My Divine Diary

Chapter 401: empty sleeves

   Chapter 401 Empty sleeves

   When Su Hao and Fairy Wind Chime returned to Qianfeng, the old Yu Shibo had also returned, and was sitting leisurely behind the counter drinking tea.

After seeing Su Hao and Fairy Fengling, he smiled kindly and said, "Senior nephew! I have already reported the news you sent to Elder Wushan. Elder Wushan has already known about this matter through other channels and has his own opinion. You can rest assured."

   Fairy Wind Chime forced a smile on her face. The two monks who had just been stationed at Qilou Peak were already cold. How could she be relieved?

   Fairy Wind Chime said: "Master Yu, the two brothers who were stationed at Qiloufeng have died."

   That Yu Shibo froze, suddenly stood up and said in a hurry: "What did you say?"

   Fairy Wind Chime said: "After we came here to exchange the secret axis, we immediately went to Qiloufeng, but unexpectedly found the body of a disciple of the Moon's Lineage. We suspected that it was a stationed disciple, so we immediately returned to report."

  Master Yu said: "Is there only one disciple's body?"

Fairy    Wind Chime shook her head and said, "I also found a severed finger and a blood-stained robe in another location. The two disciples stationed at Qilou Peak have disappeared.

   Uncle Yu jumped up immediately, frowning tightly in circles.

   Fairy Wind Chime reminded: "Hurry up and report to the Master Wushan."

  Master Yu sighed: "Elder Wushan is retreating, and I can't see anyone!"

   Uncle Yu thought for a while, and immediately made a decision. He shouted loudly: "Yu Mu, you immediately take my warrant to recall all the disciples of the Thirty-Eight Peaks. Be careful in your recent actions, and don't be careless."

   A young female nun loomed: "Received, Master!"

  Master Yu said again: "Yujie, go to Huangtouling immediately and report the situation encountered here, and let the disciples of Huangtouling be vigilant!"

   Another female cultivator who looked exactly the same slowly showed her figure: "Received, Master."

   These two female nuns turned out to be twins! And they are all cultivators of the Golden Core Realm!

   This old man actually accepted a pair of twin apprentices!

   Uncle Yu waved his hand: "Be careful on the road, don't show your strength, if you see something bad, run back immediately. Go!"

   The news reported by Fairy Wind Chime and the two disciples who died inexplicably now gave Master Yu a bad feeling in his heart. Perhaps, those black hands staring at Mochizuki Valley in the Clouds did not wait for the Xianmen to fully change their defenses, as they said on the secret axis, and then take the opportunity to act, but for some unknown reason, they moved ahead.

   In this way, the disciples stationed in various places are in danger. .

After Yu Mu and Yu Jie had both left, Master Yu said, "The two nephews, please don't leave Qianfeng for the time being. I will recall all the disciples around Mochizuki Valley to ensure safety and wait for Elder Wushan to leave the customs. Say it again."

   Fairy Wind Chime didn't want to run out at this time. She still thought it would be safer to stay here, so she nodded and said, "That's good, Master Xie!"

   Uncle Yu waved his hand and walked back to the compartment on his own.


  Su Hao and Fairy Wind Chime were hanging out in the market.

After encountering the two tragic deaths, Fairy Fengling deeply felt her weakness and became more and more uneasy. After wandering around for a while, she asked Su Hao, "Feng Wei, what materials do you need to make a universal knife? Will it be very difficult? expensive?"

   She desperately needs a powerful magic weapon to protect herself, but she has empty pockets, and she can hardly afford the many magic weapon materials displayed on the street, and her face is bitter for a while.

Su Hao also looked at this and that with curiosity. He heard the words and replied, "If Shizun refines the universal sword, when he was refining the sword before, there were still some left, and refining one universal sword is enough! No! I need Master to buy something else."

   Fairy Wind Chime couldn't believe it for a while: "Really?"

  Su Hao said, "Am I lying to coax you?"

   What he lacks most now is materials, and even he has several large boxes of spiritual power stones, so he is very rich!

   Fairy Wind Chime was immediately excited, and her face flushed slightly: "Can the refined universal sword be able to deal with Jindan cultivator? Just like you used it a few days ago."

