My Daughter Unplugged My Oxygen Tube

Chapter 92 Another Big Business

"Now it's all about ordering dresses and business clothes. The phone is about to explode. Business clothes are fine, but we only have two dresses in total!"

Lin Chuan put down the needle and thread in his hand, but smiled indifferently: "Now production is too late, and the tighter the market is, the better, you don't have to worry about this,

That is, other garment factories can't produce even if they want to, so they can only watch in a hurry! "

The reason why he is so confident is entirely because of the dip-dyeing technique of the fabric.

Because the color of the fabrics he produces is very natural, and the textile technology is also very complicated. Although other textile factories can also produce colored fabrics, the color is far worse.

Even Xie Hongchen of Huishi Textile Factory felt that the color of the dress fabric in the advertisement was particularly good.

It made him angry with the technical department.

"Look at the color of the dyed fabrics, it's fashionable and good-looking, and naturally bright, look at the thing you made, what is it called, it looks colorful, and the color fades after washing,

Today I'll put the words here for you. As soon as this advertisement appears, the same fabric will definitely be very popular. I don't care what method you use, I will immediately develop this dip-dyeing technology for me! "

Lin Chuan didn't hear this, or he would have burst out laughing.

The dip-dyeing technique he used was developed after more than 40 years. In his previous life, he invested up to 700 million yuan to develop this technique, and it took him two full years to develop it successfully.

Was that something that Xie Hongchen could develop in one sentence?

Of course, some chemical elements can only be used as substitutes. After all, the development of chemical elements in this era has not yet reached that level.

Many of these elements need to be extracted from plants.

But it's not difficult. Lin Chuan has already made a plan, and it's not too late to start working on the coal mine in Jinjia Village.

Therefore, he still said calmly and confidently: "I have already asked Master Chang to transport the fabrics. Today, I will pour out a production line, specializing in the production of dresses!"

Qin Mengying was thinking about the price.

"How much do we sell that dress, I just know the cost of a dress is 15 yuan!"

"Sell 169 pieces!"

Qin Mengying was frightened by the price on the spot.

Profits more than doubled 11 times.

Ordinary workers need to save for three or four months without eating or drinking before they can buy one.

More people can't afford to wear it at all.

"Are you sure you really want to sell this price?"

Lin Chuan's eyes were very firm, and he didn't waver in the slightest.

"I spent millions of dollars on advertising. If this is all included, the cost is not 15 yuan, and what I want to create is a luxury that only some people can wear.

It is not an ordinary item that anyone can wear like nine-point pants. This is also for our brand group. The dress is aimed at knowledgeable and successful women.

Not even the aunt who sells pork in the market can wear it. Some people who are not in good shape wear it, that is, it is ruining our brand image.

But you don't have to think that 169 has fewer people buying it. After all the TV stations have put out advertisements today, I estimate that I will add dozens more production lines! "

After listening to Lin Chuan's analysis, Qin Mengying understood the reason.

It turned out that the clothes and the brand image have never been thought of.

At the same time, at Yuan Hedong's house, Yuan Hedong felt a little uneasy for the first time.

Song Hua was saying at this time: "The business of the garment factory is very hot, especially last night, they also broadcast such an advertisement, and now they are queuing up to buy, order,

In this way, the fabrics produced by textile factories are indeed not enough for clothing factories! "

Yuan Hedong immediately got up and paced back and forth, feeling particularly depressed.

The garment factory drives the textile factory, not only does not lose money, but also maximizes the benefits.

In this way, the textile factory only needs to meet the needs of the garment factory, and there is no need for other customers at all.

Yuan and Dong felt angrier the more they thought about it.

Lin Chuan's industry chain is really good.

This person does have two brushes. If he is allowed to control the textile factory all the time, Yuan and Dong will never expect to get a little cheaper in this life.

Thinking of this, he turned around abruptly, and said coldly: "Go find a reliable and good-natured person, go to the textile factory to contact Yuan Meiqing, and buy the fabrics they produce no matter what.

As long as there is no fabric, Lin Chuan's garment factory will never try to produce anything. At that time, we can also sell the purchased fabric to him at a high price! "

Song Hua felt that Yuan Hedong's trick was really too much.

But he still had some doubts in his heart.

"Mr. Yuan, Yuan Meiqing is now obedient to Lin Chuan. Maybe without Lin Chuan's nod, she could not have sold us fabrics!"

Yuan Hedong sneered and said, "There is no solid alliance in this world. We only need to provoke the mutual trust between Yuan Meiqing and Lin Chuan, and we will naturally gain benefits!"

Song Hua laughed out loud.

"Mr. Yuan, you are really amazing. I will arrange a person with good eloquence and start contacting Yuan Meiqing immediately!"

Yuan Hedong himself felt that he was very powerful.

Compared with his old fox, Lin Chuan is really a little tender.

At this moment, the garment factory.

Several men with southern accents came to the sales department.

Lin Chuan happened to tell Yu Meiling about accepting orders in the sales department. Seeing a few people, Yu Meiling said politely, "Hello, what's the matter with you?"

A scrawny middle-aged man in the lead said with a smile: "Hello, my name is Sheng Yiheng, we are from the largest wholesale market in Southern Capital, and we are very optimistic about the professional clothes produced by your factory.

I want to take advantage of this opportunity to come to Hui City and bring a group back! "

Yu Meiling was very happy to see the business come to her door.

But Lin Chuan doesn't think so.

The development of the textile industry in Nandu is at least 5 years ahead of Hui City.

Moreover, the development of fashion over there is even more blooming. Although they are not as good as their own in terms of design, they can completely imitate them. There is no need to take the goods here and sell them in the south.

Lin Chuan didn't speak, and continued to look down at the order, pricked up his ears and continued to listen.

When Yu Meiling asked how much they needed, Sheng Yiheng also discussed with a few people.

Then he said, "Because the distance is relatively long and the shipping fee is relatively high, if you take less, you won't make any money, so each of us intends to take 2,000 pieces, and the five of us have a total of 10,000 pieces!"

Another big order of tens of thousands, Yu Meiling didn't want to see the scene like last time, so she turned to look at Lin Chuan.

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