My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 160 - Angel

Clara's POV:

Since the day this girl showed up in my life, it's been never really the same. She always keeps messing with me even if when I am telling her to get away. At first, I thought...she was just playing with me like the other scoundrels, but... she keeps chasing after me even if I try her to shove away deliberately.

But I am way different from these humans since I am a werewolf... or to be precisely an abandoned werewolf. I...don't know from where I belonged since each and every past memory was erased.

But all I know, when I opened my eyes on a rainy murky day, I was lying down near a worn-down deserted warehouse, with a small backpack placed right beside me. I couldn't even remember how old am I since when I woke up, I found myself as a small girl. Inside the bag, I could find a few notes where it was mentioned my name was Clara and some other relevant information needed to survive in the filthy world.

With no memories and completely shallow from inside...I could precisely understand, somebody... abandoned me intentionally as if they tried to get rid of me somehow. All I could remember was that my powers weren't awakened but never had I imagined, I would be discarded away from my pack. I had thought, abandonment was a sin only humans could commit but I was wrong... Cruelty exists within animals too...


Since the day I was left all alone, somehow I tried to survive within that wrecked warehouse. There was some food and water left for me for a few days inside the bag which indicated that I would have to live on my own afterward. With no idea about how the human world works, I was thrown here like an abandoned mutt.


Mutt... That's the first term I was given by these filthy kids, which I disgust the most!

I tried to get into a school since all human kids do the same before growing up... but with no money and no status, none of the schools in Trastevere accepted me. Hopelessly, when I was turned down from this school too, it was Travis who first walked towards me with a ray of hope in my doomed life.

But I was wrong again... It was the shackles of tortures and bully that were tied on my feet as compensation for the tuition fee his father agreed to pay for me. This world had a harsh policy of give and take. I had to return the favor by becoming their amusement object keep surviving in this world.

It's not like I didn't try to get rid of all this harshness. I tried to kill myself plenty of times. Tried to jump from rooftop buildings, tried to starve myself to death... but deaths aren't easy for us. Helplessly swallowing my tears in, I accepted my bitter fate like a powerless creature desperately willing to survive here.

But everything shook up in my small world since the day Eva showed up! Not only following me inside almost around everywhere, but she also started chasing me after school!

From a few days, I was noticing it quite vividly after the school she keeps walking after me from a distance holding her deep silence. Even though I had tried several times to act much indifferent. Ignoring her I kept walking ahead with a thought that soon she would get tired of me and run away, but persistently without showing any sign of back off, she continued her chasing. 

"Hey!" Today, impertinently frowning my grimace, I stopped strolling and fiercely turned around towards her. She seemed startled with my sudden loud declaimation, and halted her motion fidgeting anxiously. 


"Why do you keep following me everyday?" I grumbled at her, looking very irked.

"Um... Th-This is the way I walk back home..." She murmured in a low, squirming voice.

"Lier! I saw you everyday retreating backwards after I step in my warehouse! Why are you doing all these? What do you take me for?" I was unable to suppress my grudge today and spat my fury over her. I was angry, frustrated with the world and all I could do was venting out my anger on her. 

"I...didn't mean to stalk you--"

"Do you pity me for having such a terrible life? You want to be my friend, seriously? Do you think lowly of me since I don't have anyone for me? Do you see the world with tinted roses around it, but can you even put yourself in my shoes and then bear my pain? Can you do it? No! You can't! You just put up a fake show of sympathy and that's what pissess me off the most! Why can't you bring out your vile side? Why are you kind to me?" Tears streamed down my eyes when I was yelling on her helplessly. Clenching my fist, I tried to avert my gaze away from her when I saw she was slowly walking towards me, lowering her eyes down.

"I am sorry, Clara. I...didn't meant to make you feel uncomfortable with my actions... I just...followed you everyday after the school since I was worried for you if Travis and his gang would bully you again. I...just wanted to be assured that you are safely reaching home..." She was fidgeting her fingers, sounding very perplexed.

"Why? Why do you bother to be worried about me? Why can't you ignore me like those bastards do? Why do you...always stand up for me? Why?" My tone was harsh while I was charging her. I was hurting her quite badly. I was well aware of it but I couldn't resist anymore since my emotional turbulence was out of control.

My tone was so severe that she her eyes were swelled up in tears, indicating that she was hurt by me. But still, she didn't run away and came closer to me, gripping one of my arm tightly in her hand.

"I really want to be your friend, Clara... I know the world is being harsh to you and I feel so angry that I can't stop them from picking on you. But, I don't want to leave you alone. I promise...I will become someone you can always rely on. I...I will be the best friend who will always have your back. Pl-Please... give me one chance. Please...don't chase me away anymore." Her deep big eyes were glistening in tears as she held my hand, pleading in a tender voice.

I was gawking at her being awe-struck at her actions. Even after I rebuked her harshly, she still wanted to stay with me! Besides...she had a strange sweet smell emitting out from her which I had never sniffed from any humans. I was curious and amazed with her kindness. After a long wait... I found someone who willingly wanted to stay with me.

For the first time someone held my hand so tenderly. She was warm as the coldness in my bruised heart was shaken up with her arrival. I became greedy, hoping for a bit of happiness in this world and it was the moment I knew, she was the only angel sent for me by the heavens above.

I wasn't alone anymore.

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