My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 217 - Brother

"Mi..ster... Eric, that a reject a sincere...guy like you!! She must have her brain capped in her knees!! Why...are you concerned about her!? deserve someone...better...ugh!!" 

After getting completely wasted after several rounds of drink, Eric was grabbing Clara by her shoulder, helping her to walk back home. Her steps were staggering and she was whining out her drunken rant in a loud, grumpy voice. 

"Clara...please get a hold of yourself! You can't even walk are you still screaming!? I had advised you not to drink so much...Your head will be cracked open with a shitty hangover headache tomorrow morning!" Looking around the street while getting concerned, he mumbled out holding her hand a bit tighter to control her motion. 

"Ahhhrgghh, I am so fucked up...with this life!! Why...Why did I fall for someone...I was forbidden from? This is...frustrating, ugh! Neither...I can keep him...nor I can lose him!! my pain, Mr. Eric?" Slowly turning her face towards him, she tried to blink her half-closed eyes making a sad expression while grumbling.

"Yeah... Yeah... I have heard this almost a thousand times today... Gosh, how long do I have to keep walking being your physical assistance? Is your home still far away?" Intensely gazing across the desolated street they were walking by, he queried. 

"It's...the last home...of this lane... But... I wanna drink more beers!! I just want to that...I don't have to see the next...sunrise!! Please get me...more beers! I want the...pain in my heart to go away..." She whispered to him accompanied by some stinking hiccups. 

"Gosh, I am never drinking with you again! You are literally a troublemaker when you are too drunk! Ughh, I shouldn't have let you drink like a broken heart fool! Pheww...we are almost near your house. After dropping you safely, I can finally head back home---"

All of a sudden his rhetoric expression trailed off as his gaze locked upon a sight right in front of his eyes. Just below Clara's apartment, a mystic, tall person, wearing a white denim shirt leaning his back against a wall. His concentration was fixed on his phone and as soon as he heard their footsteps, he raised his chin up and sternly sneaked a glance at them. 

"Now...who is this guy?" Frowning his brows curiously, he mumbled to himself peering his sharp gaze at him. Hearing his murmur, Clara too inquisitively scrunched her brows to get a distinct view of the person standing there. 

Slowly, putting his phone back into his pocket, the guy firmly walked closer to them holding a stern, masculine posture. He was no one other than Calix, who was impatiently waiting for Clara disguising himself as a handsome, young man. Wittily he adjusted the black-framed goggles on his face and tossed a small smile at them. 

"Who" Scrunching his brow ridge, Eric snapped out a quick question as he stood right before them meticulously glancing at Clara. She too seemed a bit baffled, ogling at the man blinking her lashes consistently. 

" dare ask me that?" A wicked wide smile prevailed on his lower jowls as he shifted his fierce glare towards Eric reciprocating him hoarsely. 

"Wh...What? How dare I am? What a nasty attitude! Wh-Who the heck are you punk? Wh-What were you doing standing below her home? Hey...spit it out quickly or I am going to call the cops!" Holding her arm tighter to protect her from the creepy guy, he furiously roared at him. 

"Pffftt!" All of a sudden, a squeal of tantalizing simper escaped his lips. Calix quickly covered his smile with his broad palm and responded with a roasted gesture, "Woah...such a mere puny human is threatening me now! You interesting guy indeed!" 

"Pu-Puny human? You called me puny...ho-how dare you nasty prick!? You...You sound like a psycho and you dare to call me punny? Don't you have manners for elders!? How old are you? I must be a college student! How much you have seen the life you think? Do you have more experience than me? You nuisance! What business do you have with her?" Fussing out his displeasure at him, he sounded very stern glaring at him from head to toe. While as, Clara stayed absolutely still monitoring Calix sharply with a curious grimace.

Suddenly, the amused smile on his face disappeared completely and veiled darkness prevailed within his dark brown eyes as he scowled at him. "Are you her date?" He asked. 

