My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 70 - You Don't Need To Come Here

"Ahhh, damn! My head hurts so bad! But...umm...the shoulder indeed feels soft... Wait, why am I resting on a shoulder? Huh?"

Murmuring in a displeased stiff voice, Czar slowly opened up his eyes, rubbing them nonchalantly while trying to wake up from his deep snooze. His head was still dizzy with a strange tipsy sensation all over his body. Softly he gazed around him and indeed he was resting over the soft, slender shoulder of a lady. 

Quickly with a heavy jolt, he raised his head up and glanced at the person seated beside him. He was still lounging at that special hostess bar chamber leaning on Grace's shoulder who was sitting next to him elegantly holding a wide smile towards him.

"Why...Why are you here? And...why was I sleeping on your shoulder, Grace?" Frowning his eyebrows deeper, he probed her.

"Well judging from your surprised reaction, you are really awake, Mr. Czar. Ahh, you were sleeping on my shoulder for almost 5 hours. They are all stiffened now." Slowly moving her shoulder joints freely, she sulked at him in a gentle voice.

"But why was I sleeping on your shoulder? What's going on?" He sounded a bit perplexed this time, swirling his foci wider.

"I guess, you really don't remember anything--"

"Remember what? What do you mean by that?" Interrupting her sentence quickly, he reciprocated his query in a deep voice. 

Grace softly gazed at his confused grimace momentarily and stood up from the couch in a relaxed posture. Czar seemed very troubled with the existing situation between them and gulped his saliva while glaring at her gestures.

"You were the one who asked me to stay by your side even if you fall asleep on my shoulder, Mr. Czar. Even, you had paid me three times than usual just to keep me tagged along with you. Ahh, I guess you were feeling really lonely inside--"

"What?" Jumping off the couch, he sprang up while shrieking out in a surprisingly high pitch. He was spellbound to hear something like that from a mere bar hostess which left him speechless for a few seconds. "Really? Did...Did I ask you something like that?" 

"Umm, yes. You even asked me to pat your head till you fall asleep. Also, you had forbidden me from leaving you." She had a straight face while answering his queries bluntly, with a small smirk.

Looking all flustered with her answer, Czar flipped up his hair bangs up his forehead, and took a deep sigh out averting his gaze away from her. "Gosh, I must have been crazy! Why did I ever ask you something so ridiculous? It's so freaking embarrassing, ughh! And...And why did you agree to my stupid request? Why you were here with me for almost 5 hours, absolutely for nothing? Ahh, my head even hurts more now..." His voice sounded much restless while he tapped his feet hard on the ground a few times.

Grace smiled at his bashful reaction and slowly walked closer to him with a warm glimmer on her face. "It wasn't a dull experience for me at all. You were sleeping peacefully like a small child in my arms and I was happy just by looking at you. To be honest, no one ever asked me such a request in my life. All I was accustomed was serving the clients with my body but for the first time...someone wanted my accompany. It made me indeed pleased." She whispered in a soft note, holding a sad smile.

Czar slowly raised his eyes up from the ground and glanced at her face for a few seconds. He didn't utter a single word to oppose her anymore rather than exhaling a deep breath of air.

"Mr. Czar, well, I felt, for the very first time in so many years, you were honest with me about your emotions. You looked a bit heartbroken and lonely while drinking all alone. You even asked me to dress up in a maid attire as if you were searching for someone else within me... The fact indeed made me a little sad, but I was glad that you were finally opening up your suppressed emotions after all these years." She slowly tapped his shoulder a few times, trying to soothe him a bit. 

"Damn it! I must be really crazy! Why did I do something so embarrassing before her! She must be thinking of me so naive right now..." Grumbling inside his mind, he sulked his face for a while.

"Grace, I don't know why did I ask you something so stupid, I can't really remember anything--"

"Mr. Czar, you won't have to give any explanation about your actions." She smiled with a gentle warmth, glancing straight into his eyes, and slowly gripped his arm while handing him a small bottle of syrup. "Here, drink this and it will help you to overcome the hangover. Also... I...I wanted to request you something..."


"You won't need to come here anymore, Mr. Czar." Slowly lowering her eyes down, she let go of his hand while mumbling her words in a soft note. "I guess, you must have already found the special person who can heal the broken part of yours that you were seeking to be healed all this time... I really wish, the person will bring out the happiest side of yours so won't ever have to come to any hostess bar seeking warmth...

I...I will lose a good client of mine, but people like me are born to be replaced. So, you don't need to come here anymore, Mr. Czar. I wish you all happiness and a final goodbye." Her gaze seemed gloomy enough as she stared at him deeply for a few seconds. Slowly she lowered her eyes and took a step forward to walk straight out of the room. 

Czar stood still behind like a statue, huffing a deep blew of air and holding a stiff posture. As soon as she walked out, he took a small peek at the door turning his gaze behind, and smirked involuntarily.

"Happiness? Special person? Fuck this bullshit! I paid her such a hefty amount all these years and how could she forbid me from coming here? Such a crazy human...

Why... Why would I ever need someone in my life? I...I am already...happy enough..." His voice crooked a little as he murmured his words on his own, holding a glum expression in his blank gaze.


"I can't believe it! What are all these crazy kinds of stuff going around our mansion? How can Mr. Tylor disappear out of nowhere from our mansion?" 

Howling out in a deeply intense voice, Antonio shrieked aloud in the living room where all the respective butlers of the mansion were gathered around. Aelia was standing behind him holding a stern expression on her face beside Ivory, who seemed absolutely motionless with a dark mystic gaze in her eyes towards them. 

"We...We don't know about it, Master... But, last time, we saw him going upstairs of the mansion. After that... he didn't come back..." A young butler, fretting anxiously tried to answer his growl while fidgeting his arms. 

"Did he disappear in the atmosphere? How can I believe such a crazy explanation? He was the senior butler of our mansion! How can he just fade away all of a sudden?" Looking all frustrated with the chaotic situation, Antonio grumbled at them aloud.

"Ivory, don't you think this is a terrible incident? How can he just disappear from our mansion today?" Aelia whispered close to her, while taking a small peek at her blank face.

She stood still and lowered her head holding an intense eloquence. "I...I don't know about it, Aunt Aelia..." Her answer seemed quite nervous and short.

"Why is she behaving a bit odd?" Aelia was wondering while stealing glances at Ivory, who was fidgeting pretty anxiously beside her.


All of a sudden, a young maid came rushing towards them at the living room where they all were gathered along. She was panting heavily as if she had come running along with the downstairs. Antonio frowned his face and turned back at her, probing in a stiff voice, "what's wrong now? Why are you being so loud?"

"Master... Master Zeus has woken up!!" She shrieked out in bewilderment. 


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