My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 223 - The Attack


In the blink of an eye, Aelia fiercely grabbed by her throat, with her vicious grasp that almost choked her breath. Her demoniac eyes appeared illuminant red and murderous by the way she attacked her seizing a single moment. Eva was running out of breath, struggling frantically to escape from her fierce clasp trying to shove away from her grip. 


Fervently screaming out, Zeus intervened in the middle and pushed Aelia away from her using his extreme dominant strength. As a result of his violent strength, she was propelled away from her forcefully towards the edge of the hall room. It also led Eva to collapse down on the ground, coughing out ardently. She was panting heavily and seemed to be running out of breath! 

Watching the sudden commotion created, almost everyone was gawking at her lying down on the ground exhausted from the attack. Swooned with concern, Czar rushed towards Eva and knelt down beside her on the ground trying to observe her thoroughly. 

"EVA!! Ar-Are you okay? Are you alright!?" Frowning his grimace in fear, Zeus asked her impatiently, wrapping his arms around her frail shoulder to comfort her. 

"Do you need water? Why are you panting so hard?" Czar sounded extremely concerned about her too, facing her with his worried gaze. 

Watching both of them panicking for her intensively, she slowly nodded her head to assure them though it was an aggressive attack, she was alright since Zeus saved her again in the blink of a second from getting her throat split apart. But she was in a distressed state, sweating and breathing heavily in his embrace.

"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND!? DID YOU JUST WANT TO KILL HER?" Fuming in fierce rage, Czar shouted at her gritting his teeth.

"MOM, HOW DARE YOU TRY TO ATTACK EVA BEFORE ME? HOW DARE YOU TOUCHED HER!? IF...If YOU WEREN'T MY MOTHER... I WOULD HAVE CUT OFF YOUR WRIST RIGHT NOW!!" Following after Czar, squeezing her firmly in his arms Zeus swirled his death glare at her, shrieking out aggressively in his dominant alpha tone. 

Slowly grabbing the railing of the staircase where she was vigorously shoved by him, Aelia tossed a small demoniac simper while circling her monstrous eyes at him. They had attained their usual human form and she lowered her gaze down on the wrist. By the way, Zeus pushed her, it left a reddened bruise on her wrist. 

"Today...You...applied force on your mother...for of this human?" She grumbled in a low breath. 

"I can even cross my limits further worse if you dare to lay a scratch on her ever again, mom! If you want to reach have to go through me first!" He threatened her lowering his dense voice.

"And in this war... I am not gonna let anyone hurt an innocent being like her! I...I will never let it happen this time!" Gnashing his jowls, Czar narrowed his gaze at him before enunciating his dark voice. 

"Pffttt!" Slackly walking a few steps closer, with her sharp gaze, she sneakily scanned shook Eva in his arms on the ground and tossed a wicked chuckle before gawking at Czar. "I can understand Zeus's anticipation since he bears those foolish emotions towards her. But...why the heck you are barking for this human? As far I knew...your hands are stained with countless human blood and it's strange to face you this way, brat! Is it...possible...that you hold those silly emotions for her too?"

"Yes!! You are right! I do have feelings for her too! She is way special to me! And that's the fucking reason, I am not gonna let her get hurt! I...I won't let you ruin her life just the way you did to my mother!! I am not gonna live with the guilt anymore! Even if I have to face death, I will fight for her this time which I couldn't do before..." Gawking straight into her demoniac gaze, he stood up from the ground declaring strikingly before the entire assemblage in a booming voice.

Apprehending the unexpected confession of his feelings, Eva gently lifted her teary eyes from the ground, resting in his embrace. Her eyes were rolled in shock and surged in disbelief! Cradling her close to his heart, holding a dubious, sad gaze in his melancholic eyes, Zeus too stared at him for a moment. Scowling his temple seeming utterly displeased, Antonio clenched his fist, glaring at Czar momentarily. 

"I am pleased to know that!" A vicious smile escaped her lips as Aelia crossed her arms, gawking at Czar sharply. "If you do love her so much...then why don't you snatch her away and let my son free from this immoral bondage?" She urged.

"I can't believe it... You are...really a monster! You are so cruel that you can't even recognize your blood son's happiness." Blurting out at her gruffly with a tantalizing expression on his face, Czar politely lifted his chin down looking at the bereaved grimaces of both of them. Taking a deep sigh, he mumbled, "for me...the happiness of my beloved matters to me the most. I do know it well...Zeus is everything to her! All my life, I...was never a reliable brother to him but now...I want to protect both of them this time." 

Staring at him with his teary eyes, slowly Zeus held her tight in his embrace and both of them rose up from the ground. Shifting his intense glare towards Aelia, he muttered out, "I am giving you all a final opportunity to make your choice. give Eva a chance as she asked for to prove her worth...or... I am gonna  abandon this pack well as my leadership!" 

"ZEUS!!" She roared out impatiently, enlarging her glare towards him. 

"Have you lost your senses, you fool!! You are the darn alpha of Romano! How could you even think of such a sinister thought!? How could you!" Gnashing his canines with furious rage, Antonio speedily walked a few steps closer while rebuking him. Every other member gathered around then seemed intensely shocked, looking at each other's faces perplexedly with the sudden chaotic commotion.

"This time...I am in my right senses, dad." Wrapping his muscular arms around Eva tugging her closer to his heart, he tossed a dark, gallant stare at his father holding a small sad smile. "I...don't want to live a lonely and regretful life like yours. Before my responsibilities...I want to prioritize myself and cherish her. At least, I don't want to mourn you after losing my beloved one."


"There's no use in yelling at me, dad. I have made up my mind and that's my final choice. You all must be well aware of what's the cruel consequence that gonna happen to me if I abandon my pack... So...if the pack doesn't want to lose their alpha and you don't want to lose your son forever, give it some time and think about it..." He replied with a sad, dark gaze focused on his father. After wrapping his remark with a deep sigh, was about to head outside the mansion holding Eva in his embrace. 

"W-WAIT, SON!!" 

Before both of them were about to head outside, Aelia groped his left arm intending to stop him fervidly. She seemed panic-stricken, swirling her dilated pupils and quivering her jowls, she appealed to him, "I...I won't allow you to abandon us! You can't do this to your own mother, Zeus! You can't give up on your life for this traitor's daughter..."


"I...I sacrificed...everything I ever have you... to raise you for the sake of our pack! You...are our last hope. I believe...You will definitely be our next Celestial Alpha, Zeus! You...can't toss away our hopes...our dreams just for running after an illusion! Even though she bears our wolf bloodline...but she is born as a human and that's her ultimate truth! We...We are never destined to be with humans! You've seen the fatal consequences Stevan had to pay! How could you even turn your blind eye on everything---" 

"Let me go, mom." Before she could finish her fervent objection, Zeus slowly unleashed his arm from her grip, shoving her arm away. Holding a pair of teary eyes, Eva evidently glanced at the pained expression on his face while turning his back on his own mother. 


"Mom, I can't abandon Eva leaving her all alone either. By trying to attack her today, you have hurt me the most! She is the daughter of the person, I once considered my dearest. I have sworn to myself to avenge his death and not letting go of her. And, there is no turning back. Think about it..." Reverberating his answer making a morose expression, he slowly turned away along with her and walked towards the door gallantly to head out. Czar too followed after them steadily stomping his feet hard on the ground. 

While walking away, Eva sneaked a glance at the blood-smeared body of the woman lying down on the granite floor. Zeus too had a bereaved look in his dark eyes. Trying to choke her tears in, she held his hand and wondered inside, "today...he risked his everything against his own pack for me... Why...

Why my love is only giving him... loneliness and pain..."

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