My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 228 - Isn't It Strange?

Soothing chirping sounds of birds were audible outside the colossal, glassy windowpanes. The morning bright rays of sunshine were blessing the entire room, reflecting inside as the large silk white curtains were whirling with the soft summer breeze. The ambiance was warm and cozy to be felt from the deep core. Ivory was sleeping peacefully on a giant, cushiony bed wrapped with a soft blanket. Her face had a blissful aura imprinted on it as she seemed quite tranquil deep inside. 

From the mild chirping noises coming over the shutter of the windowpanes, it made a temperate disturbance of her cozy slumber. Slowly, rubbing both her eyes with her warm palm, she tried to blink open to peek a glance at her surrounding.

Suddenly, the tranquil expression she had on her face all along faded into immense darkness! Fearful and making a grimacing eloquence, she sprang upon the bed with a heavy jolt. That place was definitely not her villa! The surrounding looked extremely unfamiliar with a soothing touch of interior decorations in the room. She was wearing the same attire from last night and her heels were placed down on the ground, beside the bed. Panicking inside, she turned her neck left and right several times to get an avid detailing of that unusual place!

Suddenly, a mild knocking sound appeared on the wooden crafted door of the room from outside in which she was sleeping all this time. Immediately turning her gaze towards the door, engulfed with an anxious feeling inside, she stuttered out, "w-who...who"

The door promptly opened inside hearing her fumbling voice and to her surprise, Eric was standing there dressed up casually in a night suit. Standing at the door, he crossed his arms over his chest and greeted her with a warm smile, "good morning...princess!" 

"Wh-What are you...doing here? Why are you here again!?" Doubtful and baffled with the uncomfortable circumstances, she frowned her face glaring at him with a frozen look. 

At his blunt query, he couldn't help but smile innocently. Clearing his throat, he softly whispered, "well...this is my home in the first place." 

"What!?" Shrieking out at his answer aloud, she quickly rushed down the bed and gritted her jowls nervously, "then why am I in your room? What the fuck is happening here?" 

Watching her getting extremely palpitated, Eric swiftly strolled towards her and tried to comfort her panicked self. "Calm down, Miss Ivory. Do you remember anything after you passed out on my shoulder last night?"

"What? I pa-passed out...on your s-shoulder?" Surging her eyeballs hysterically, she repeated after him. 

Eric stood still for a second, gawking straight into her dubious eyes. Taking a deep huff of breath out, he sulked his grimace, "I really don't remember anything." 

"Stop puzzling my mind and spit it coherently!!" Her loud crisp voice sounded quite fumed as she roared at him, dashing a bold step closer to him.

"You were bawling your eyes out and seemed too exhausted from your heartache, Miss Ivory." Rustling his tranquil answer, he lowered his eyes down from her putting up a glum expression. "My...heart was breaking apart to watch you in that distressed state so...I...leaned you my shoulder so can weep all your bitter tears out. Surprisingly, you found my shoulders quite comfortable and passed out in my arms. I tried to wake you up desperately seemed completely drained out...

So...I had no other choice rather than to bring you here to my home so could at least have a good rest. Did I do...anything wrong?" 

Apprehending his clear and definite answer, Ivory was awestruck in shock. She even forgot to blink her eyes for a second and objected with complexity, "wh-why m-must I t-trust your w-words? How are te-telling the truth?" 

He smiled a little lifting his chin up and gazing at him, expanding his wide beautiful dark eyes. Slowly, he walked a few steps closer to her and leaned his face a bit closer wittily, "you can look into my eyes to see the truth by yourself."


"I know you will never admit it...but...even it's just for once...your heart must have trusted me, Miss Ivory. Or would have neither wept your tears nor you would have fallen asleep peacefully in my arms..." His voice sounded surprisingly comforting in her ears. 

Suddenly, hearing his gentle whisper, a string deep down in her heart trembled passionately. Holding a pounding heart, she quickly shoved a few steps away from him, seeming very nervous. Averting eye contact with him, she tried to resist his charm, "wh-what a crappy explanation! I...I rested on your I was drunk as hell! Yo-You, don't need to be all...boastful just because of a trivial matter!"

Watching her getting all palpitated and flustered out, a soft chuckle escaped his lips as he straightened up his posture before her. "Alright...I get it. You can calm down and start the day fresh and new. Also...I have already prepared breakfast downstairs. Come, let's have breakfast together." He asked her very cordially. 

Gulping down her saliva, she tried to show off her cold attitude again, frowning her brows, "and why must I listen to you? Why the heck I would eat with--"


Suddenly, a loud growling sound of her hunger contraction reverberated the entire room causing an absurd silence between both of them. Hearing the sudden noise, Eric burst out into a squeal of laughter while trying hard to cover his mouth with his palm. 

Making a bashful face at the embarrassing situation, Ivory tried to explain herself again, "'s nothing! Do-Don't you laugh--"

"Your stomach is clearly much honest and sincere than your mouth, and...I find it very adorable. So...please just give up and come downstairs. I will be waiting for you." Still trying to suppress his laugh, he marched out of the room seeming much happier from his eloquence. 

As he headed out, covering her blushed red face with both of her palms, she gritted her jowls sounding very frustrated, "gosh! This is so humiliating! Fuck...why did my stomach had to growl right before him? Arrghhhh, damn it!" She punched the pillow taking a deep sigh out. Slowly, she lifted her chin up and glanced towards the way he just walked outside a moment ago. 

"Isn't it strange? Why do I...always find you...whenever I have a hard time?" She wondered, gazing at the door with a sad face.

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