My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 428 The Black Magician dies, Blue Fang’s claws

Chapter 429 The Black Magician dies, Blue Fang’s claws

In a dark stone room with sparse lights, there was an artificial man lying on the bed.

He just collided with someone while passing through the corridor, and the android with the appearance of a boy was brought here. He had no right to refuse, and the magician would certainly not show any mercy to the android who was a slave.

Furthermore, consumption is a virtue of the magician. It would be better if you can get something from consumption.

As a result, the clothes on the young man's chest were peeled off, and his slender collarbone and snow-white skin were exposed. It was really a sensational gesture.

The black magician and Master of the Black Rider, Selenikai, pressed against him, her face flushed, staring at him with moist eyes filled with desire, and kissed his eyes, his lips, and his skin.

But the android boy was unable to respond to Serenikai's passion. His body was already cold, his eyes propped up by props were empty, his arms were sawed open, his tongue was pulled out, and his chest was broken open. The miserable appearance was like that of an animal that had been processed, waiting to be pierced with iron sticks and sent to the fire for roasting.

No, the young android has reached the final step, and Serenekai's excessively hot fire of desire is burning out his life bit by bit.

Soon, the last trace of warmth was withdrawn from the artificial man, and the boy found comfort in death.

"Ah..." Serenike, who was lying on the dead body, finally let out a comfortable moan after being gentle for a long time. She stood up unsteadily with somewhat weak steps.

Insult, ravage, torture - for black magicians, these are all commonplace.

But when dismantling a living sacrifice without hesitation, one must not let reason burst. If one indulges in the joy of killing, he will be disqualified as a black magician.

The reason why Selenikai was able to become a first-class magician in a weakened family was precisely because she was able to completely suppress her passion, whether it was the joy of harm or the joy of abuse.

However, when she takes off her identity as a black magician, Selenike will completely indulge her excessive lust, and not even a single person will be safe from spending a night with her.

——Especially after she accumulated too much sullenness and resentment.

The short-lived joy ended, and the black magician's coldness and restraint returned to Serenekai's body. She looked at the tortured inhuman humanoid, snorted, destroyed it, and then sat on the bed where the blood was still wet. on the bed, thinking anxiously.

Her anxiety was not without reason. If she were in the original Thousand World Tree, even if her servant was disqualified, her status as a first-level magician would still be unshakable. She was the only black magician in Thousand World Tree, unless she committed a crime. She made an unforgivable mistake, otherwise Danik would not punish her.

But now, the Osare clan, who had been squeezed out of the Thousand World Tree in the past, is entangled with them like resentful ghosts.

This is a secret that only the Danik and Eskel families, that is, the clan to which Serenekai belongs, know—the Osare clan, which possesses powerful black magic, was driven out of the Thousand World Tree by them.

The person who took the place of the Osare family was Serenekai, the Eskel family.

In other words, she and Osare are naturally in a hostile force field. If the camp war is victorious and the Holy Grail War moves to the second stage, Serenekai will definitely target the Sixth Director Lingxia without hesitation.

The problem lies here.

The Rider Astolfo she summoned is completely incomparable in strength to the Black Assassin of Sixth Director Reika, that mysterious woman in black robe. When that time comes, the one who will be defeated will definitely be her, Sereni. Kay.

Especially now that something like this happened, her Rider actually defected for an android...


Thinking like this, Selenike used her teeth hard and bit off her nails. Her fingertips were dripping with blood. With her hair disheveled, she was like a female ghost, venting her anxiety in the secret room.

"Damn it, damn it! Damn it!"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck through her mind, causing Serenekai to freeze in place.

Under Darnic's order, Assassin and Saber set out together to hunt down Rider and the defecting androids.

In other words, she and the sixth leader Lingxia are currently in a state where the servant is absent.

Compared to Black Assassin, who can fight against top servants, Sixth Guide Lingxia, who is only second-rate in strength, appears to be much weaker.

As long as we can kill that woman before she uses the Command Seal and take away her Command Seal...

By then, no matter how displeased Darnic was, he would not be able to abandon her who controlled the two servants.

