My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 229 - Blind Date

Sitting next to each other on the breakfast table, Ivory was stealing glances at all the meals Eric had specially prepared for her in that early morning. It included caffè latte, garlic bread, scrambled eggs with sausages, heavy cream croissant, and stuffed Ricotta pancakes. They seemed extremely delicious just from first sight! She was awestruck for a while gazing at the delightful breakfast over the table with her wide eyes glimmering. For the very first time in her life, someone had put a lot of effort to satisfy her cravings in the most refined as well as a loving way possible.

"Are these meals okay with your palate or...should I have been prepared something else?" Tenderly serving the meals before her on the table, he asked her in a curious note. 

Hearing his query, she revived her awestruck senses back and boldly shook her head in declination. "Th-These are...more than en-enough! Why did you prepare so much food for me in the first place?" 

He smirked at her curious reciprocation and lovingly lift his chin up, staring deep into her eyes. "It's the first are...having a meal with me in my home. It a beautiful dream. That's why...I wanted to please your appetite with my cuisine skills. Besides..." He trailed off.


"Well," slowly he grabbed the seat opposite to her on the table and wittily smirked at her. "As a normal person, I can't serve blood and flesh to satisfy your hunger. least...I made food in excess!" 

Hearing his facetious answer, suddenly, a dreadful feeling swooned her insides for a second. Frowning her jowls impatiently, she murmured at him, "wh-what do you mean?"

He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his back against his chair, putting up an amusing expression. "Don't you remember what you had asked me last night to get for you when you were starving?" 

"Wh-What did I ask you?" Her face seemed a bit palpitated, gawking at him sternly. 

"Fresh blood and warm flesh!" He smirked cheekily, rolling his eyes bigger while answering. "Are you by chance a cannibal, Miss Ivory?" 

Though he was jokingly asking her all those questions, with his every query a surge of fear was arousing inside her heart. She had already blabbered out her hideous existence in this human world right before him in her intoxicated state, which was puzzling her mind quite badly! Fidgeting her toenails beneath the table, she tried to oppose him, "'s not I...meant--"

"Of course, I know!" Before she could complete her words, he reciprocated his answer quite loudly which even startled her anxious self. "You don't have to explain about such a trivial thing, Miss Ivory." 


"You weren't in your right state of mind last night and it's human nature to speak out any violent wish in a gibberish way whenever they are too drunk. It's nothing to be embarrassed about and to be honest, as long as I find you satisfied and pleased, nothing matters to me." Holding a wide grin on his radiant charming face, he uttered those words to soothe her anxious expression. 

Ivory slowly lowered her guilty eyes down from him and exhaled a heavy sigh. She was concerned about such a horrendous mistake she committed before a human which had almost revealed her true identity! Things would have turned ugly and severe if Eric wasn't a simple-minded person, unlike the terrible happenings she had to face in the past! This fact was writhing her from the core as she continued grimacing her face.

"Miss Ivory...did my joke...offended you somehow?" Leaning his curious face a bit closer, he rolled his puppy eyes wider asking her in a considerate pitch. "I was just messing with you a bit...but...if it hurt your sentiments then...I apologize--"


Suddenly their conversation interrupted a bit as his phone rang out aloud placed on the table. Flinched at the unexpected loud noise, Ivory raised her chin up to peek a glance at his phone screen. 

Looking a bit startled, Eric gazed at his phone for a few seconds frowning his brow ridge. Eva's name was flashing on the screen which even made him more uneasy!

"Who's that?" Unable to visualize the name flashing upon his display, Ivory shot a blunt query at him in a deep pitch. Watching his bothered expression on his grimace, unexpectedly, it made her even more curious to know about that anonymous person!

Shifting his glance up from the screen to peer deep into her eyes, he nervously answered, "ah...well...she is a lady...I once had a blind date with..." 

"What!?" Unknowingly his answer made her extremely irked! She swirled her fiery eyes glaring at him invincibly for a few seconds. Somehow, her insides turned out truly vexed and as a result in the flick of a second, she desired to smash his phone into several pieces to vent out her anger. 

"But it was really an awkward date I ever had in my life with someone! We...both were definitely not suitable for each other and I kind of realized meeting her for the first time only. So I was honest with her. But somehow, I am thankful to her." Holding a small smile on his face, his large black eyeballs seemed sparkling. 

"He is thankful? Hah...I want to twist the neck of both of them right now!" Fuming in the wrath of jealousy while cussing inside, she tried to suppress her hidden rage making a straight face before him. 

"Because...that was the fated night...when I met you, Miss Ivory." Turning off his screen, he sounded very gentle while gazing straight into her fiery eyes. "If...I hadn't met that woman...then perhaps...we wouldn't have been met each other too! And now when you are right before my eyes, nothing matters to me at all. Because...

You already have my whole heart reserved for you." 

Apprehending his soft and soothing answer with his blissful smile, somehow the internal fury that was troubling her state of mind disappeared in a fraction of a second! She could easily observe his sincere emotions only for her and that made her way more pleased than ever. Unknowingly, a sparkle of satisfaction glowed in her brown wide eyes as she lowered her gaze down. 

"So...I can assure you for the rest of my life, that you don't have to be jealous about me ever again..." He smiled cheekily while trying to tease her again.

"Who said I am jealous?" Putting up an outer cold expression before him, she tried to oppose his answer. "I had already given you my answer way long what's the point in getting jealous? You are really annoying!" 

He chuckled and continued observing her flustered face while she was bickering hard with him. "Damn...her every little gesture makes me fall for her again and again...

Maybe...that's what we call someone...our forever..." He wondered with a small charming smile.


Turning off the screen, Eva took out a deeply troubled sigh as she placed her phone on the table. She was still unable to track Clara even after knowing that she hadn't returned home since yesterday! Contacting Eric was the last helpless option she was left with since he was her colleague. And when the ultimate option even didn't work, she stared up at the endless sky with a blank, deprived gaze in her eyes. 



Slowly she turned her neck around responding to Zeus who was standing behind her making a serious face. He seemed very concerned about her as she was looking quite pale and anxious. 

"Whom were you calling just now?" Taking a small step closer, he asked. 

"Well...he is someone...I had a blind date once..." Seeming very troubled, she slowly whispered to him.

"What!? Bl-Blind date?" Rolling his eyes fiercely looking quite furious at her honest response, he shrieked out at her. "Why were you calling that nasty punk? And why do you still have his number!?" 


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