My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 79 - I Missed You!

It was almost past midnight. The bright illuminant moonlight was shimmering the entire night sky with small stars beaming in it. A mild and calm night breeze was softly drifting inside the large glass window panes inside Eva's living room which were left partly open...

Both Eva and Clara completely passed out on the couch, tugging beside each other, after gobbling down several cans of chilled beer to vent out enormous frustrations of their messed up lives. After several hours of a long tiring slumber, Eva was the first one to regain her senses back.

Slowly, she blinked her blurry heavy eyes cryptically while trying to wake herself up raising her head up from the couch. Whereas, Clara was still unconscious in deep sleep, snoring aloud.

Her head was all numb due to the effect of heavy drinking. She had been always a light-headed drinker but several cans of beer were enough to make her terribly sober.

Scratching her head with a puzzled look in her deep brown eyes, she flaked her soft hair bangs up from her forehead trying to get a hold of the situation happening around her. A large number of beer cans were scattered all around the room causing a huge mess inside her house. Making a frown face, she tried to stand up from the couch as quietly as possible trying not to wake up Clara. As she stood up, taking a deep breath inside, she took a small glance at her sleeping sober pale face. 

"I am sorry Clara...for dragging you too in my messed up life... I guess, all my life...I have only caused suffering to the people I ever loved... I am truly sorry for everything..." Mumbling softly in her mind, with a sad small smile she gently caressed her fine hair threads from her sleeping face and turned behind to walk straight towards the kitchen to fetch some water as her gullet was choked in thirst.

Gulping down a few sips of water, she stood still like a statue resting her back against the wall of the kitchen while gazing at her large family portrait hung on the wall with happy faces confined in it. As she looked at the beautiful smiles of her beloved family members, standing all alone inside the dark apartment, tears of guilt and apprehension dripped down the corner of her sullen eyes. 

"Firstly, I lost every one of you... Then I lost my job... And now... my home too...I never had the slightest idea that my life will become so burdensome for me one day..." She muttered alone in a low cold voice with her gaze still fixed at the portrait, primarily focussed on her mother. "Mom, you know... every day...little by little... I have been dying inside with regret and pain for being left as the only survivor of that fateful night which snatched you and dad away from me forever... I thought...maybe someday...along with Felix by my side, I will be able to overcome this pain...

But now...look at me... You three are teamed up all together resting in heaven and I... I can't even reach up to you no matter how much I yearn to see you all just once..." Her chin started quivering as her voice crooked while she was trying hard to choke her tears inside, possibly not trying to make any whimpering sound that can wake up Clara.

"Why did you all have to leave me here alone in this scary world? Dad, I really bring misfortune in people's lives just as the landlady said? Am...Am I the reason you all had to face a tragic death? Yes...maybe...maybe she is right... I think... I am the cursed one indeed... Just for the sake of my cursed life...Z...Zeus had almost died too... Then...Then should I stay away from Clara? I... I think she must abandon me too... I don't wanna cause any harm to the people I love... I... I...just wanted to be...happy... I just only wanted to live a normal happy life... What did I do to deserve all these? Why?" Clenching her skirt with her trembling fist and lowering her head down at the ground, she started to sob bitterly with her soul aching in agony... While conveying her whining to the smiling picture hung on the wall, all she could do was crying alone as silently as possible.

After a while, tapping her chest a few times, she tried to console her broken soul while wiping her tear-soaked eyes, "Stop crying, Eva... You have to stay strong... You have to--"

Suddenly, her words paused as she apprehended a strange sensation somewhere quite closer to her. A few times, she sniffed her nose as she could perceive a sweet yet intoxicating scent drifting inside her apartment from outside which in turn made her a bit restless.

"Where is this sweet smell coming from?" She wondered while sniffing a few more times while anticipatingly glancing at the window. "I think I have already encountered this strange scent before... It is familiar... It's so strangely familiar... Ahhh, I remember! I sensed this smell when I was..." All of a sudden, her pupils swirled wider in shock as if she was reminded of something too important which caused her muttering to pause in wonder.

Immediately without wasting a single second anymore, she rushed towards the door panting heavily as if her heartbeat was about to stop! In anticipation and concern, she dashed outside her apartment running straight down the stairs desperately reaching outside almost holding her breath! As she stepped out of the premises, her feet halted and her eyes rolled wider in shock to witness the view before her.

Standing at a measurable distance from her, it was her beloved awaited person, Zeus! He had a wide sad teary smile on his bruised face while glancing at her with his deep eyes filled with feelings of love and yearning. He was resting against a giant streetlight as a support but as soon as Eva dashed outside, he slowly tried to straighten his back. He had an oversize black jacket around his shoulder with his bare abdomen and chest wrapped up in bandages with blood droplets smitten in it.

"No... It can't be possible... I....I must be hallucinating... I must be out of my mind.... How can he stand here right in front of me? How can he come right in front of my house in such a critically injured state? No... He shouldn't be here! He can't be here! I... I must be dreaming... It's impossible!" Screaming inside her mind, Eva couldn't move a single inch as if she was frozen in shock. Desperately, she shook her head a few times possibly to check if she was still asleep but everything felt too surreal to believe! Her heart was throbbing like crazy but her body was all stiffened while she was almost on the verge of breaking down!

Zeus understood she was too shocked to meet him in such an unexpected manner and the fact made him smile a bit. He stood straight and stretched out his arms wider grinning from ear to ear watching her beloved person after such a long-anticipated waiting...

"Won't...Won't you come and hug me, Eva? I... I missed you! I missed you so much!" He responded out aloud first in a deep emotional voice.



Hello my lovelies,

I know you all were desperately waiting for this chapter and here's my small gift for you all for patiently waiting for my arm to recover and supporting me.

✓Click on this YouTube link below to watch the small teaser I made for my book with my three main characters- Zeus, Eva and Czar.


Also do like and comment to motivate me furthermore so that I can make more videos for you all. I hope u will love it :*


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