Lin Chuan's eyes were very indifferent. To him, an order of tens of thousands of pieces was nothing more than a trivial matter.

But what he has to determine now is whether these people really want to wholesale or play with him here.

So he asked with a smile, "Nandu Wholesale Market, on which floor do you sell goods?"

Sheng Yiheng was stunned for a moment. He was not from the wholesale market at all, but he had also been to that market.

Then he said calmly: "I specialize in wholesale women's clothing on the second floor!"

Lin Chuan smiled and said, "Second floor? Then do you know someone named Ah Hua, who also sells women's clothing on the second floor. We are very close!"

What Ava? Don't know at all.

Even if there is this person, it is impossible for people to know him.

But Sheng Yiheng still smiled and said, "I know, we often drink tea together!"

Lin Chuan laughed heartily.

There is no such person as Ah Hua at all, he is just talking nonsense.

Now it is basically certain that they are here to pretend.

So Lin Chuan laughed and said, "If that's the case, let's talk about it, when are you going to get this batch of goods?"

Sheng Yiheng was also very nervous in his heart, but fortunately he was fooling around.

He also said easily: "That's it, our business is very busy, it is best to get the goods in a few days, and then we will take the goods back to the south together!"

Lin Chuan understood as soon as he heard it.

These people are with that Sun Tumeng.

They want to take the supply and take away a week's production.

At that time, Sun Tumeng will not be able to supply goods, and he will have to pay him liquidated damages.

And people like Sheng Yiheng really thought he was greedy for this cheap.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan smiled indifferently and said, "It can't be produced these days. Have you seen the order in my hand? It's half a foot thick, and it can't be made!"

Sheng Yiheng was anxious. If he couldn't get this batch of goods, he wouldn't be able to get the benefits.

So he put on his face and pleaded: "Think about it, manager, otherwise the price we give is a little higher, and we can cooperate more often in the future.

You also know that Nandu Wholesale Market is the largest textile wholesale market in the country. There is absolutely no problem in buying and selling, and there is no problem with money! "

It is indeed very large, but after many years, it has not been acquired by itself.

But now Lin Chuan shook his head helplessly and said: "I really can't think of a good way, unless it is to ask the workers to speed up production, but it will take half a month to get the goods.

And the overtime pay for the workers has to be paid by you. You should discuss it yourself! "

Several people discussed it carefully, but in the end they were still undecided.

After all, the good time with Sun Tumeng was a week, and now it has become half a month, and they can't be the master.

Sheng Yiheng immediately said to Lin Chuan: "Half a month is really a long time, so let's go back and study it!"

"Then don't send it!"

Lin Chuan glanced at them disdainfully, and felt amused in his heart.

Wang Kaizhe is really a national shaker for his clothing factory.

Now I just don't have the time to deal with him, and I will deal with him after the coal mine is settled.

When she left, she also specially told Yu Meiling to remember these southerners, their business was nothing to do.

At the same time, textile mills.

A man in his thirties, standing tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, walked in front of the doorman.

"Hello, my name is Fu Xinan, I would like to see your factory manager order a batch of fabrics!"

The doorman saw that he was polite and nice, and immediately opened the door.

Yuan Meiqing was in the workshop, learning to debug the spinning machine with skilled workers, and the secretary brought Fu Xinan behind her.

After the introduction, Fu Xinan's eyes became more surprised, and said: "It turns out that the director of Meiqing Textile Factory is so young and beautiful, this really makes me feel extremely surprised!"

It is women who like to hear some compliments, especially Yuan Meiqing, who is in her twenties, with the character of a girl.

Coupled with Fu Xinan's handsome appearance, it made her feel a little light and airy.

Even the smile had a hint of shyness.

"Boss Fu, are you here to order fabrics?"

When Fu Xinan saw Yuan Meiqing's budding smile, she knew that she took advantage of it very much.

It seemed that Song Hua was right, she was nothing more than an ignorant girl.

The more so, the better.

So Fu Xinan immediately made a head-shaking gesture that was iconic of that era, followed with a smile and said, "Yes, I also opened a clothing factory in Wei City, and I used to get fabrics from Xie Hongchen's textile factory.

But I despise Xie Hongchen very much. He doesn't let us take fabrics from your textile factory, and the price of his fabrics is still very high, and the quality is not very good.

What I hate most is bullying others. I would rather not cooperate with him than be led by him. A man who has no such character, what kind of man is he called?

Therefore, I will buy fabrics from you, and I will buy more, just to let him Xie Hongchen see, I am not afraid of him! "

Yuan Meiqing's eyes were full of approval.

She felt that Fu Xinan had said everything in her heart.

Sure enough, there are still many sensible people in this world.

But Yuan Meiqing suddenly remembered that Lin Chuan had said that the fabrics here can't be sold now, but she didn't want to lose a good customer like Fu Xinan.

After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "Then I'll take you to the warehouse to have a look!"

Fu Xinan's mouth curled into an imperceptible smile, and followed Yuan Meiqing to the warehouse.

When he saw the pile of fabrics, he frowned and said angrily: "Look at the fact that there are so many good fabrics here but they can't be sold, all of them are the ghosts of Xie Hongchen.

Others can't buy it if they want to, but he uses tricks to prevent others from buying it. I don't believe in this evil. I not only want to buy, but also buy more. Director Yuan, I want all the fabrics here! "

Yuan Meiqing was a little confused.

She immediately said helplessly: "No, I can't sell you all. Most of the fabrics here have been ordered to Mengying Garment Factory. I can only sell you a small part!"

Fu Xinan suddenly sighed.

He looked at Yuan Meiqing deeply, and said slowly, "I'll just call you Meiqing, it will be kinder, because not only do I want to cooperate with you, but I want to treat you as my friend.

I know your factory very well. I know that Lin Chuan is the shareholder of this textile factory, but I always feel that his shareholder doesn't want you to make money.

Of course, this is just my opinion, it doesn't mean it will be like this, if you don't like hearing it, then I won't say it! "

Yuan Meiqing really wanted to hear this, because she seemed to feel that Fu Xinan could make some sense.

Seeing that Yuan Meiqing did not refuse, Fu Xinan continued: "I think if he wants you to make money, these fabrics will not be piled up here. He uses your equipment, workers,

The fabrics produced are then sold as clothing, but he doesn't give you the money from the sale. In turn, you have to listen to his words and pile these good fabrics here. In my opinion, he is using you! "

Yuan Meiqing's brows were also slightly wrinkled, and she felt that this statement made some sense.

Looking at the time, Fu Xinan said, "Well, I'll treat you to dinner, let's talk slowly!"

Yuan Meiqing thought for a while, and nodded in agreement.

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