My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 161 - Awakening Of Power

Days were passing in much tranquility amidst the chaos since the new friendship bloomed between Clara and Eva. Both of them started to accompany one another almost everywhere finding solace in each other's presence. Though she was hesitant at first to trust a human but Eva was finally able to break through the closed door in her cold heart.

The ray of hope to take her out from the miserable hellish life that she had been desperately searching for finally came true when Eva walked into her solitary life. She wasn't empty anymore from inside. She even started to smile around her finally rejoicing her life leaving behind that desolated state.

Besides, Eva was becoming her strength when she finally mustered up her courage to disobey Travis and his ill-disposed commands. Even they were shocked to watch her growing all intrepid and it was all possible from the warmth and support she was receiving from Eva.

It was the recess period. Eva used to bring homemade lunch for her in the school since she had found out her habit of starving herself. Both of them would chit-chat about little things looking much gleesome around each other.

It was just an ordinary day like the other but little did Clara knew, it would be the turning point of her life.

The ginger head boastful girl who used to follow Travis all around entered the class holding a bin bag of trash and a wicked smile on her face. Sharply she took a glance at Clara who was eating together with Eva and devilishly walked closer to her.

From a distance, Eva noticed them progressing towards Clara haughtily and immediately assumed something horrible is gonna happen to her next. Shuddered in fear, she tried to stand up and stop them from approaching but in the flick of a second, that girl fiercely emptied the trash from the bag all over Clara, standing behind her.

"What the hell are you doing!" Eva screamed out aloud at them, rolling her pupils in awe watching her spattered with wastes from the sneaky attack. She couldn't even get to finish her food and covered in rubbish garbage, she sat there still, frowning her face in anger. 

They exploded out in crackles of victory especially the ginger head who was maliciously glaring at her from behind. Clenching her fist, she hit Clara on the back of her head and grumbled out her words, "serves you right, you piece of trash! How dare you try to disobey us, you dirty mutt! You should be always covered in garbage like this. I think we should make you our new trash can, doesn't it sound good?" 

"ENOUGH OF YOUR RUBBISH!" Fuming in rage, Eva roared at her and fiercely pushed that girl away from her, gritting her lower jowls. "How...How dare you throw garbage on Clara? What the hell you people think of yourself?" 

"You nasty bitch, how dare you to push me?" Scowling her oval face, she growled back at her pacing a step closer.

"Bitch? If I am a bitch then you all are a piece of rotten shit! You all deserve to rot in hell--"


A loud, fierce slapping sound reverberated inside the giant room causing a sharp echo. The girl violently slapped Eva right on her face in front of everyone causing a red painful hue on her soft cheeks. Clara immediately raised her chin up from the ground and abruptly stood up from the chair. Watching the burning redness on her cheek due to the tight slap, all of a sudden, a storm of fury started to rise in her heart. This kind of wrath, she had never sensed in her heart until now! Her whole body started to shiver in rage, making it difficult for her to stand still.

"You talk too much, bitch. This slap deserves you right. You are the one who is spoiling our mutt so much with your unnecessary pampering. I hope, this slap would remind you before you dare to object us again." Proclaiming in a boastful tone, the girl abruptly turned around holding a victorious grin on her face, intending to head out of the class. Eva was standing still, lowering her head down in shame and distress, holding her tears in.


Everyone in the room flinched quite hard with the sudden piercing shrill from Clara. She was glaring viciously at the ginger-head kid from behind while they were walking away. Halting at her loud summon, she took a haughty breath out and turned behind, smirking devilishly. 

"Wow, our mutt can scream aloud too! Nice." 

"HOW DARE... YOU HIT EVA!?" Rolling her wide brown eyes in wrath, she grumbled in a thrilling voice which even startled Eva who was standing right behind her. Quickly, she stepped closer and tried to grip her arm pulling her away from the chaos.

"Clara, don't worry I am really fine. Please don't involve with them anymore--"

"Ohhhh, so our mutt is angry with us. Yes, I have the guts to hit her, and I don't mind slapping her again if she runs her mouth too much." She crossed her arms, gallantly walking a step closer to her.

Burning in wrath, she shoved her arm away from Eva and intensely walked closer to her, piercing a fiery gaze deep down in her eyes. "Apologize." She roared in a low pitch.


"Apologize to Eva for what you did." She reciprocated again in that dark, atrocious manner swirling her pupils.

"Hahaha, what? Apologize? This mutt has gone crazy I guess, buhahaha!" She was crackling into laughter indicating her mockery towards her remark. 

"If you don't apologize...I will kill you..." Clenching her fist, she murmured her threat in a bold voice, ogling at her with an absurd expression on her face.

"Really? Wow, you wanna kill me? How? Show me, you stupid mutt?" She sounded quite brave, walking extremely closer to her.

"I am warning you... for the last time..."

"Really? Then I guess you need a tight slap too for reviving your senses back!" Bluntly she raised her hand up to throw a slap straight on her face but before she could do it, in a fraction of a second Clara grasped her wrist holding a diabolic gaze in her eyes.

"Wh-What the heck?" This time, she sounded a bit panicked as she was gripping her arm tightly enough that it could leave a painful scar.

"I have warned you already. Now prepare." Immediately, she twisted her arm brutally behind her back which made a sharp creaking sound as if her arm just broke at the junction of her elbow! 

"AAHAHHHHHHH! MY ARM!!! EKKKK!! AHHHHHH!" She was crying, moaning out vigorously in pain and her voice shuddered every kid present in the room including Eva to witness this diabolical side of Clara!

"YOU USED THIS ARM TO SLAP HER, DIDN'T YOU? I...WILL MAKE SURE... YOU CAN NEVER USE THIS ARM AGAIN..." Whispering those malicious words in her ear, she pushed her away with a fierce thrust, and shocking everyone in the room, she crashed against a desk landing several meters away from her, hitting her knee hard.

"MY ARM!!! MY LEG!! AHHHH! HELP!! SOMEONE HELP!!!" She was groaning in pain and all the girls ran towards her shivering in fear to witness the violent diabolical strength of Clara.

Eva was shuddered in shock and taking slow steps, she walked closer to her, "Cl-Clara... y-you broke her arm? H-How could you b-broke her arm? W-Why did you do? What have you done!?" She gulped, stuttering in panic.

Clara, standing with a tranquil expression, quietly tossed a sharp glance at her hand and a wide satanic smile appeared on her pale face. She started chuckling on her own, holding a creepy eloquence mumbling inside her mind, "so this what it feels to possess our demoniac powers... It...It felt amazing! I guess, my powers...are awakening up! Finally!!"

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