  Su Hao said: "This is not necessarily!"

Fairy Wind Chime said: "Could it be that the universal sword that you made for me is still a castrated version? Otherwise, I'd better collect some materials! I will sell the 'Mayu Ling' and 'Quenching Dominos' in my hand, and I can always exchange some Spirit Stone."

   What Su Hao didn't expect was that Fairy Wind Chime was willing to sell the two magic instruments that she used the most for the sake of the Universal Sword.

Su Hao said: "Don't worry, Master, the universal sword you made with you is only stronger or weaker than my universal sword. But whether you can use the power of the universal sword depends on your attitude towards this magic weapon. Understand, it's not that the magic weapon is strong. To be honest, even if I took a wooden stick, those guys from the Six Elements of Kinmen couldn't beat me, even if he was a Jindan cultivator. Understand?"

   Fairy Wind Chime shook her head and said the truth: "I don't understand."

  Su Hao sighed and said, "That's fine! If you don't understand, you won't understand. I'll give you a practice tool first, and then I'll write you a manual. How much you can use is up to you!"

   Fairy Wind Chime immediately nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Su Hao secretly said: "Whether the universal knife can exert its power or not is related to the various formations that I have combined in it. It doesn't matter if Master doesn't use it, as long as I write a booklet and list several commonly used formations. , it should be fine with more practice.”

  This is like playing a game. As long as you know that you need to press the 'WWSSAADD...' button to cast a powerful ultimate move, then as long as you put in a little effort and memory practice, you can become an invincible Internet cafe bully.

  Su Hao was walking around when he suddenly saw a lotus stone carving. He could not help crouching down and asked curiously, "Senior, what is this stone lotus?"

The stall owner was a Jindan cultivator. He seemed to be middle-aged. He didn't know his age. He had a short beard hanging on his chin. , Obviously can't afford it, he smiled and didn't drive away.

He explained casually: "This is a magic weapon handed down from a long time ago, called 'Tianya Lotus Terrace', made of a very special and rare Tianya stone. It is said to have a pair of Tianya lotus platforms, holding Tianya lotus platforms. People on the lotus platform can sense each other no matter how far apart they are.

   I also got this lotus pedestal by accident, but unfortunately there is only one lotus pedestal, but the other lotus pedestal opposite it has been destroyed, what a pity! But it was my luck to see such a legendary thing. "

  This lotus pedestal is actually not very useful. For short-bearded monks, it is just a collection of treasures, and it is comfortable to put at home.

   Now put it out, selling is fake, showing off is real. Of course, if someone is willing to buy at a high price, he is also willing to give up his love. But he knows that it is difficult to meet someone who is willing to buy at a high price!

  Su Hao was interested: "No matter how far apart, they can sense each other? Isn't this just like a secret axis?"

The short-bearded cultivator smiled and said, "That's right! It's just like the secret axis! The core material of the secret axis is made of Tianya Stone. You can use this Tianya lotus platform as a magic weapon that was used to transmit some simple signals long ago. "

  Su Hao pointed and said, "Can I show it?"

"You can take it and see!" That short-bearded cultivator has a big heart, and that's how he shows off his things. The more he likes the treasures he collects, the happier he will be: I have something you like, so I will ask you if you are envious. ? Just ask if you are angry.

   Moreover, just two Foundation Establishment cultivators can’t make any waves.

   Su Hao got approval, he carefully picked up the Tianya lotus platform and put it in front of him to examine it carefully.

  The overall lines are gentle and smooth. The whole lotus flower is like being picked from the pond. The lotus flower is slightly incomplete, and every part seems to contain the baptism of time.

   In Su Hao's eyes, this lotus pedestal can still be regarded as an extremely exquisite work of art even without its special materials and functions.

  Unfortunately, no matter how to take care of it, this kind of art that witnesses the rise and fall of civilization will eventually be swallowed up by time.

  Su Hao asked: "How much does this Senior Tianya Lotus Terrace sell for?"

  Fairy Wind Chime was surprised and secretly said: "Feng Wei is quite like that, with empty sleeves and dare to ask the price!"

   (end of this chapter)

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