My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 55 - I Will Be Waiting For You

Resting her head over his muscular, bare, bandage-wrapped chest she was breathing out wearily with tear droplets rolling down the corner of her eyes. Her gaze was fixated at Zeus's pale, absolutely motionless face, without even blinking her eyes nonchalantly. She slowly caressed his side-face but they perceived unusually cold to her. His condition was quite severe and the painful realization was tearing apart her wounded heart.

"Zeus..." She placed her soft tender palm over the portion of his heart, caressing his embrace. "I know... I know your can...definitely hear me out... Zeus, you know, everything makes sense now... I have realized all the things you did for me without even letting me know... You are the one...who saved me that night from committing suicide...didn't you?" Her voice sounded crooked, husky, and emulsified in pain.

No response came. He still laid down all stiff and numb.

"I aren't in a state to answer me... I even know will never admit how much you fret about me... You always chose to be my silent protector...You jumped in that magnificent pool to find back my lost pendant... Unthinkingly, you tossed away your life in exchange for my life... Why? Since when did I become so important for you? Why did you always tail me from behind but not grabbing my hand in front of the whole world? What are you afraid of...Zeus?" 

She was mourning her complaints all alone as he laid down all silent, without showing any movement in his gesticulations. Anyone would confuse him for a cold, lifeless body if his deep breath ever stopped from inhalation. 

Eva slowly raised her head up from his chest and took off a heavy sigh, staring at him with a teary gaze and holding his arm tightly over her lap. "Zeus... how long you are going to stay all silent like this? Can't...Can't you just open your eyes once? Can't you look at me just once? I...I can't stay here with you all day like this...Zeus... I will have to leave soon..." She lowered her grimace, covering her face with her arm to hold back herself from grieving hard, wiping her tears out.

A few minutes passed by with Eva being awfully silent, staring at him with a poignant contemplation and caressing his arm softly. From her appearances, it seemed that as if she wanted to engrave a vivid picture of him in her heart as well as her gaze because both of them were unaware of what destiny had prepared ahead for both of them. 

"Zeus, I feel so fucking helpless... I can't even imagine the pain you went through just to protect me... But I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I... I risked my everything and came to you here... I know...if...if I am captured by the guards today, they won't show any mercy before taking away my life... But even if it's my last moments... I still wanted to see you once, Zeus... I...I am so thankful to God least...alive..." She placed a soft kiss on his knuckle and embracing his arm closer to her heart.

"You seems so strange... But...just a few days ago, I was cursing against God so badly because... they took away my brother from me... He was the only one whom I had as my own by my side in this lonely world... Losing everything at once forced me to attempt ending this fucked up life of mine...

But I never knew... the moment I assumed myself all alone and cursed... is the exact moment, you grabbed my arm standing by my side like my guarding shield... Zeus, you came into my life as the gift of divinity... God snatched everything away from me return... he gave me someone... who keeps me above his own life... I am grateful for that..."

Whimpering her words in a low pitch, slowly she leaned closer to his grimace. With trembling jowls and a sad smile on her face, she tugged herself near to him. She closed her eyes tight and placed a warm, emotional kiss over his soft reddened lips with a drop of tear dripping down on his chin right from the corner of her dark, saddened eyes.

After engraving a warm kiss on his lips, she pulled her face a bit up and placed an affectionate soft peck on his forehead, with a deep sigh. Slowly, she unrolled her eyes wide open and evoked a sad smile looking at him passionately still.

"I... I have fallen so hard for you...Zeus... How can I not fall for a person who always watched over me from afar? I... I don't know...what's ahead decided by our destiny... but...I just want to see you doing fine... I just want to see you all firm and healthy right before my eyes... I just want to see you happy even if that happiness doesn't include me together along with you... That's how I love you so much... And this realization dragged me towards you today.

But... I... I believe you will wake up soon...Zeus. You will have to rise and shine again... I... I can't come here again to meet you like this as I am forbidden from it...but... I hope... I hope you will come back to me this time, Zeus.

I will be...waiting for you... I will look forward to meeting you again... I will look forward to immersing myself within your warm embrace, I will keep hoping for that day. 

I will look forward patiently... Don't forget me, Zeus...Please...Remember... I will be waiting for you..." She muttered her unclear words with a teary, sad smile, contemplating him deeply.


"Damn, what's taking her so long? I told her to wrap up her greetings in short and come outside! This girl always loves to cause trouble for everyone! Such a nuisance..." Roaming outside the room impatiently, Czar hissed at her in a deep voice within his mind, looking all fretful. From his gestures, he seemed much impatient too.

"What you are doing outside here, Czar?"

All of a sudden, a dark, mystical, hoarse voice from behind flinched him hard! 


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