My Divine Diary

Chapter 402: small foundation building

   Chapter 402 The Little Foundation Establishment

  Su Hao didn't fall in love with this artwork, but the material Tianya Stone on the lotus pedestal. There was no such stone in the material of the entire flying boat he searched at sea.

  This kind of stone itself is extremely rare, and it is not very useful in ordinary times. It is very rare in the market. Only some Daxianmen who have made secret scrolls collect a small amount to make secret scrolls.

   Ever since Su Hao learned about the existence of the Secret Scroll, he has become very interested in this magical weapon that can attract each other in pairs.

  Unexpectedly, just when I arrived at Lingshan Wenzhou, I encountered an ancient model of 'secret axis'.

  The short-bearded cultivator heard Su Hao asking for the price, and couldn't help but say in surprise: "You want it? Don't look at its useless appearance, it's not cheap."

   The short-bearded monk stretched out five fingers and said, "I don't even consider it if there are less than fifty spiritual power stones."

   This momentum made the heart of the wind chimes fairy tremble: "It's so expensive, grab the money!"

  Su Hao nodded and said, "Okay, then fifty spiritual stones."

   Shortbearded monk: "???"

   Fairy Wind Chime: "???"

   At this moment, two familiar blood and energy reactions entered Su Hao's perception.

   "Huh, Yu Mu and Yu Jie?" Su Hao could not help but look outside Qianfeng.

   Fairy Wind Chime also followed Su Hao's line of sight and looked into the distance: "What's the matter, Feng Wei?"

   She knew that Su Hao's eyes could see very far, which was unusual.

  Su Hao said: "Senior sisters Yu Mu and Yu Jie are back, with a large group of tails behind them! It's aggressive."


   The ground Su Hao was standing on suddenly vibrated violently. It seemed that someone had detonated a huge amount of explosives on the mountainside, causing Su Hao and Fairy Wind Chime and the others who were caught off guard to stumble.

   "What's the matter?" Fairy Wind Chime subconsciously activated the self-defense shield, jumped up, got off the ground, and floated.

  The stall owner also responded quickly. As soon as he stretched out his hand to fish, the items on the stall were wrapped in a piece of cloth and held in his hands. He took two steps forward and reached out to grab the Tianya Lotus Terrace in Su Hao's hand.

   was swayed by Su Hao.

   The short-bearded cultivator's face suddenly darkened, and he said in a suppressed voice: "What do you want, return the lotus platform within two breaths. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

  Su Hao didn't speak, he reached out to his arms and took it out.

   "Dingling Dangjang~"

   I saw Su Hao took out a large amount of milky white spiritual power stones from his arms, each one was the size of a toe, because Su Hao's hand was too small and couldn't grasp it completely, it fell to the ground.

   This scene not only stunned the short-bearded man, but even the wind chime fairy who was flying aside!

   She was full of thoughts: "Huh? When did Feng Wei have so many spiritual stones in his arms?"

  Su Hao simply nodded and said, "There seem to be only twenty or so, not enough!"

   After saying that, he grabbed his hand into his arms, and when he stretched out his hand, a large amount of spiritual power stones fell out and fell to the ground, making a clanging sound.

   Then Su Hao said, "I was in a hurry to go out, and I didn't have time to install the spiritual power stones. Please forgive me. These spiritual power stones belong to the seniors. Fifty pieces are only a lot. And the Tianya Lotus Terrace is mine."


   There was another loud noise, and the feet vibrated violently again, but the three who were prepared were fine.

   "He Fang is so petty, dare to come to my thousand summit to make trouble!"

The sound of    was like a bell, rolling out, so that everyone around could hear it clearly.

   Fairy Wind Chime immediately said: "It's the voice of the Wushan Patriarch! The Wushan Patriarch has come out!"

   At this time, the entire Qianfeng Summit was already in chaos. The cultivators who came here rushed to escape, and those ordinary people screamed and found a corner to hide.

  Everyone knows what it means to have something like this happen at the Millennium Summit. That was because other high-level monks came to the door. If they didn't run away quickly or find a place to hide, they would definitely be affected.

  The battle of high-level monks has always been divided between the enemy and the enemy. How could there be any life at that time?

   The short-bearded cultivator thought for a while, and quickly took the spiritual power stone that Su Hao handed over, and then quickly picked up the spiritual power stone that fell on the ground, stuffed it into the bag and put it away.

   "Farewell!" After leaving a sentence, it turned into a flash of light and flew away.

   Fairy Wind Chime said in a hurry at this moment: "Feng Wei, I don't know what happened to Qianfeng. This is not something we two foundation-building cultivators can participate in. Let's leave this place first."

  Su Hao got what he wanted and said happily, "Okay!"

