My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 219 - Sunset

It was almost adjacent to the sunset since the whole day wafted away blissfully. Walking calmly alongside Czar by the steeper mountain road, Clara had a tender smile prominent on her face. A mild summer breeze was drifting across the atmosphere which even eased the clouded anxieties she was enduring inside. 

Putting on a silk white knee-length skirt and a formal peach-colored shirt, she seemed like a divine muse, crossing her arms behind her. Her wavy, loose brown hair was curling around the shoulder, twirling softly along with the breeze. Even with minimal makeup put on, her beauty was ethereally evident. Walking quietly beside one another for a moment, slowly she sneaked a peek at Czar and initiated to break the silence. 

"Where are we...heading to?" Looking curiously up at the steeper road, she mumbled. 

"Don't worry. I do not intend to kidnap you." He chuckled, putting his arms inside the pocket of the black denim he had put on. Groomed up perfectly in a creamy white shirt rolling his sleeves up, his veiny arms seemed very masculine. His dark brown wavy hair seemed crimped perfectly with a hair-gel over his forehead. His pointed jawline along with his radiant porcelain white skin gave him the appearance of no less than a top-notch celebrity with a serene look on his grimace. 

She reciprocated his answer with a soft grin, sneaking a glance at him. "I don't worry have to worry about it... you." 

Hearing her mild rustling, he quickly shifted his gaze towards her seeming a bit surprised at her reply. Flickering his eyelashes in wonder, he murmured, "you trust me?"

"Uhumn. I do." She nodded.

"But why?"


"Why do you trust someone like me?" Lowering his gaze from her, his voice appeared distressed this time which even startled her a little. 

"Why shouldn't you?" Curiously, she inquired him abruptly. 

"Because...a capricious person like me shouldn't be trusted." He sighed out aloud, staring straight at the steep road in the front. "I am...basically using your accompaniment for the sake of my own boredom. I enjoy watching people doomed with despair. Such a freak like me...couldn't be trustworthy to anyone, not even you--"

"You have grown twisted like that, have been always devoid of happiness. That's the reason, watching someone happy irks you, Czar." Before he could interpret his words, she whispered out boldly in a mellow voice. 


"And...I have also understood it until now, you like to spill out annoying gibberish... but your actions speak otherwise. You do care about me too and that's what I am pleased about." Looking back at him holding a pair of blissful smiley eyes, she uttered out her comforting words.

Watching someone who could predict his instincts this accurately, Czar appeared very surprised, absolutely awestruck for a moment. Unknowingly his motion halted for a few seconds as his eyes were fixed at her ecstatic wide smile that reprimanded him of a tender spring breeze, soothing his wounded heart. 

Looking forward, suddenly her motion halted too as her eyes surged out aloud looking quite bewildered. A few steps apart from them, there was a beautiful, old bridge placed on the divergence of the steep mountain road. Standing at the railing of the bridge, the entire beautiful Rione Monti town could be visible like an ecstatic scenario. Moreover, amidst the mild sunset falling down over the town, the ambiance looked divine as well as peaceful with the desolated atmosphere around them. 

Grinning broadly with a pleased glimmer in her eyes, she impatiently ran towards the bridge and stood by the edge of the railing looking at the large town visible in a miniature form. Czar quietly followed after her involuntarily with a smirk carved on his lips as if he was satisfied to see her happy like a small kid. 

"Woah!! Look, the houses seem so small up from here! Oh my! They look so beautiful! The scenery aesthetic..." She chuckled out, pointing her index finger towards the landscape. 

"Do you like this view?" Crossing his muscular arms over his broad chest, he sounded a bit eager. 

"Yes! I loved this view! I never realized until now...the town I am living so artistic up from here!" She admitted honestly, smiling from her wide eyes. 

The smirk engraved on his lips widened a little as he took a heavy huff of air out, looking a bit relieved with her response. "It's the first time...I brought someone here with me. The sunset falling down over our town clearly elevates the natural beauty of this landscape. And...this place..." His heavy voice trailed off suddenly for a second. 

