My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 67 - Emotional Reunion

Holding a heavy, grievous heart, Zeus rushed closer to his grandmother and pulled her in his tight embrace before breaking down completely. He was whimpering in pain as he clenched his grip around her waist, panting wearily with his quivering chin.

She was sobbing hard seized with the harsh feelings of solitude. Those were the tears of longing as she put her arms around his warm, broad shoulder of her beloved grandchild with whom she had been separated a long time ago. A prolonged waiting period for over a time span of 100 years was withstanding in between them while both of them were bound with each other. They were sobbing helplessly holding each other in their arms, unable to transpire their precious reunion moment.

"How...How have you been, my child? Have...Have you eaten well? Have you been...happy?" Weeping in agony, she murmured out her words, affectionately caressing his broad back shoulder.

"Hic... I should ask you first about that...granny... How...How have you been? Where have you been till now... Were you lonely? Were you stuck in this remote place all this time? I...I had missed you so much...I never...I never even dreamed that...I would get to see you again, granny... I still miss you every day... I still...hic..." Zeus was sobbing bitterly like a small child, resting his head on her soft warm shoulders as his painful teardrops rolled down consistently.

She tapped his shoulder a few times to console his wrecked emotional outburst. "Don't cry too hard, my child... You will be nauseous afterward. I was fine all this time, my little Zeus... I still can't believe you have grown up to be a fine young man...How have you been until now--"

"I wasn't happy at all...granny... Af-After you left me, I had no one by my side...My parents only raised me to become the alpha of the pack... No one ever bothered to give me the love and support a child needs... I...I had to butcher my own soft heart and...I had to transform myself into a ruthless cold alpha devoid of any emotions... You knew it, I never wanted to take the responsibility of leading my pack... I just...just wanted to live my life happily...

But everything changed... I...I had no shoulder to cry on whenever I felt empty inside...

That's when I realized that my life was only left with an objective to fulfill my revenge from the Lupos who snatched you away from me... You were the only one who ever cared for me in my family...There was one for me..." Weeping his sadness down his eyeballs, he mumbled his heartfelt words in a deep, husky voice.

She stood all silent taking a deep breath inside and raising her chin up at the sky. Tapping his shoulder tenderly, she was trying to soothe his broken lonely heart. "I can understand your pain, my child. It's fine...cry all you want to on my shoulder. Relieve your emotions. Your granny won't leave you alone, here." 

Her deep, morose voice reverberated the whole area as an echo as she spoke out. Sobbing for quite some time, slowly, Zeus raised his head up from her shoulder and moved a few inches away from her while wiping out his eyes.

"I am...I am sorry, granny. You...must have felt so absurd to see me in such a dejected state--"

"Oh my! For me, you will be forever my little Zeus who used to wipe out his drool on my skirt. No matter, how much you grow up as a man, you will be forever my little ball of happiness." Softly patting his head with her tender arms, she comforted him with a warm smile.

His eyes were teary again as he attained the precious warmth that he had lost a long ago. Trying hard to console his tears again from rolling down, he tried to avert the topic a bit.

"Granny, I am so confused. What is this place? Where am I? And why you are here? What's happening with us?" He probed her several questions at once. 

"This is the area... near the Bridge Of Oblivion where your soul is currently residing in, my child. Look at that," softly she pointed her right slender index finger at a distance a bit far from where they were standing along. "That is the Sacred Bridge of Oblivion."

The mystic fog covering the whole space magically tainted up a little and an unusual sight became noticeable to him!

From a measurable distance near them, he saw a gigantic, sumptuous, magnificently crafted mysterious bridge that suddenly appeared before him out of nowhere. The area and extent of the bridge seemed so massive that the endpoint was almost invisible for them. It looked like a gigantic walkway passage situated in that remote strange place that intended to make him curious.

"Wh-What? What kind of bridge is that? And...why are we near it, granny?"

"Once you cross this Bridge of Oblivion, your soul will enter the heavenly realm, my child. That's where our souls belong whenever we decease. will also be able to walk into a new afterlife once the right time comes--"

"Wa-Wait a minute, granny!" All of a sudden, his facial appearances looked absolutely petrified as he rolled out his eyes wider in dread. "Soul...afterlife... heaven... these words... 

Th-That means, I am de-dead too? I can't go back anymore?" He sounded intense.

She stood still for a moment, staring at him with her sad gaze, and took a deep breath in before responding to his queries. "Zeus, once you cross this bridge, you won't be able to go back anymore." She answered.

"But why am I here, granny? What is happening to me--"

"You are here because now your body is in a vulnerable state tormented between life and death, my child. Your soul and your body are conflicting against each other. Your body wants to give up from the unbearable pain but your soul wants to live..."

Slowly, she gripped his arm, caressing it softly while lowering her grimace down. "I...I know everything that you have faced until now... I brutally you were ravaged by a werewolf... That's the reason, you are here in this frail state. My heart was aching to see you like this. That's why, I crossed this bridge to find you here, my child." 

Zeus stood still looking all perplexed at her explanation, intensively gawking at her. His heart was pounding hard in restlessness, but he couldn't utter a single word.

"If it was the situation before, I would have held your hand and take you along with me crossing this Oblivion bridge. know the reason behind your will to live.

As because now, you have reason to live, don't you? You have a reason to go back because you know...there is someone who will be waiting and crying for you... There is someone whom you cherish more than your own life, my child...

She is...Eva, am I right?" She whispered in a soft mellow voice, with a small smile.


**Firstly, I am sorry to inform you all that I have injured my right arm by tripping over which has caused a serious injury to my wrist. Luckily, my arm didn't break.

In this condition, doctors have forbidden me to give any stress on my hand and to avoid writing for at least 1-2 weeks. But I know, you all love my story so much that I will definitely try to give updates regularly but it won't be daily because If I take proper rest for 1 week, I can resume writing again. So, whenever I will feel good, I will definitely try to write a chapter for you all.

Hope you all will understand and support me :) Please don't stop voting for me too :)

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