My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 222 - A Chance

Czar's sudden loud proclamation left everyone speechless for a moment in wonder. As he gallantly walked inside the mansion tapping his bold footsteps, he sneakily shifted his Eva. She looked terrified with the dreadful atmosphere, trembling behind Zeus with her small body having difficulty standing still. Holding a teary gaze, she peered at Czar seeming at her edge, trying hard not to break down into tears. 

Watching Eva in such a wrecked state of mind, his anger further provoked at a greater instinct. He shifted his glance away from her and fiercely glaring at Aelia, he marched inside. 

"What did you despicable brat!?" Rolling out her dark eyes profused with wrath, Aelia yelled out in a shrilling voice that echoed ardently inside the giant hall room. 

"I guess everyone here heard what I said just now... or I guess, you are really growing old!" He smirked, mumbling in a mocking note.


"I believe, Eva will be the wise Luna that our pack deserves to have. She has a pure heart." Standing just next to Zeus, gawking at her sharply, he declaimed in a firm voice creating an intense anticipating silence amidst the room. His bold, sincere support even shocked Zeus who by shifting his gaze, was observing his little brother with a teary small smile on his face. His gallant support towards his brother and his lover even startled both Aelia and Antonio who were frowning their grimaces, scowling at him. 

"Since when became a loyal dog of this human wench?" Marching a step closer to him, she narrowed her fiery gaze while inquiring. 

"I just don't care whatever you assume about me...But do remember, I am no more a weak small child who once had no power against this merciless wolf world! Now, I have grown strong enough to stand against the evil to protect the innocent ones." Fixing his dark glare deep into her eyes, he boldly approached a step closer to her enunciating his threat. 

"Woah... a mere beta like you want to challenge a former Luna like me? Looks like you want to face your own death, ignorant fool!" Clenching her fist, her sharp claws started to emerge out of her right nails, and intensively she intended to attack him in the flick of a second. But at that very moment, Antonio stopped her motion by pulling her right elbow and meddling inside the heated situation. He seemed very concerned from his expression about if she was really going to attack his son out of wrath.

"That's enough! You won't kill my son, Aelia! You had given me your word! You...must keep it till the end." Rolling his enlarged dubious gaze, he commanded her groping her elbow tight.

Hold back by him, she couldn't march fervently towards Czar but continued to project her death glare towards him. Twitching her jowls, she murmured intensely at him, "if you are worried about this weakling...why don't you take her away with you from my son? I don't give a fuck whether you get to live or die but at least, an annoying bug, like you, will be out of my sight...out of my family! For me...You will your corrupt mother--"


Before she could interpret her words Zeus screamed out ardently forbidding his mother from cursing any further. Czar appeared seething with the blaze of rage-filled in his dark surged glaring eyes. His hand was trembling in wrath and he seemed to be in the mode of attacking Aelia back unable to suppress his bitter grudge.

Sensing the situation was going out of control, he stepped between both of them. Pushing Czar a few steps back putting his arm over his chest, he rustled to him, "step back Czar. It is my battle...don't burn yourself with your rage anymore." 

"Once again... instead of standing with your are choosing the side of this brat! Have you much pain and heartache his despicable mother has caused to me? How could you be so partial towards your own mother Zeus?" Twitching her lower jowls, she rebuked him bitterly. 

"But her death wasn't fair either! She didn't deserve to die out of false accusation, mom! She never wanted to take your position! All...she desired was to have a small place in our family...but...she met with a bitter ending! No matter how much you defy me, as a have given a wrong verdict."

"After how she broke us are alleging me for not giving a place in our family? Hah... I can't believe my own son is defending her, today--"

"Stop talking about Madonna! I had forbidden you all never to mention her in any nasty spat!" Gritting his jaws in anger, Antonio warned both of them to halt their heated argument causing a scene before so many people gathered around them. Offended at his intrusion, she unleashed her elbow away from his grasp and made a disgusting expression. 

