My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 39 - Pleading

"Don't act like a stupid!" Fuming in anger, Czar grumbled at her furiously. While shrieking at her, he grasped collapsed Zeus tighter by hoarding his waist. "Look at this fool!" He pointed his index finger towards Zeus and glared at Eva. "This dumb fool tossed away his own life for your goddamn safety! And you are acting so selfish by not even caring about the sacrifice he made for you!" For the first time ever, Czar stood firmly in support of him.

"I am not acting selfishly!" Eva reciprocated his accusation, by yelling back at him being baffled by the dense situation. "I am terribly guilt-stricken...

I am badly wrecked from inside after losing everyone I ever loved... I just... I just...don't wanna lose him... I am scared to let him get away from my sight...I am scared that I might not see him ever again!!" Sobbing helplessly in grief, she shouted with her husky agonizing tone, looking at Zeus who was leaning his head on his shoulder.

"He won't die. He is not such a weakling." After keeping quiet for a few seconds, he responded to her back in an assuring voice, holding a small confident simper. 

With his absurd declaration, Eva was spellbound for a few seconds and kept ogling at him.

Czar slowly shifted his gaze sideways and gawked at him once. "I won't allow you to die in any other's hand so easily. You haven't even suffered half of the miseries I have dealt in my life... You won't escape so easily from me, my dear brother." Glaring at him with a dark mystic gaze, he wondered maliciously.

As he was about to turn behind to leave, clenching his grasp around him firmly, immediately Eva grabbed his arm from behind attempting to stop him from leaving.

"Wai-Wait..." Her crooked voice sounded melancholic.

With an irked expression, he slightly shifted his gaze towards her and murmured deep, "what now?"

"I... I don't but...please...Please save him. I beg of you..." Tears rolled down her despaired grimace as she quivered in pain.

Czar didn't utter a single word and kept gawking at her for a few seconds. For the very first time, he witnessed such a powerful fierce alpha like him severely injured and entirely collapsed. Not only that but also it was the very first time he watched a fragile weak human helplessly grieving for him.

"I will deal with you later." Uttering his words deep, he turned back, dragging him along with him, and kept moving at a fast pace. Slowly, within the moonlit shimmering night, both of them disappeared in the dark.

Eva stood behind, watching them leaving far away from her vision, with a tear-soaked despaired grimace. In immense regret, she lowered her face down. 

Soon, she plopped down on the ground as her knees gave up the strength. Clenching her fist harder, with quivering chin and trembling jowls she continued sobbing bitterly. "It's all...all because of me... I should be the one to suffer... Not him..." She murmured in a rugged voice, peeking a glance at the dead body of Ross, lying down on the ground from a far distance from her, covered in blood.


Romano Mansion:


"What? Engagement?"

Ivory jolted up from the couch, rolling her eyes wider in awe as she shrieked aloud. From her gestures, she seemed terribly stunned with the revelation. 

Aelia and Antonio were seated next to each other on the sofa opposite Ivory holding their calm postures in their magnificent large living room. The crystalline golden beaded chandelier hanging above them seemed to shimmer in radiant light, which further illuminated the whole ambiance.

"Yes. You heard it right. We have decided about your and Zeus's engagement ceremony." Aelia took a small sip from the cup filled with Jasmine tea she was gripping onto. She seemed very calm and composed, evoking a small grin on her bright glamorous face.

"Are...Are you serious? I...I think it's too sudden." She still muttered her words in a rugged voice as it was clearly shocking for her to get accustomed.

"Yes, you may think it's a bit sudden. But we don't regret our decision." After a moment of silence, Antonio stood up from the sofa and gazed at her intensely with a small smirk on his eloquence. "We have been aware of how much you have always loved our son from the very childhood. I would say, he is a lucky man to find someone like you." 

"But..." She seemed a bit reluctant with their sudden declaration and started fidgeting anxiously. Watching her getting all nervous, Aelia stood up from the sofa and slackly walked closer to her. She tapped her shoulder and smiled genially at her.

"Ivory, you are smart, artistically gorgeous, bold, and most importantly, the strongest she-werewolf of our pack. In every aspect, you are absolutely perfect to be our next Luna. Believe me, Zeus would never find someone as perfect as you. A strong alpha always needs a strong luna to stay by his side in every situation of life. So, don't you overthink too much!" Her tone sounded very mellow, as she was complimenting her cordially.

"And for this reason, we have decided to held the engagement ceremony possibly after the full moon period." Antonio further approached closer to them and added further this context.

Ivory flinched in surprise and immediately peeked at him in wonder. "Full moon...that's after 3 days? We are getting engaged after 3days? Is he alright with it?" She inquired

"Don't you worry about it, my dear..." Aelia caressed her forearm trying to assure her a little. "He seemed a bit hot-headed about it but I believe, he will never oppose the decision we will take for him."


"But I think, the engagement will need to be postponed. Things have gotten much complicated." 

All three of them flinched with the sudden interruption from a familiar deep voice. All of them turned their gazes behind at the main entrance and froze in horrific shock.


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