My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 427 The Battle of Avalon, Astor is about to retire

Chapter 428: The Battle of Avalon, Astolfo is about to exit!

[Shuo Yue, Shuo Yue Qing! 】

The causal line with his followers was shaken, and feeling Artoria's silent but firm will, Sakuyue opened his eyes from meditation and connected the causal line.

"What is it, Ruler?"

Artoria heard the change in the title, and she was shocked. She tried hard to suppress her anxiety: "The artificial man is on the verge of death, and the situation is about to reach an irreversible point. Master, you are now Where?"

"In the place where I should be." Shuo Yue responded, "Not far from you. I can save him at any time as long as I am willing."

"Then why haven't you shown up yet! Do you want to watch him die!"

"The time has not come yet. I said that only by taking action at the last moment can we maximize the benefits."

Even in the face of Artoria's accountability, Shuo Yue did not waver at all. He was like a precise balance, with only 'gains' and 'loses' on both ends, and there was no room for any human kindness.

"It's okay to be angry. If you want to blame me, just come. But all this has to wait until the matter is over, after my rescue fails - Ruler, what is more important than the life of a stranger compared to the master's plan? , I hope you can distinguish it in your heart."

After a pause, Shuo Yue finally explained a little more.

"What's more, there was never an option to sacrifice the androids in the plan."

There is no room for joking or twisting, this is what Shuo Yueqing looks like when she is serious... No, I should say, it is Assassin's Shuo Yueqing...

Artoria seemed to have some realization. She bit her lower lip and wanted to say something, but Astolfo's exclamation sounded first.

"You! Cheer up and answer me!"

The knight with a pink ponytail and a black bow ran towards the android. Arturia was stunned and subconsciously looked at Siegfried, only to find that not only him, but also her own arm had not been removed at some point. After losing his strength, he let Ah Fu go, who should have been unable to move.


Black Rider, who was freed from his restraints, ignored Gold, who was standing aside, panting like a wild dog, and knelt in front of the artificial man, holding his hand tightly.

But it was too late. The heart of the artificial man was gradually losing its vitality. Even Astolfo, the famous paladin and adventurer, had to surrender in the face of death.

For this paladin whose rationality has evaporated, how much of a blow was the death of the artificial man to him.

His promise to the artificial man was broken, and his dignity and pride as a hero were trampled on. The artificial man died in his arms, even though Astolfo had the strongest magic book and the most magical horse. The gun is still powerless.

Desperate, he looked at his two companions with resentment and condemnation:

"Beast, it's too's too late! Why didn't you make up your mind earlier! You could have stopped him! Before that idiot (Master) did anything!"

Siegfried remained silent, like an eternal rock; but Artoria was in agony because of the paladin's condemnation, and her face under the black robe was covered with regret and self-blame.

She is the King of Knights, a radiant Holy King, a wise monarch who is still praised to this day even if the country is destroyed.

How could she, who drew her sword to protect the people, tolerate a life drifting away little by little in front of her——

In the end, Artoria's string as a servant was broken.

【Shuo Yueqing! I'm going to use Avalon! 】

That was not the tone of a servant, but a king's natural declaration to the knight.

Not far away, Shuo Yue was silent, not because of shock, but as a matter of course, sighing in her heart.

He (Assassin) doesn't know what the true body will do, and he doesn't bother to think about it, but now, I (Assassin) am the one who has experienced this Holy Grail War.

From Black's point of view, he is undoubtedly a member of Red. If he wants to gain the greatest gratitude from Black Rider and Saber, he must appear at the most critical moment.

Just like playing Pokémon, the mythical beast cannot be captured unless it falls into a dying state.

So, have to wait. When Siegfried makes up his mind, when he wants to save the androids with all his heart, that's when Shuoyue comes on the stage.

‘The Distant Utopia (Avalon)’ is an EX-level and rare protective Noble Phantasm, so it must not be wasted on a mere artificial human. But he knew Arturia's character well, and once she decided something, she would never change it.

So, what is to be done is determined.

Above the treetops, the young man's eyes were deep and he slowly raised his arms.

"Order it with a command--"

! ! !

Even though it was only half-activated, Artoria could still feel the hairs rising on her head, as if there was a Sword of Damocles hanging above her head.

When the command spell is cast, the servant no longer lives for his own will.

However, she never expected that Shuo Yue would not hesitate to use the Command Seal to express her determination in order to resist her thoughts!

"Shuo Yueqing!"