"I won't mind it...if you make this human a third woman of your life... but I will never allow a human to become our next sacred luna--"

"She bears our sacred wolf line in her blood! She is a hybrid!" Before she could decipher her fervent oppose, strikingly Zeus declaimed out the shocking verdict before everyone in the mansion, leaving them gasping out of breath.

Deadpanned in shock, Antonio glared his brows after hearing out his intense grumble and retaliated in awe, "wh-what?"

Taking a deep huff of breath out, clinching his grip on Eva's frail wrist, he responded before them gallantly, "yes. She carries the wolf bloodline from our pack." 

"What rubbish you are spitting out, Zeus!?" Fiercely snapping at him, Aelia circled her restless eyeballs marching closer to him. 

"She is the daughter of...Uncle Stevan." Fixing his dull gaze deep into her eyes, he declared gallantly before them. 

His striking confession impacted as a rumbling thunderbolt that landed straight into the mansion, leaving them jaw dropped and hysteric. All of a sudden, the fierceness imprinted on Aelia's grimace faded completely into a lush of darkness, along with baffled expression. 

"Wh-What? Wh-Whose...da-daughter?" She strumbled in disbelief unknowingly taking a staggering step back from him. 

"Uncle Stevan...Your...childhood best, with whom you once shared such a loyal bond. She bears...his blood in her veins..." His voice crooked a little depicting the pain in his voice when he directed the statement to her. 

In a flick of a second, Eva lifted up her grimace from the ground and stared at Zeus holding a shocked look in her troubled eyes hearing the revelation. "They were...childhood friends?" His statement flashed out in her mind as she swooned in wonder. 

"What!?" A loud grumble reciprocated back from Antonio who glared his infuriated eyes at Zeus quickly hobbling a step closer to him. "She...She is the daughter of that traitor!? And...And you dared to love her? Do-Don't you know...what his father did to us? Have you forgotten how cruelly he abandoned his pack for the sake of an immoral relationship!! How could you forget every darn thing!?" He shrieked. 

"He...He is right..." Aelia stood like a rock for a few seconds after processing such a huge revelation. Holding a pair of murky, tears shimmering eyes with a vague look towards Eva, she mumbled out in an imprecise note, "the bond we shared all happened in the past... The bitter truth of our friendship implied that...he abandoned every one of us just to be with a human! And...that's a despicable sin he committed as a courteous beta. That's the reason...he met with a cruel ending and he deserved it--"

"My dad didn't deserve to die!!" 

All of a sudden, Eva shrieked out in a teary, perplexed voice stepping forward rather than hiding behind his broad posture. Her harsh proclamation had incited her emotional turmoils and her loud objection indicated that she was on the edge of her self-control. Holding a heavy heart, Czar silently glanced at her once from the side.

Frowning his grimace, Antonio narrowed his obscure gaze towards her, "how dare you oppose us--"

"Falling in love isn't a sin! My dad didn't deserve a cruel death just because he loved my mother... I...I know he...he shouldn't have abandoned his pack...but please do understand, he didn't have any other choice... Everyone here...must have someone they loved with all their might... And... my dad did the same... The only difference was...he fell in love with a human despite his boundaries...

For...For everyone here...he might be a traitor...he might be a sinner...but... for me, he was only my father! He was family and everything to me! I...I just didn't lose him, I lost my everything! And...And it's not Zeus's fault... He fell in love with me before learning who am I..." Sobbing bitterly, she wiped her tears and unleashed his grip on her hand.

Looking at everyone present right there, she addressed them in a loud voice, "I know...why you all have lost your faith in humans. I have heard everything from Zeus about how badly you all have been betrayed... It's been a long time and... I can't even apologize for the heinous sin committed by humans. 

But... I am here today before everyone because...I...want to ask something from you all... Please...

I just want a chance to prove myself... I...want to prove my humanity to you all. That's what...I want to ask--" 

"HOW DARE YOU!!" All of a sudden, in a fraction of a second, Aelia rushed towards her frantically before she could even interpret her statement.

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