If you want to survive the battle in the future, this is the only way——

Not long after, the neatly dressed Serenike walked out of the secret room, with a delicate smile on her face, walked towards the room of the sixth director Lingxia, and after a while she knocked on the door.

Boom, boom, boom.

"The door is unlocked, come in." A woman's soft voice came from inside the door.


The door was opened, and Lingxia, the sixth director who was playing with Little Jack, looked up and recognized who the visitor was.

"The master of Black Rider, Miss Serenike?"

Even if Shuoyue had the memory of the original work, it would be impossible for her to know about Osare and Escor's grudges. Therefore, the Sixth Director Lingxia just regarded it as a normal visit between the masters, stood up with a smile, and walked to the coffee table. .

"I'll get you some tea."

He dared to turn his back to the black magician without any defense. It seemed that Osare was really in decline.

Serenikai showed a cold smile behind the sixth director Lingxia. She quietly put her hand in her pocket and opened a potion bottle.

It's a poison that can instantly paralyze people. It's old-fashioned, but it works.

She had confirmed before entering that there was only a rather young silver-haired girl in the room besides the sixth director Lingxia.

Not sensing any magic or mystery, Serenekai didn't know why the Sixth Director Lingxia brought such a burden. She just thought it was the special interest of the black magician.

The poison volatilized and the colorless gas began to escape. The beautiful black magician looked at the lovely silver-haired girl, and the malice in his heart began to spread.

If you could dig out the girl's eyes, cut off her limbs, dig out her organs and let her eat them in front of the sixth director Lingxia, what kind of twisted look would appear on this woman's face?

Ah, just thinking about it makes me tremble with excitement——

Serenekai, who was so caught up in delusion, did not realize that gray fog was rising in the room, and in the gradually blurred vision, the girl's ice-blue eyes became the only color in the dark field of vision.

The Noble Phantasm: The Mist is activated.

The barrier covered the entire room, and the paralyzing gas made by black magic was vulnerable to the sulfuric acid mist. Serenekai suddenly coughed, and was horrified to find that there was a severe burning sensation in his chest, and he covered his lips. There was blood on his palms.

This is, when -

Snap, snap, snap.

The silver-haired little murderer walked towards her, and with every step she took, her aura became more erratic and ghostly.

The time period is night, satisfying.

The subject is female, satisfied.

The London fog is full and satisfying.

The level of the Noble Phantasm increases, D→B.

In the Mist City barrier, even the servant's Noble Phantasm will not be leaked even a little bit.

"This is hell from now on. We are fire, we are rain, we are power - Maria the Ripper!"

In front of the suddenly activated Noble Phantasm, Serenekai couldn't even scream, and could only feel a series of feelings of loss. From her torn abdomen, something that must not fall out fell out.

In the end what happened……

The next moment, the black magician's consciousness was completely disconnected from the world. She never imagined that that seemingly ordinary child would become her killer.

And the real black Assassin, Jack the Ripper, after executing the magician who had the intention to kill his mother, skillfully opened her abdominal cavity, took out the still beating heart, and presented it to Liu Dao like a treasure. Lingxia handed it over.

"Mom, mom, look, what a beautiful heart (food)!"

Lingxia, the sixth director, after a brief moment of shock, put down the teapot that was no longer needed, took the human heart with a normal expression, sealed it with magic, and then hugged little Jack lovingly.

"Thank you, Jack, mom's life was saved by you again."

"Hey hey hey~~"

In the picture of hell where blood blooms, mother and son hug each other tightly, and the black magician, Rider's master Selenike, ushered in death in a daze.

After a brief moment of tenderness, little Jack began to clean up the room, while the sixth director Lingxia half-knelt next to the body and picked up Serenekai's arm.

"Sure enough... the command spell is gone."

Without much time to hesitate, the sixth director Lingxia immediately took out the communication card and connected to Shuoyue in the distance.

"Mr. Shuoyue, Serenekai was killed by Little Jack."

In fact, it is a bit wasteful to use a magician's Noble Phantasm, but who makes Little Jack's Noble Phantasm "Liberation Language" so handsome? What's more, it's still the voice of Sakura Tange (Nero CV), hehe...

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