My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 78 - Break Free!

It was almost past dinner time. Slowly, sipping up his chicken breast soup along with grilled salmon slices placed before him on the plate, Zeus was seated still on his bed with his back supported against the giant cushion. However, his mind was crowded with countless perplexed thoughts. From his facial gestures, he didn't seem to be at ease. Rather than, he looked like he was deeply worried about something, alone in his room.

"I feel pissed off so bad! I...I can't control my heart anymore... I definitely can't wait till my entire healing. I gotta think of a way to escape outside for my Eva... Damn! I miss her... I wanna see her so bad... I miss her warm smile... I miss her tiny pouty face... Ahhh...damnit!" Mumbling inside his mind, he stared sharply at the soup bowl with anticipation and a heavy sigh.

Knock Knock!

All of a sudden, he flinched hard with the interrupting noise as the door creaked open inside. Those two sturdy men who were in charge of looking after him slowly stepped inside the room with a nervous gaze on their faces. One of them was holding a food tray with a large bowl filled with some kind of warm soup.

"Greetings to our Alpha. Hope you are eating well, Master Zeus." Both of them slightly bowed their head while reciprocating their salutation towards him.

"Why are you both here again? Didn't I command earlier, till I summon any of you, no one is allowed to come inside. So why did you barge in?" Seeming much irked, he grumbled at them in a deep pitch.

One of them who was holding the food tray slowly stepped forward and chose to answer him nervously, "umm, Master, we brought you our traditional mineral-enriched Ox-Blood Soup. It will help you rejuvenate your lost strength and fasten your healing process." He gently walked closer to his bedside and carefully placed the tray beside him after wrapping up his words quickly. 

Zeus took a peek at the soup bowl and raised his eyes up at them, staring intensively. He took a small sip of the soup and softy nodded his head. "It tastes good."

With his short compliment, they seemed to be overjoyed enough with a wide grin on their anxious faces. "Really, Master? We prepared it for you with our heart and soul. And we know, you will regain back your strength very soon." They blurted out together.

Watching them getting so excited with a small compliment, he chuckled a bit. "Were you both that worried about me?" He mumbled taking a sip again.

"Not only us, Master! Every one of our Romano Pack has been tremendously worried about you, Master. And...It's obvious. You are our Alpha, our superior strength. If...If something horrific had happened to you, every one of us would have been fallen apart..." One of them replied back to him in a deep, intense voice, swirling his pupils wider.

Zeus didn't utter a single word and kept glancing at them vividly. He felt a bit sorry for being quite harsh towards them even though their intentions were pure. They were just doing the duties they were instructed to do but deep down inside, they were honestly concerned about him. 

Suddenly, his facial expression grew a bit pale and he breathed out a deep huff. Raising his grimace, he inquired them in a rugged tone, "what...what if someday... as the Alpha of your pack I cause you some major disappointment...Will you all... still be able to trust... and stay devoted to me till the end?" His voice crooked a little as he murmured.

With his absurd question, both of them seemed a bit perplexed fr a moment but quickly shook their head in obeyance. "No matter what happens, whatever path you will choose, we as your pack member will be always devoted to you. Please don't fret about it, Master." They declaimed out aloud.

At their bold proclamation, for a moment, his heart was feeling a bit light-weighted from all the sullen guilt emotions he was born inside. With a sad smile imprinted on his cherry red lips, he took a few more sips of the soup they prepared for him earnestly.

"Are you both gonna keep a watch staring at me like this? Well, I feel a bit uncomfortable if you both will keep looking at me like that." Slowly discarding the food tray, he mumbled politely in a soft voice.

"We...We don't have a choice, Master. Both of us have been assigned to protect you from any impairment and if we fail to do so, Madam Aelia will definitely kill us..." Looking a little fretful, one of them uttered his intuition.

All of a sudden, a striking thought struck his mind and immediately he swirled his eyeballs wider. With utmost anticipation, he gawked at them fixedly with a dubious expression on his face.

"Then... You both gotta help me out today..." With a mystic smirk, he blurted out.

"Help? What help Master--" 

Before the completion of their sentence, all of a sudden, his dark eyeballs obtained the dominant red form as he intended to use his super wolf powers at them. Both of them stiffened as ice as their eyes locked on Zeus's red gaze and couldn't utter a single word in objection as if they were paralyzed distinctly.

"Have a good sleep both of you. Have a deep, healthy rest." Zeus murmured out deeply while intensively gawking at them. To be precise, he was using his hypnotic powers on them!

Immediately, both of them crippled down on the ground losing their complete senses as they couldn't resist the supreme power of alpha. Watching them losing their senses in the blink of a second, Zeus couldn't help but smile a bit victoriously.

"It was too easy to counter you both." Murmuring in a jubilant tone, he slowly tried to get down from the bed on his own as after sipping up the Ox-Blood soup, he was indeed feeling quite rejuvenated. Slowly, he put down his left feet on the ground followed by the right one. As he tried to stand up, his abdominal injured part twitched in pain which caused him to tremble a bit.

But he didn't back off, putting his entire strength in, he slowly marched closer to one of them who was lying down at a measurable distance from him. Painfully, he tried to kneel down on the ground and touched the arm of that person, closing his eyes tight.

"Let me borrow your strength for today... You can have your rest for now." He mumbled softly and immediately a flash of red illuminant light wrapped up his entire unconscious body. Small red flames seemed to disperse out all over and indeed, Zeus was borrowing his strength into his weak feeble body!

The procedure lasted for several minutes. Carefully he opened his eyes and released his hand from his arm. Soon he stood up from the ground and this time, his body didn't ache so painfully. Indeed borrowing his strength, he was feeling a bit lively than earlier.

With a small smirk, he gazed outside straight through the giant window by his bedside and took a deep sigh of comfort. The night breeze was indeed cooling with the bright illuminant moon radiating the whole sky. 

"It's time..." He mumbled to himself with a wide blissful smile.



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