The lines of cause and effect were connected again, and Artoria's question was interrupted by Shuo Yue's indifferent words before she could even speak.

"Don't force me to use the Command Seal, my king. I don't want the trust between us to be broken because of a homunculus."

The young man's words revealed his unwavering will. Even though Arturia was still unwilling to give in, she could only stand there obediently and be a silent spectator.

But deep down, the King of Knights had mixed feelings.

This is no longer a problem with artificial humans. Fundamentally, there is something wrong with Assassin.

If the true body comes, Shuo Yueqing will never stop her behavior.

Rather, that young man must take her emotions into consideration and tolerate her willfulness, right?

Under the black robe, Artoria closed her eyes with mixed emotions.

This conclusion can be drawn without intuition. When exactly did she and Shuo Yueqing establish this level of trust?

And what attitude should I take when facing this assassin with a completely different personality?

The girl asked her heart, but the door was empty and there was no answer. She wanted to ask for help from the Sixth Director Lingxia who was far away in Mirennia Fortress, but for some reason, even the Sixth Director Lingxia rejected her communication request.

Beside Artoria, the artificial man's breathing was no longer visible; Astolfo hugged him and whispered "I'm sorry"; Gold was still immersed in the fear of death; and Black Saber, all Ge Fei, he slowly closed his eyes. 【】

The vision was dark, and the familiar cry seemed to span time and space, making the dragon slayer recall the past again.


Once upon a time, there was a hero. A hero who slays dragons.

He is the prince of the Netherlands, brave and noble. Everyone praises its majesty and praises its glory. Men are rushing to join him, and women place their loyal love on him.

And the hero responded to their expectations.

The hero seldom rests, but only pursues the battle blindly. No, it's not that he pursues the battle himself, but that the battles in the world refuse to let go of him and his powerful power.

He possesses an invincible sword and an invincible body. Therefore, it is natural to be chased by many desires. However, he was too perfect as a hero - to the point where it was too much. He responds to requests. If you kneel before him and beg, he will surely grasp the hands that ask for help.

If someone asked him to destroy the evil dragon, he would go through fire and water. If someone hopes that he can let the most beautiful girl fall into his arms, he will definitely rack his brains to find a way to achieve it. He never considers good or evil...

A way of living like a wish machine, he always thought that just doing this would be enough. Good and evil are, after all, just a matter of stance.

He would avenge a wealthy official who came to tell him that his family members had been killed.

However, he ignored the villagers who were struggling on the edge of poverty simply because they did not ask him for help.

Because if you don't do this, things will never end. It is simply impossible to hold the world in your arms. So he only responded to those who wanted something from him - this was the only rule he set for himself.

Actions are not based on one's own will; fighting is not based on one's own preferences.

[Lord Siegfried, I want to take possession of that mountain]

[Please, Lord Siegfried, please punish the thieves who live in the mountains]

【I hope you defeat that monster】

[Please, Lord Siegfried, I want to get that beauty]

【I want to rule that country】

[Lord Siegfried, please...]

[Ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you to ask you]


That is the blood accumulated on the sword, and that is the karma piled on him.

Until one day, the hero suddenly realized that he had no idea what he expected. No hopes, no dreams. He couldn't even picture the future in his mind. Everyone regards the hero as an ideal existence, but the hero himself has lost the ideal itself.

——What a deception. It's like a gear that can't mesh. If you get what you ask for, of course you won't be able to figure out what you want.

He is nothing more than the "Holy Grail" called a hero.

That's okay, the hero thought. After all, being thanked by others is not a bad thing. Being begged by someone with a serious face will make you feel shaken. This is natural.

Therefore, the hero insists on his own way - and as a result, he even achieves the great cause of eradicating the dragon. And somewhere in his heart there was a hole. There is nothing in the void, only the endless darkness of nothingness.

Obviously I love people.

Obviously I love the world.

There is only this emptiness that cannot be filled until death.

And now, the Dragon Slayer, who had a second short life, once again stood before two roads.

But this time, he finally took steps towards a completely different path.

"Master, can you treat that android?"


"Saber, what did you say just now?"

Looking at Saber whose expression remained unchanged, Gold thought for a moment that he was hallucinating, until Siegfried spoke again:

"I hope you can treat the artificial man and free him."

"Are you kidding..."

Gold's voice trembled. He was so angry that he seemed to have forgotten to even express himself. Even so, he took a deep breath and said in the majestic voice of a Master:

"You're just a useless familiar, don't give me any opinions, just shut up and obey my orders..."