  Su Hao jumped up in the air, the universal knife flew out, slipped to Su Hao's feet, and followed the wind chimes fairy and flew away from Qianfeng.

  After they flew out, they had a panoramic view of the surrounding scene, and then they knew what happened.

   At this time, Qianfeng was already surrounded by densely packed monks, no less than a hundred, including Foundation Establishment, Jindan, and Nascent Soul. No matter who is intercepting the monks fleeing from Qianfeng, once they fly out of Qianfeng, they will be attacked by these monks immediately.

   And the elder Wushan, whom Fairy Wind Chime gave high hopes, was currently fighting against the other three Nascent Soul cultivators at a high altitude.

   Fairy Wind Chime and Su Hao just flew out of Qianfeng. When they saw the scene outside the mountain, they were immediately watched. A Jindan cultivator brought two foundation-building cultivators towards Su Hao and the two.

Seeing this scene, Fairy Fengling couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart, she immediately turned her head and said to Su Hao, "Feng Wei, there is no way forward, let's go back to the mountain! I also learned a soil escape technique, which can lead you to escape from the mountain! "

  Su Hao followed the wind chimes fairy and turned around and returned to Qianfeng.

  Su Hao said in surprise: "Master, what other escape techniques did you learn?"

   Fairy Wind Chime squeezed out an ugly smile and said: "Not much, there are only eight techniques in total, all of which are well taught by your master."

  Su Hao said speechlessly, "Could it be that time is spent practicing escape techniques? No wonder it's still a Foundation Establishment Realm!"

   Fairy Wind Chime is too lazy to take care of Su Hao, she is a fairy, how can she do all those things? Wouldn't it be nice to run away?

   Just when Su Hao and Fairy Fengling approached Qianfenghui, the Golden Core cultivator was quicker and stopped in front of Su Hao and Fairy Fengling.

   A dark red streamer called Su Hao and the two.

   "Be careful!" The wind chime fairy reminded loudly.

   Su Hao's feet were full of azure light, the all-purpose knife burst out in an instant, passing through the dark red streamer with precision, and kept sliding to the Jindan cultivator.

   Jindan cultivator glared furiously, and instantly cast all protective shields to wrap himself tightly.


   The blue light passed through his chest without hindrance, and the Jindan cultivator froze in place.

  Su Hao hooked his finger, and the blue light turned back and circled around the neck of Jindan cultivator.

   A head suddenly slanted, and then rolled down. The headless corpse fell from the sky like a deflated balloon, and the blood spurted all the way like rain.

Fairy    Wind Chime's eyes were round and her mouth was slightly open. Even though she had seen the power of Su Hao's Universal Knife, she couldn't help but be shocked when she saw the power of the Universal Knife again.


   She is even more eager to obtain the universal sword. If she has such a magic weapon in her hand, if she wants to run or fight, isn't it her decision?

   The two Foundation Establishment cultivators who followed behind Jindan cultivator saw in the blink of an eye that the leader of their own team was already dead.

   But it was already too late. A blue light flew over lightly and circled around the necks of the two of them. The two heads fell into the abyss, and the bodies followed closely behind.

   Qingguang turned back and landed at Su Hao's feet.

   "Master, don't be in a daze, let's go!"

   Fairy Wind Chime woke up like a dream, and immediately flew to Qianfeng: "Feng Wei, you are really amazing!"

  Su Hao said casually: "It's okay! They are too weak!"

   However, Su Hao's truth, in Fairy Wind Chime's ears, turned into modesty. Fairy Fengling said secretly: "I didn't expect a genius like Feng Wei to be humble."

   Many cultivators around saw the scene where Su Hao killed a Jindan cultivator and two foundation-building cultivators in an instant.

   "What is that blue light just now? Why is it so powerful, Jindan senior is not the enemy of the unity!"

   "Could it be Senior Yuanying?"

   "Reliable news, there is only one Nascent Soul cultivator in Qianfeng! Now he is being stopped by three Nascent Soul cultivators in Sanlian Caifengwu!"

   "Yuan Ying is a fart, that's clearly two little base-building cultivators!"

   "Foundation? How is that possible?"

   "Have you read Bai Lian yet? Can't tell the difference between Foundation Establishment and Nascent Soul?"


   "Consciousness will not deceive people! It must be that his magic weapon is strange! Maybe it is an ancient spiritual treasure!"

   "Ancient Spirit Treasure? Bah! I didn't expect fellow Daoists to believe this."

   "Don't you know if you go to grab it?"

   "Could it be that fellow Daoists still dare to touch his edge?"

   "Two small foundation-building realms, relying on the sharp tools to show their power, why dare not!"

   "In that case, let's go together!"

   So, the six Jindan cultivators locked onto the figures of Su Hao and Fairy Fengling with their minds, and turned into a light to chase after them.

   (end of this chapter)

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