brick factories are built here without any problems.

"Why do you want to open a brick factory? How good is the clothing factory now?"

After all, Xi Xiaolei still couldn't consider the level that Lin Chuan could see.

So Lin Chuan laughed, patted the soil in his hand, and said calmly: "Not only a brick factory, but in the future I will also open a cement factory, a machine manufacturing factory, as well as catering, entertainment, shopping, import and export trade, terminal industry chain, etc. ,

The clothing factory is just starting, and the real development is behind it! "

Xi Xiaolei stared at Lin Chuan's arrogant back, and her blood was surging.

The most charming thing about a man is not how much money he has or how expensive clothes he wears, but the lofty ideals and aspirations in his heart.

Lin Chuan's goal may seem out of reach, but Xi Xiaolei believes that Lin Chuan will be able to achieve it.

Because the man she likes in her heart can't be wrong.

And the Wang Kaizhe, who she didn't like, was taking revenge on Lin Chuan at this time.

He found his right-hand man, Du Congchao, and poured his resentment towards Lin Chuan into Du Congchao's ears.

Although Du Congchao is only thirty years old, his composure and sophistication are completely inconsistent with his age.

In Wang Kaizhe's angry complaints, Du Congchao has clearly understood what he wants from Wang Kaizhe?

It's nothing more than Xi Xiaolei's feelings and the closure of Lin Chuan's garment factory.

After Wang Kaizhe's voice was hoarse, Du Congchao smiled indifferently: "Why does President Wang get so angry? Then Lin Chuan is just a small boss of a garment factory.

It's not worth you to be angry with him. Now that you are so busy with projects, just leave Lin Chuan to me. In ten days, I will close his garment factory! "

Wang Kaizhe said with satisfaction: "Old Du, you can always think of my heart, and the dead tailor will be handed over to you. I want him to know that he can't bear the anger of my Wang Kaizhe!"

Du Congchao's thin face also wiped the slightest smirk.

At this moment, Lin Chuan has come to the management department.

Gao Yang smiled when he saw Lin Chuan.

In his eyes, Lin Chuan is the God of Wealth.

The last four hundred acres of land gave him half a year's bonus.

Lin Chuan sat down and the tea was served.

"Boss Lin, do you want to wrap up the land again?"

"You're almost catching up with the roundworms in my stomach. Can you guess what I'm having for lunch?"

Gao Yang has a refreshing personality and can make jokes.

So he not only didn't get angry, but smiled: "Whatever you eat is also a Baba in the end, you can say that this time you are optimistic about that piece of land again?"

Lin Chuan took a sip of tea and said slowly: "From the suburbs of the south of the city to the land in Sandaohe!"

Gao Yang immediately opened the map and looked at the future development plan carefully.

"That piece of land has a total of 60 mu. It is not in the planning and can be contracted. I am surprised. 400 mu of land is not enough for you? Why do you want the 60 mu of land?"

"If you want to get a brick factory, you can only be busy in the suburbs. Can you approve it? Now I can pay, or the old rules, 50-year contract period!"

When talking, Lin Chuan put 51,000 yuan in front of Gao Yang.

Gao Yang wished the land was contracted out.

It is a suburb itself, because the soil quality is not good, and agriculture cannot be developed, and it is still far from the urban area.

Gao Yang was not in a hurry to agree to Lin Chuan, instead he pointed to a piece of land next to 60 mu with an area of ​​nearly 500 mu, and said with a smile: "How can you use 60 mu of land, you can also contract this 500 mu of land together. !"

Lin Chuan's eyes flashed.

He had no intention of contracting the land, but looking at Gao Yang's intention, it seemed that he had to contract it.

So Lin Chuan immediately shook his head and said, "I want to pack, but I don't have that much money. I can't afford it. If you can give me something cheaper, I can consider it!"

He thought that Gao Yang would refuse, but he smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll ask Mr. Sheng for instructions, and I'll definitely give you a satisfactory price!"

After that, Gao Yang immediately took the map to Sheng Xuehong's office.

Sheng Xuehong was smoking a pipe and looking at the map while listening.

After Gao Yang finished speaking, Sheng Xuehong said suspiciously: "Is he Lin Chuan a fool? With such a piece of land that can't reach the village and the store?

It's impossible for the city to develop here in a hundred years, and even agriculture can't develop. This is a piece of waste land, and he wants to wrap it up? Is he heartless? "

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