"What a ridiculous assumption, you punk! W-We are colleagues! like a small sister to me! How dare you question our relation? And why the fuck you aren't answering me? Who the hell are you?" He sounded terribly vexed, frowning his face at him. 

Slackly Calix walked a step closer to him and leaned his face a bit closer to his ears. In a dark voice, he murmured to him with a cryptic smirk, "you are like her brother...but I am her blood brother, you annoying insect!" 

Hearing the sudden change in his cold, obscure voice, a chill of shiver ran down his spine. Quickly drifting a step away from him, he gulped his saliva before fretting his face at him, "wh-what? What the heck you are blabbering? She never had a brother! Who...Who are you actually?" Eric was getting intensively concerned for her as he clutched her arm tighter. Learning out his unexpected statement, Clara surged her brown pupils wider while gawking at Calix in wonder. 

Calix held the vicious smirk on his face and deeply stared into his eyes rolling his pupils wider. All of a sudden, his pupils flashed into dominant alpha red color as he invincibly used his hypnotic powers on him.

"Before I slit your throat in a fraction of a second, get lost from her. I am not in a mood today to play with I am sparing your life. Be grateful to me and go..." He rustled in a deep note. 

Clara's senses were returning back from her drunken state and watching him using his supernatural powers on him, she shuddered with fear. Locking his gaze with him for a few seconds, immediately his eyes darkened with his powers and Eric halted his speech. He froze like a rock for a moment and obediently he released his grasp from her arm. Just like a submissive slave, he bowed his head before him mumbling his words, "as you wish...master." 

Watching the drastic change within him, an ardent chuckle escaped his lips as he tapped his shoulder once before answering him. "Good. Humans should always bow down their heads before us. should do the same. Think that you have dropped Clara home and now go back as if nothing happened. Don't even remember me, okay?" 

"Yes, master." He bowed before him again and turned behind slowly walking away from them. Watching him following his commands like a puppet, Clara unknowingly staggered a step back from him immersed in fear. Calix quickly sneaked a peek at her and tossed a devilish broad smirk.

"Wh-Who...are you..." Her shivered voice trailed off. 

"How could you even drink with a puny human like him? You are staggering and can't even stand properly! Such a disgraceful sight...Gosh... Look, werewolves must maintain their superior dignity before the humans!" Sounding a bit vexed, he muttered his answer.

"Don't ignore my question! Who...Who the hell are you?" She yelled out, seeming a bit enraged. 

Looking deep into his eyes with a witty gaze, he blew out a puff of air and calmly answered, "I am your dear brother, my little Clara. Have you missed me?"

A tinge of sharp pain aroused inside her heart hearing his shocking answer. She waved her pupils restlessly looking very enraged, "wh-what a crappy bullshit! I never had a brother! I don't have a family! Ho-How dare you to try to fool moron--"

"You always had a family since the beginning...just that...your memories were erased, my sweetheart!" He walked a step closer to her interrupting her grumpy reply with his calm response. 

Her feet were frozen like a rock and she couldn't move a single inch away from him. Rolling her eyes at him in wonder, she repeated after him, "my memories... ho-how do you...know about it? How do you know...what happened to me..." 

"Because I am indeed your brother." Sounding very tranquil, he hugged her softly in his arms resting his chin on her shoulder. Tapping her back with his broad palm, he rustled in a sly voice, "right now you reek of alcohol...but I couldn't resist myself from hugging you, Clara. It's been...17 years but it seems like just yesterday! Gosh... I have dearly missed you. Though I really didn't hope that you would be alive... but... I am will be of great use to your dear brother, isn't it?" 

Unknowingly, her vision turned out all blurry as tears of despair started streaming down her pale cheeks. She stood like a rock in his embrace, breathing heavily, unable to move an inch. 

"Why...Why my heart is breaking into pieces? Why can't I stop my tears? Why is his familiar? Why do I feel that I have missed this embrace... Why? What's wrong with me? What's happening to me?" She wondered, weeping silently in his arms.

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