My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 68 - A Sad Confession

All frozen and stunned by her sudden inquiry, Zeus stood like a frigid statue, gawking at his granny in awe. He didn't expect for the slightest moment that she will bring Eva in this context here.

"You...You know about Eva..." He trailed off, gulping his saliva anxiously.

"Even though I was not physically present right before you my child, but all these years, I was looking after you from afar." Softly she caressed his broad back shoulder trying to console him while whispering her words. "She is the sole reason for whom your heart pounds like crazy, isn't it, Zeus? You didn't even consider your own life and just jumped before to protect her at any cost... Do you realize how much you are in love with her?" 

Lowering his dark gloomy eyes down, Zeus stood all frigid taking a deep sigh out. Fidgeting nervously, he responded back to her in a low profound voice, "I don't know granny...since when I started to feel these strange emotions...but..."


"Eva is someone for me...whom I never wanna lose. I don't care about my own life but...I won't be able to live if...if something happens to her..." His voice grew heavier and husky as if he was trying hard to hold back his emotional outburst inside.

"Do you know...since when all of these begin, my child?" Holding a small simper on her face, she probed a small query. Looking a bit perplexed, he shook his head in declination and replied back, "" 

"Zeus, always remember, when destiny comes into play there will be never any coincidences. Out of all living beings, why did you end up saving her from taking away her own life that night? Have you ever tried to ask yourself this question?" Swirling her eyes wider, she mumbled in a soft tone.

Her sudden mystical question caused his heart to palpitate harder, making him more nervous. Standing all still with his gaze intensely fixated on her, he didn't utter a single word.

"I bet you never tried to find out the key yourself, my child. But the only answer is destiny...

You ended up saving her from committing suicide because you were meant to find her that night... And not only you, but she also was waiting to be saved by you who is an irreplaceable part of her destiny. Don't consider it as a mere attraction because everything was already predecided by fate." She tapped his shoulder affectionately while murmuring her answer but somehow, her eyes seemed a bit saddened.

A sad smile appeared on his lips as he averted his gaze down from her, taking a deep breath in. "So it means, I was always meant to find her as...she is the line of my destiny I have been searching for since so long..." He wondered quietly.

"But you must remember, destiny is not always kind for everyone, Zeus. It can rather leave dark scars behind apart from proffering happiness that everyone deserves." She sounded a bit intense while exhaling a deep breath outside. Judging from her facial gestures, she seemed perplexed too.

Zeus quietly observed her gesticulations momentarily and slowly grabbed her soft, tender arm before conversing further, looking very fretful. "Granny, must be really disappointed in me, don't you? know about must also know that...she is a human..." 

"I know that she is a mortal, but--"

"This truth must have hurt you too badly, granny. I swear I have never forgotten the painful cruelties our ancestors had faced due to those vile humans. I still clearly reprimand that those evil humans were responsible for grandpa's death. Those brutal memories are still alive in our hearts...

But...I never even imagined that as a true alpha myself, I...I would ever fall this hard for a human...

Trust me, I wanted to run away from this realization desperately... I thought maybe staying away from her would be the best possible remedy for me, but I...I really can't possibly stay away from her. Every time I tried to avoid her, I ended up tailing her from behind like a pet...Even any slightest danger near her is enough to make me go all crazy and panicked. 

I...I really do love her, granny. She...She is the only one in our whole world who can make me feel happy and lively again like before... I...I know, I feel like betraying my pack... They will be terribly disappointed with me when they will find about this truth as I am well aware, how much the Romano pack despises humans... Perhaps, they will start resenting me too...

But...I really can't stop myself from loving Eva... Don't I have the right to be happy again, granny? Am I being too selfish here for asking about my happiness? Why can't I live my life as I want?" Tears of anguish rolled down his jowls as he murmured his words in a husky, crooked pitch while trying hard to suppress his urge of crying out aloud. 

She was looking at him intensively with her dark, teary gaze as his sad proclamation of love was tormenting her heart in despair. Watching Zeus grieving hard all helplessly in front of her was enough to shatter her heart into pieces. 

"My child... I will never be disappointed with you... How can I be? Falling in love isn't a crime, Zeus... And...whatever has led to the brutal hatred between the werewolves and humans in the past was never your fault too... Neither you nor Eva could be blamed in this context... But..." All of a sudden, she trailed off as she seemed very fretted.

"But? Why did you halt, granny?" Wiping his teary eyes out, he probed her back.

"I...I am more worried about you my child...The consequence of this destiny will be enough heartbreaking... And will be the worst sufferer of everything Zeus...Eva is a mortal, drastically different from us in every aspect. And, the worst part is...she will have a very short life span compared to us... Humans can't even get to live for 100 years...

Zeus, you will have to toss away everything for the sake of her life... You will have to risk your everything for the cost of protecting her just to watch her...slowly die before your own eyes... 

You will be left all alone, heartbroken, sad in the world without your mate once she dies by the law of nature... Compared to our lifespan...the time may come quite soon... You won't be able to keep her alive forever as she is a human...Someday, she will have to leave you, my child. And, you would have to live a lonely life ahead only with her memories...

Won't it be too painful for you my child? A relationship between a mortal and an immortal is a forbidden one...

Would...Would you be able to lead such a sorrowful life ahead? would like to walk with me crossing the Bridge of Oblivion? I will let you chose..." She murmured in a soft, teary voice, holding his arm tight. 


Hello, my lovelies, 

Thank you all for your lovely wishes and blessings.

But sadly, my arm isn't much recovered... Actually, in childhood, I had an injury in the same portion, and this time too the injury that occurred in the same part worsened the already wounded area... I am sorry, but doctors have strictly forbidden me to give any stress for a week or two, or perhaps I would have to opt a surgery :(

But I couldn't resist writing a chapter for you all. Thank you for bearing with me :) You guys are my sweetest supporters and keep motivating me like you always do. Hopefully, I will be back soon with a recovered right arm :)

Please keep voting too :)

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