Faced with the Master's spit, Siegfried, who was more than half a head taller than him, just took a step forward with a calm expression, forcing him to swallow the second half of his words.

"Aren't you going to save him?"

"So shut up-"

The next moment, Gold lost consciousness. Saber punched him hard in the abdomen, causing Gold to fall to the ground unconscious. Saber turned her back to him without even glancing at him.

In front of his eyes was Rider holding the hand of the android.


Without responding to Rider's call, he walked closer to the two of them, discarding the armor and sword woven with magic power, and even took off his clothes, exposing his upper body.

Then, he knelt in front of the dying android.

"What are you going to do...Saber."

Although she had already guessed what was about to happen, Artoria couldn't help but tremble in her heart and asked in a low voice.

Facing Artoria's inquiry, Siegfried bowed his head sadly:

"I went on the wrong path again. I wanted to give up on the person in front of me and didn't make a wish for me. I didn't think for myself, but wanted to leave the choice to others."

- Just like then, just like believing that the battle is over.

I always make wrong choices in key places. Obsessed with his own desires, he turned a blind eye to the weaklings crouching in front of him.

He didn't ask for help, so he turned a deaf ear to the cries of the vulnerable and ignored them.

How ugly, how evil, that is definitely not the goal I pursue.

Now that you have been given a second life, do you still want to make the same mistakes again?

No, that was not his wish.

[I want to be a partner of justice. 】

The hero finally remembered his own wish that he had never told anyone because of shame.

And if he is a righteous partner, what should he do at this moment to save the life he destroyed with his own hands?

The answer has already been determined.

"This might make him suffer an unwarranted fate, but even so, I have something I should dedicate to him."

Having said this, Siegfried, the great dragon-slaying hero, stretched out his hand to his heart without hesitation.

"Wait a minute!" Artoria, who understood what he was going to do, immediately shouted, "Please wait a minute, don't do this!"

Along with Black Assassin's shouts, there was the undisguised aura of the enemy servants that suddenly filled the surrounding forest.

"There are enemies!" Rider wiped the tears from his face and looked around with a vigilant expression. Siegfried immediately stopped what he was doing. He put on his armor and sword again. With his silver hair flying, the dragon slayer stood up. Stand ready.

The life of the artificial man is at stake, but if he doesn't care and just sacrifices his heart like this. The enemy servant's attack is likely to affect the fragile android and kill it again!

Therefore——the enemy servant must be found before the android is completely dead!

Amidst the sound of armors clashing, Black Assassin and Artoria flew over and hugged the android instead of Astolfo. Their palms secretly pressed against his back, conveying the energy of 'Avalon' to him. breath.

"Leave him to me and I will temporarily stabilize his condition."

"Ah...oh." Although he didn't understand why Assassin changed his attitude and what kind of abilities he used, Astolfo still chose to trust him, "Then I'll leave it to you, thank you!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Artoria nodded, and while protecting the android, she couldn't help but look in the direction of Sakutsu.

[Allow you to use Avalon covertly. Don’t let him die. Something happened with the Sixth Director Lingxia. I need some time to deal with it. 】

That was a message Shuo Yue urgently conveyed to Siegfried when he was trying to take out his heart.

Something happened to Lingxia? No wonder there was no response before... But what exactly happened?


At this moment, Astolfo let out a low exclamation.

Artoria and Siegfried looked at it subconsciously, and then their pupils suddenly shrank!

Under their unbelievable gazes, Black Rider Astolfo's feet were turning into golden particles - not turning into a spirit, but being destroyed. The path used to manifest the world disappears, it is freed from the world and disappears.

The heart was not dug out, and the spiritual core was not damaged at all. In other words, before Siegfried was about to commit suicide, Afu showed signs of withdrawing without any warning!

This is an accident that never occurred in the original plot, and there is no such part in Shuo Yue's plan!

What on earth is going on! Is there any connection with Lingxia's accident? !

Arturia resisted the urge to connect the cause and effect line and ask Shuo Yue for clarification. Shuo Yue, who was hiding not far away, also showed a solemn expression and used communication techniques to communicate with Sixth Director Lingxia.

"You mean...Selene Kai is dead?"

I am the strongest dragon flying on the New Moon Sea. There is nothing to apologize for. ”——Fake Siegfried

In fact, I always feel that Brother Fei is more interesting when he looks like this, Heizhen, you did a good job.

TIP: At the end, let me play a joke (dog head)

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