My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 97 - Memories

After spending some quality time in each other's warmth, it was time for Zeus and Eva to bid farewell. Slowly, Eva followed him outside of the cafeteria, holding a sullen smile as he was leaving already from the premises.

Both of them stood still, facing opposite each other and holding each other's arms tightly. As he was about to leave, he softly caressed her side cheeks expressing his concerns.

"Don't overwork yourself too much. And...don't go home much lately. Be careful about the surroundings especially from the people approaching you." He murmured.

"Okay, okay I get it. You too should take care of yourself for me, Zeus. Don't get hurt by yourself again. It terrifies my heart to see you in pain... Okay?" She reciprocated, touching his warm hand which was caressing her face.

Tenderly nodding his head, he took a sharp glance around them before responding further. "Also... Never take off the pendant from your neck, Eva. It will protect you from everything even when I won't be nearby... Never lose it, okay?"

"I won't. Promise." Affectionately placing a soft kiss on his warm hands touching her grimace, she stood still staring at his elegant appearance.

"I...I will leave now. Take care." Mumbling with a heavy heart, he was about to turn back leaving her behind at the cafeteria. But when he took a step forward, immediately she grabbed his forearm from behind, intending to stop him from leaving.

"Wait a moment! I forgot something!" 

Startled at her quick response, he shifted his impertinent gaze towards her when she took out her phone raising her arm while holding it a bit higher.

"To...Today is our first day of togetherness. Let's take a selfie to cherish this memory forever in our hearts." Snuggling closer to his broad muscular chest, she whispered in a mellow tone.

A wide smile appeared on his face watching her heartwarming affection towards him. Nodding his head he put his arms around her shoulder tucking her closer in his embrace.

"1...2...3...Smile!" [Click]


It was the very first picture both of them clicked together. Indeed, they looked like the perfect dignified couple, happy and gleaming with love after finding such solace in each other's warmth.

"We both look so pretty in the picture. I...I will cherish this beautiful memory. People may fade away...but memories forever stay alive in our hearts, Zeus." Looking at the picture with a warm smile on her face reflected by the gleaming sun rays, she sounded delicate and pleasant.

All of a sudden, hearing her response, his heart throbbed a bit with a tinge of uncertainty stirring him from inside. The wide smile tainted a little as his eyes were locked on her, smiling and looking at their picture as if it was her only precious treasure.

"Will our lovable moments...fade away someday too? Will...Will you despise me after knowing my truth of existence, Eva? Won't...Won't you hold my hand like this forever? Are there too many secrets lying about our relationship, Eva? How...How would I live without you in my life?" Several questions rose inside his mind while his dark, sad eyes were intensively watching her smiling on her own. As he turned out extremely quiet, she raised her chin from the screen and took a glance at him.

"Zeus, why aren't you saying anything? And...why do your eyes look so sad? Wh... What's wrong?" 

"It's...nothing." Giving off a short sad smirk, he tried to avert his gaze away from her taking out a deep sigh.


"Eva, I will disclose everything to you regarding life... But... I...beg you...Please never let go of my hand... I...I am really...scared of losing you..." Lowering his tear-filled eyes, he clenched her arm tighter sounding a bit petrified with the fear of their uncertain fate.

"What are you talking about, Zeus? Why would I leave you? I...I will stick to you forever, no matter what happens. I promise, okay?" She sounded too worried, softly cupping his face in her tiny arms. 

"Okay... You should head back now, Eva. The customers are waiting inside." Tenderly placing a soft kiss on her forehead, he asked her to head inside because of the dark atmosphere growing around them.

Unwillingly, she stepped a few steps back from him and giving off a heavy sigh, retreated inside the cafe with a heavy heart. Standing outside alone for a few seconds, Zeus watched her strolling inside rolling his concerned gaze.

After a pause of few seconds, he turned back and quickly took out his cellphone, dialing someone with a frown grimace.

[Phone ringing]

"Hello, Mr. Pablo?" He murmured out in a heavy voice as soon as someone picked up the phone after ringing a few times.

"Sir? How...How have you been? I...I heard you had met with a grave accident! How is your health doing now, sir?" A concerned, broken voice of his assistant of the Romano Group responded quickly from the other side of the phone.

"I am doing fine now...but... I need your help regarding a matter." His voice grew darker as he took a slight to peek around, glancing at the cafe through the glass walls.

"What kind of help, sir? Is there anything urgent--"

"If you remember, we had an intern working for us for a couple of days. Miss Eva Ricci..."

"Ye...Yes, sir, I do remember! But...that young lady has terminated suddenly without a proper reason from our office a few days ago..."

"I want every information she had submitted on her interview..." He proclaimed in a dense, heavy pitch swirling his eyeballs mysteriously.

"But...sir..." Mr. Pablo seemed a bit hesitant regarding his request as disclosing the personal pieces of information of an ex-employee was quite a prohibitional act to commit.

"Also...I need every detail of her family and the places she applied for an internship before joining our organization. Each and everything I want in a detailed format. Hopefully, I will receive it as sooner as possible." Commanding in a profound pitch, quickly enough he disconnected the call lowering his guilty perplexed eyes down from the glass walls. He clenched his fist harder, emitting a deep huff of breath out. 

"Forgive me Eva for doing background checking on you... But... What Czar told me yesterday, is not letting me live at ease... There... something special and secretive about you which I must be well aware of before it's too late...

You are not an ordinary human, Eva... Something dark... surely lies in there..." Wondering inside, his left eyeball transformed into the illuminant red alpha color, as he stole a glance at the cafe before walking away from the premises.



Almost panting heavily and running out of breath, Clara came running across Sapphire Street, thanks to the scheduled time she was given by Czar to attend the place. It was a magnificently constructed old street, which mainly stays desolated most of the time except few large vehicles running through it consistently. On the other sideway of the giant street, facing the Marcus Cliff located closer to the place, a narrow public bench was placed. Czar was sitting there gloriously like a handsome, elegant model glancing at his phone holding a mystic smirk on his face. After noticing him quickly, she ran straight towards the bench huffing deep breaths out due to all the hardships she faced while coming to such a desolate place.

"Ma...Master... I...I...came here...(huff) (huff)..."

Without even raising his chin from the screen, a broad smile appeared on his face hearing her voice. "Why are you running out of breath?" 

"This's far from my home...The cab dropped me off at a place much further than this street... I came here all the way running...and now...I feel... breathless..." She murmured in an anticipated voice.

"Cab? What the fuck?" Sprang up from his seat, Czar marched closer towards her holding a witty smirk on his face and his eyes intensely gawking on her. "Have you forgotten about your real identity after being too accustomed to the human lifestyle? Did you take a cab to come here? What a crappy joke! What about your legs? Who can compare with a werewolf when it comes to running?" His voice sounded cranky while inquiring about her.

"Look at this asshole! Firstly he forced me to run here and now complaining like an annoying punk! I want to beat him till death!!!"  Grumbling inside her mind, she slowly cleared her throat before responding further, "I...I am a sorry master, but...I didn't want to run up to here..."

"But are 20 seconds late." Peeking a glance at his wristwatch, he whispered in a sly tone. " know what it means, right?"


"You deserve punishment...isn't it? So, are you prepared for it?" Tossing a cunning wink, he murmured leaning his mouth closer to her ears.


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