"Um...this place?" She repeated abruptly, peering at him again. 

"This place...reminds me of the beautiful short-lived memories I have treasured in my life. It reminds me of my mom and...the only home, I ever had up at the mountains..." All of a sudden, his dark eyes were filled with a void of emptiness as he sighed. 

Peeping at him by blinking her eyelashes nonchalantly for a while, she stayed silent seeming a bit hesitant to ask him something. Somehow, she started wiggling on her own and unable to suppress her urge of query, she blurted out in a low tone, "I don't know if I should ask about it...but... I really wanna know... Why did your mother have to die? What did she even commit?" 



"She was innocent." Ogling straight at the endless murky horizon up above, he replied in a hoarse, dense voice sounding much bereaved. "She was framed for a crime she didn't even commit... Our whole fucking pack accused her wrongly and it all happened... due to those bastard Lupos..." 

"Lupos?" Curiously rolling her eyes wider, she mumbled. 

"Our rival pack and possibly...the cruelest monsters ever existed." Clenching his right fist tighter, his fervent voice trembled a little expressing the immense grudge he had been suppressing inside. "For their wicked connivance...those rascals framed my innocent mother into a treacherous crime which she couldn't ever commit! And why to only blame them...when my own pack willfully wanted to get rid of her? I...just despise them all...especially...that vicious wench...Aelia Romano..." 

Apprehending his ardent, vexed grumbling silently for a few seconds she lowered her eyes down exhaling a heavy sigh of grief out. "I can anticipate the turbulence you had bear deep inside your heart since all these years... I don't know much about your pack or about...who are those Lupos... but... I want you to find and punish them brutally for what they did to your innocent mother..." Her low, anxious voice echoed fervently along with the rustling breeze whirling those leaves from the tall oak trees surrounding them. 

"I will." Scrunching his dark gaze towards the ethereal scenery, he fretted his jowls before rumbling, "I have sworn on my life to seek vengeance for what those bastards did to my mother... And those Lupos...I will find and rip off their entire existence as a payback of my fiery outrage. Until...I see my sharp claws smeared with their immoral blood...the fire of angst ignited inside my heart since all these years won't soothe down..." His dilated pupils were glistening in tears as he whispered in a sad voice. 

She slowly moved a step closer to him and tapped his broad shoulder to comfort him softly. "The day, you will succeed in fulfilling your vengeance, I will be happy for you too. I...really want you to be happy, Czar." 

Hearing her serene words, a sad smile carved on his lips as he nodded his head. "I...usually avoid share my pain with anyone else are a special case. I, somehow feel comfortable when you are with me... And...that's why I wanted to watch this sunset with you today. Thanks to you, I...had a good time." The darkness that was clouding his eyes deeper, seemed to fade away a little sounding from his rustling words. 

Suddenly, hearing out his honest words, while lost in his beautiful glimmering eyes, her heart started pounding very hard the same way as if a yound maiden was looking at her first love. Gulping her saliva, she lowered her eyes down seeming a bit anxious. 

"I think...we gotta...end our Master-Slave relationship...finally." She whispered, fidgeting on her own.

"Huh? What?" 

"Because... Eva knows the truth about my existence..." She raised her chin up, gazing at him tenderly while responding. 

"What!? How? When?" Shocked at her answer, he almost shrieked out aloud fervently.

"Just today...she asked me about it and I have admitted everything. So...there is no point in us sustaining our current relationship." 

"Gosh! What the heck! I was finally having a good time with you... Why did she have to know about it so soon?" Sulking his grumpy face, his gestures seemed very frustrated as he stroked his hair up from his forehead. 

"But I never said I don't want to have a good time with you... I have also...liked being with you...always. So, I wanted to be honest with you from now on." She quickly reciprocated responding to his whining.

"What?" Impertinently, he titled his brows gazing at her with a frown face inquiring her bluntly. "What do you want to denote?"

With the shimmering sunrays blessing the beautiful ambiance, she gulped her saliva and taking a deep sigh out, she gently claimed, "I...I like you, Mr. Czar."

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