My Destined Werewolf Mate

Chapter 99 - Forbidden

"It's just..." She gulped her saliva, lowering her gaze down with a small smirk. "The smile you had on your face just now talking about her...seemed so pure and blissful, master. It's quite strange unlike you..." 

Czar looking all numb and startled at her honest opinion fidgeted anxiously for a few seconds. His illuminant blue eyes transformed back into usual black and somehow he looked a little nervous. An awkward silence persisted between them momentarily. Clearing his throat and looking a bit perturbed, he shifted his glare towards the giant street before answering her, "I don't have the slightest intention to involve myself in that useless stuff! Things like that aren't meant for me... My goal is predecided for a very long time and all I can do is waiting to revive back my glory..." 

His tone this time didn't resonate as his usual mischievous one, rather than it sounded real stiff thickened with mystic aura. Clara kept looking at his frigid grimace curiously and it was evident that he had his hidden intentions set up as his priority over his happiness...

"I am sorry, master... I didn't want you to be offended with my words--"

"Also, I want to add a major clause in our relation, Miss Clara." He continued further in a dark profound pitch, fixing his intense gaze at the front. 

"A clause?" This was the very first time Czar called out her name which further intensified the atmosphere surrounding them, by making her more anxious. 

"Both of us will be forbidden from developing any kind of romantic or emotional feelings towards each other. Or in other words... We will be forbidden from falling in love with each other in our current relationship. This will be the major clause and the backbone behind our master-slave relation." He shifted his sharp fierce glance towards her, declaiming in a hoarse tone.

The sudden announcement was unexpected for Clara as she stood awestruck, opening up her mouth a little. Trying to process his command, she further reciprocated out of curiosity, "Ummm, what if...either one of us violates this clause and... unintentionally falls for one of us?"

"Then right at that very moment, our deal will end and we will terminate our current relationship. Both of us will depart away from each other as far as possible, and will never see each other again. I strictly forbid any emotional involvement with my toys, at least that's what I have done until now." Abruptly he replied to her.

"Master...are you scared of falling in love?" She inquired promptly, frowning her chin as his words were piquing up her impertinence quite badly.

Czar stood still momentarily for a few minutes and a wide sad smile appeared on his face at her question. "I am scared of pain... My life has already enough scars to make me the kind of person I am today... I...I don't want something more to wreck me from inside when I have already spent so many years learning to pick myself up from the dark abyss... Love makes us weak and I don't want anyone to be my weakness." 

"No matter how vicious and annoying he tries to be... but this person indeed is broken badly from inside...just like me..." Emitting out a heavy heartfelt sigh, her eyes seemed pitiful looking at his sad smile which indeed projected a lot amount of pain he was desperately trying to hide. Looking at the growing intense atmosphere surrounding them, she tried to ease the mood by diverting the topic somewhere else.

"Fine...then I can assure you that our master-slave relation would never face a single scratch because the clause violation seems impossible at this point." Sulking her face, she cleared her throat before mumbling.


"I will be honest with you master, possess all the traits of the person I despise the most. So, I can't fall in love with you and I guess you are already determined enough to refrain from any emotional involvement. So in other words...neither one of us will ever violate this clause and unfortunately, I have to stick around with you being your slave. That's practically annoying as hell for me!" 

"Buhahahahaha!" As soon as she finished whining her inner thoughts, Czar immediately burst out with laughter. His eyes were glittering in pleasance as he found her opinion truly amazing and satisfying to his inner turmoils. 

"Umm, are laughing? Shouldn't you be offended--" 

"I have never received such an honest opinion from any maiden... Every woman chose to stick with false deceptive praises around me are the first one who bluntly pointed out your immense displeasure towards me... Hahaha, I find it damn amazing..." His voice sounded much gleeful compared to the sullen tone he had before. 

Watching him laughing out heartily forgetting his grievous agony somehow made her a bit pleased. Unknowingly a wide chuckle appeared on her jowls as she lowered her eyes looking much jovial.

"A slave also has to make her master laugh out aloud even in glum situations... So...I just did my job and I am made you laugh at least." She was gazing at the street with her shimmering unknotted brown hair wavering with the mild spring breeze floating around them. The glistening sun rays reflected her divine smile to an ethereal level of beauty.

Standing beside her, unknowingly he stole a glance at her charming smile which looked divinely beautiful. Her fair porcelain skin was glowing in the sunlight and her large almond-shaped eyes seemed much jovial, smiling heartily. Unconsciously he was monitoring her gorgeousness, widening his gaze stiff.

"I didn't notice it before...but she is...indeed beautiful..." His mind chanted the words, with his mouth being entirely silent.

"Master...should we go back home then?" Softly shifting her glance at him by turning her side face, she noticed that he was already staring at her for the time being!

Unknowingly getting caught by her in the act, he averted his gaze away from her responding in a flustered expression.



"Ahhh, finally my shift ends today! Owww, my back hurts so much! It's such a strenuous job..." Tossing the final garbage bean away in the disposal can, Eva straightened up her shoulders, stretching her back while glancing at the clock. It was already 6 pm and the closing time of the cafeteria. She was being impatient for going back home and with an impertinent gaze in her eyes, she sneaked a peek at her phone.

"Are you done for the day, Miss Eva?" 

A warm, soothing voice from behind caused her to flinch hard. She turned back and watched Mr. Beck was standing near the entrance wind chimes, closely walking towards her tossing a broad smile. As both of their eyes met, she too reciprocated his smile with a blissful chuckle.

"Good evening, Mr. Beck. Well, I was waiting for you before leaving shift has already ended..."

"Did you enjoy working here on your first day?" 

"Of...Of course. The place indeed has a soothing atmosphere to work with... Though I was unfamiliar with this kind of work I enjoyed serving the customers here, Mr. Beck. Here... Here's the record of today's sale." Politely she stretched out her arm handing him a big black covered file maintaining all the data of the accounts for the day. 

"Ahh, thank you for your hard work. I am relieved to leave my cafe in your safe hands, Miss Eva." He replied quickly while taking a glance at the sales record noted inside the file, with a mystic dark gaze.

"Well then, I should take my leave right now, Mr. Beck--"

"Umm, before leaving...can I ask you for a small favor, Miss Eva?" Abruptly he interrupted her sentence, in a gentle note raising his dark eyes above from the file.


"Can you prepare a soothing hot cappuccino for me before leaving? Well, you can also join me for a cup of coffee..." He was smiling wide but somehow his grin had a hidden mystic aura around it.

"Of course I can prepare it for you, Mr. Beck. But...I will join you for a coffee the next time." She happily nodded her head and gradually headed straight towards the staff kitchen to prepare his coffee. Beck stood still for a moment looking at her with his intense gaze and after a while, his face faded with immense darkness. Taking slow steps towards her, he marched straight to the kitchen observing her from behind as she was working on her own.

Suddenly, he picked up a sharp, shinning knife from the rack of the kitchen and hide it behind folding his arms. He had an atrocious smirk on his face and slowly marched towards Eva clenching the knife harder in his grip.


**Hello my lovelies, 

I am trying my best to stay strong and fight this stupid Coronavirus gathering my entire strength... Pardon me if you find some grammatical errors as I am not in a state currently to edit it precisely.

I will not give up so easily and also I need your love and prayers to heal myself again...

Please keep voting and loving me :)

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