My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 218 - Are You A Wolf?


Waking up with a hard flinch and a heavy huff of air exhaled out, Clara almost sprang upon her bed, surging her dozy, tired eyes wider. Her untied, loose wavy messy brown hair was covering half of her pale face. She was breathing quite heavily and looking quite anxious, she started to gaze around her surrounding. 

Surprisingly, she was sleeping in her bedroom, wrapped in her cozy warm blanket. She had still the same formal attire from last night, the exact ones with which she had gone to drinking with Eric. Her accessories were placed intact beside her on the corner table and curiously, she was scrunching her brows in wonder. 

"Was...I dreaming...last night? I...can't remind anything after that weird guy embraced me in his arms... That's strange... When did I fell asleep? How did I end up here in my room? Ahhrgghh, my head is throbbing like crazy! It's...very confusing..." Murmuring on her own while shoving off those hair threads from her face, impatiently she sneaked a glance at her phone, kept beside her. There were two missed call notifications from Eric and abruptly, she dialed him back in a second. 


"Clara...Are you awake...finally?" He sounded very calm responding to her call. 

"Mr...Eric!? Did...Did you drop me home last night?" Frowning her grimace, she inquired. 

"Of course! You were too drunk last night... I had dropped you home by myself because you were even unable to walk properly."

"Is...Is that all?" She quickly reciprocated in a compact pitch, seeming a bit skeptical of his answer.


"D-Didn't any weird guy came to see me last night? Don't you remember it? You...were very irked over him!" Fidgeting her fingers, she uttered anxiously trying to reminisce the incident. 

" seems like you are still drunk. Quit blabbering and get some sleep. You can take the day off, I will convey it to our boss so don't fret. Also, don't get weird thoughts. Take care." 

"Wait, Mr. Eric--"


Before she could interpret her words, he disconnected the call almost immediately. Taking a deep sigh of dismal, she clenched the phone tighter on her hand. It was around 11 am in the morning as she peeked at the clock. The sunbeams reflecting inside her room through the windows were quite radiant and warm. 

"Gosh, this is really frustrating! It seems...his memories from the last night were really eradicated! No...I am certain it wasn't a dream. The guy...was definitely a wolf but...something seemed off about him!

Why the heck he was calling me his sister? How did he know about my memories being erased... Was...he really my brother? Ughhh, shit! Why did I fell asleep before learning the truth!? Fuck...

If...If he was truly my brother then...I should have kicked his ass off! I am certain...they definitely had something skeptical to do with erasing my memories! Damn it...I was so close to learning about myself, why the heck I lost him? Where am I going to find that creep again? should just die! You are really the dumbest creature left on the earth--"

[Phone Ringing]

Her grumpy self whining trailed off as the phone clinched on her hand suddenly rang out aloud, flinching her a bit. Curiously glancing at the screen, she found out that it was Eva who was calling her at that very moment. That surprised her a little!

Quickly picking it up, she sounded a bit restless."Hello, Eva? Hey...what's up?"

From the other side of the call, Eva sighed out heavily and stayed silent for a few seconds. After a moment of unanticipated pause, she answered quite coldly, "Clara... I wanted to confirm something from you." 


"Just answer me with yes or no first. Even...if you say no... I will believe you." Her husky tone seemed quite stern. 

Clara understood it evidently, it was very strange of her to talk with such a serious tone over the call. She could sense something serious had happened and with much trepidation, her heart throbbed hard. "Hey, Eva... What's wrong, girl? Did you fight with Zeus--"

"Clara, are you a wolf?" 

Before she could wrap her words, a striking blunt query from her pierced her soul like a gallant thunderbolt. Aphonic and awestruck to hear the question about her existence that she tried hard to hide since all these years with a fear of losing her forever, finally came upfront. 


"Let me ask you again... Are you...a werewolf, Clara? Just answer me yes or no and...even if you deny, I will accept it and won't inquire you further. But... I expect the truth from you... at least, for the sake of our long, loyal friendship..." Her cold voice stuttered resounding much gloomy. 

Gripping the mobile tighter in her grasp, she bit her lower lip in anticipation. Her heart was pounding like crazy with all the gushing emotions flowing inside. Her dark surged eyes were glistening with tears and anticipating with a low, fearful pitch, she replied, "y...yes." 

A moment of intense silence persevered between them over the call. Both of them were at a loss for words to depict the agony that was overflowing inside them. Seeming very perplexed, Clara tried to break the silence but Eva chose to do it first.

"I guess, you must have known that my father wasn't a human either? You...must have been always aware of my truth of existence. chose to hide your real self for all these years. Isn't it?" She reciprocated her query bluntly. 

"W...Wait, Eva. I...I had my reasons to do so! Watching your immense hatred towards wolves...I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth. Yes, I know I have committed a sin. I should have been braver and should have trusted you before encasing my real self to you but...I was really scared. I...had to disguise myself completely among the humans just so that I can stay next to you. had found me in one of the darkest periods of my life and...I was afraid to lose you. Trust me... I was looking for a proper time to confess everything truthfully after you had accepted Zeus for who he was. I would have taken a much longer time but...I was preparing myself to do it! I swear!" Her response sounded quite desperate, while anxiously she was fretting her brows. 

"Then... it isn't true either that you are an orphan?" Retaliating with an austere low voice, she seemed very frigid while tossing her queries at her. 

At this question, she paused for a moment, exhaling a deep sigh out. "My...past memories were effaced completely. I...I don't have a clue about who I am or where I belong and, that sucks!" Her shallow, rustling murmur apparently steered the amount of grief that she had buried deep inside her heart since all these years. 

Apprehending her heartfelt answer keeping an anticipated silence for a while, Eva breathed a heavy puff of air before replying to her confession, "I am glad, that you didn't deny any of my questions."

"Eva, I am sorry... I know--"

"Clara...I should be annoyed with you because you disguised yourself, staying beside me for all these years... It...indeed offended me today pretty much that I wanted to smack you hard. But... somewhat... I can understand why did you had to go so far...

You prioritized me over your own self and...this is something...anyone barely does in this world. I also know if today Zeus hadn't told me about all still couldn't have brought yourself to speak the truth with the fear of losing me.

But still...learning about such a truth after long 17 years of friendship has really disheartened me, Clara. I can't even scold you properly and it feels frustrating." Her voice reverberated in a distressed manner. 

Holding herself from breaking down in tears, she straightened her posture on the bed and asked her firmly, "I will tell you everything why I have done it. Let's meet right now. Wh-Where are you, Eva? I will come to you--"

"I can't meet you right now." She objected abruptly interrupting her sentence.

"But why?

"I am...going somewhere very important right now. Let' after that. We will talk about it."

"Important? But where--"


Before she could finish her remark, she cut the call sounding cold as ice. Frustrated with the serialized distressing events, she screamed out fervently throwing an intense rolled punch on the bed. 

"Why the fuck is everyone hanging upon me, today? Gosh... I just wanna die now! My mind is going crazy...ugh---" 

Suddenly, her ardent grumbling ceased for a second. Her gaze locked up on her phone screen as a text notification popped up. 

"I am kinda bored and lonely today...

Have lunch with me. I wanna take you somewhere today. And...

Consider it as an order, not a request!

-Your Master, Czar."


A small simper unknowingly sliced on her lips as she read the message. Taking a deep breath in while gazing with her sad eyes, she whispered on her own, "right now, you seem like a savior to me... Czar..."

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