My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 58 - Protecting Her

"Wh...What did you say?" Her voice stuttered as she fixed her gaze intensively at Czar while he was groping her forearm to block her way from marching towards Eva.

"Don't touch her. I won't allow you to cause any harm to her." His deep blue shimmering supernatural eyes were blazing in a mystified form while he murmured his verdict in a heavy note.

All of a sudden, Ivory jolted her arm to unleash from his grip and vigorously took a step back from him. In the blink of a second, her deep brown eyeballs molded into her dominant alpha bright red color as she evoked a fiery stare at him. She seemed to be fuming in wrath, with her jaws quivering in anger and her glare sharply directed towards Eva.

"You...Do you wish to protect this human by going against us? Will you betray your family for this wench?" She snarled at him.

"Betray? Hahh...No one...Bloody not a single one stood up for me when my own family treated me like a piece of crap! No one ever bothered to accept my heartfelt beg when I..." He trailed off, with his breath going heavily intense as if he was reprimanded of a painful memory while charging her back. Keeping a sudden pause for a moment, he continued, "I...I have made a promise to her... to keep her safe and sound for today... I won't make a little fuss if you intend to kill her tomorrow but not must already we keep our promises superior to our lives."

She was startled, bewildered at his statement, rolling her brightened fiery red eyes at him while exhaling out intensely. "You must have gone crazy...Czar... Open your damn eyes! She is a human! Humans are never worthy of our trust! They...They will always look for an opportunity to stab us back! Look...Look at him!"

All restless and fretful, she pointed her index finger towards emotionless frigid Zeus, lying on the bed all lifeless and numb. Her eyes were glistening with tears as she directed her arm towards him, with her gaze fixated at Czar. "Look at him! He...He is almost on the verge of death today...just...just to save this damn human! Have you forgotten? They...They are our enemy...our eternal enemy! Involving with her will cost you nothing good! are walking on the same path that your brother went overboard--"

"I am not going overboard, Ivory." Abruptly he interrupted her sentence in a hoarse voice, trying to calm himself a bit. His eyes gradually returned to the normal black form and calmly he took a step closer to her to tone her impatient state of mind a bit down. "I just decided to help her as...someday in my past... I was stuck in her position too. At that moment... I cried and begged everyone but no one intended to show any mercy to a small powerless child...

I just... I just wanted to forbear her through the same pain I have already faced before... So at least, I can call this help as the last chance that I spared to her if someday... I would need to kill her. I won't have pity over her again..." His voice sounded much thick and dark, as he took a small glimpse at Eva who was trembling and swooned in fear, standing behind her.

With a deep sigh, Ivory lowered her eyes for a moment and her eyes too molded into the usual deep brown color from her dominant alpha form. "Czar, whatever has happened to you it all lies in our long old past! And... And Zeus was never involved in whatever you faced...neither he intended to cause you any pain intentionally! So...why...why would he bear the consequences of your actions? Do you even realize what you have committed today? If anyone...a single being ever knows that you have brought this human inside our mansion to him, along with you... Zeus too would have to face severe punishment even though he is all innocent--"

"I will never let anyone know that...that I have entered the Romano Mansion, madam..." All of a sudden, Eva broke her silence and chose to interrupt her sentence taking a small step forward towards her looking all fretful and nervous. "I can give you my word... I will never let anyone know about it... Neither I will cause any further risk to his life anymore."

"You have already caused enough damage to darn human! I would prefer to die rather than trusting a human!" Hissing at her response she rolled her pupils wider vexing her displeasure. She was unable to stand her anymore and with a heavy breath out, she tilted her chin sideways to ogle at Zeus who was still lying stiff on the bed.

"Ivory...just... trust me for today. I know...Zeus indeed means everything to you. you know it much he cherishes this lady more than his life. At least for him...keep it a secret." He murmured in a polite tone asking for her approval.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Eva raised her eyes to gawk at Ivory as indeed she understood it well from her restless gestures, how much she cares about him. "She... She indeed treasures him so much... Her love for him is so evident..." This painful realization hit her mind hard which even caused her heart to ache a little. The person she had fallen in love with was already treasured by someone so devotedly who was not a powerless human like her, but a strong fierce ruthless lady who can go beyond boundaries to keep her man safe! Her eyes filled with tears of anguish as she lowered her grimace down.

Stomping her feet hard on the ground, she took a deep breath out and looked at Czar intensely. "Just for today...But... if I see this human here ever again... I swear no one will be able to protect her from my wrath!" Grumbling viciously, she peeked a glare at her. 

With a small smile of relief, Czar nodded his head and immediately grabbed Eva's arm which caused her to flinch in surprise. Firmly he gazed at Ivory and murmured, "I am taking her outside now. Th-Thank you... Ivory." With bold gallant steps, he dragged Eva out of the room with gallant steps forward. While leaving, Eva turned her neck behind looking at Zeus helplessly for the last time with a teary gaze all the way outside.

Ivory stood all still, frigid and numb like a statue as they left out of the room premises. Her eyes were filled with tears of wrath, agony, and shifting her gaze sideways she looked at him intensely.

"What...What did I lack Zeus? Why is it... not me?" She whispered under low breath on her own.


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