My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 48 - Storage Modification.

8th March, Noon.

After a long discussion, they came to the conclusion that they will not sell the house, it will be kept as a memorial by them. Arther wanted to sell the house and buy some more things from the money but since his parents insisted on not doing so, he had no other choice than to accept it. Anyways he had stored enough food and water for them to last for a month or two, and he can also try looting some materials too.

Even though they didn't sell the house they searched and collected for all the food products and other useful things stored in the house and stored them in the MCV. It contained some vegetables and fruits which they will have to finish as soon as possible, some canned food, cup noodles, some snacks, etc. These few can last them for two-three days at most. Along with that they also went to Nanny's house to collect some plants grown by her mother, this was requested by Nanny herself as she was emotionally connected with them, as they didn't know when they will be able to come back again once they left. They also stored some family photos and few small things. All the other things along with most of the furniture were shifted into Arther's room, the room for completely filled with well-arranged boxes and furniture, the windows were completely sealed and the door was locked too. This was his mother's doing as she didn't want anyone to harm these things. While everyone worked hard to finish this work, Arther was standing in a corner mocking them as he knew very well what audacity the survivors had, even if they sealed the room with concrete it will not be safe. Soon someone will come and either take all this away or destroy most of it, but he didn't tell them about all this.. Leaving the home was already a very sad thing for them and he didn't want to make them feel sadder.

The raw materials he ordered for the MCV were also delivered by now, due to the system he didn't have to worry about the oil and rusting of the MCV. So all the things he brought were some commonly used types of metals and either material which contained iron, stainless steel, copper, bronze, aluminum, etc. All these metals were easily available for Arther as he needed a very small amount and all these things were ordered from a tool workshop in the village which mostly repaired and sold agricultural tools. But due to lockdown, they were closed down, Arther made use of this opportunity to buy the materials they have stored at a low cost.

All the materials were placed in the living room which was now completely empty. There was no more space inside the MCV to store all this so he decided to keep them here itself, he will have to make some space in the MCV for these things to be stored, or else will not be able to use them for modification. After a long time of listing down all the materials stored he shifted and refitted everything while removing many things for some time, it took him a whole three hours to do all that, with this, he also used the chance to store everything properly which was placed in a messy way before. To do all this he just had to think about this in his mind and he can move anything inside the MCV. This was a great feature as this didn't consider the size and weight of the object.

After making enough space he stored all the raw materials inside, that he closed his eyes and called on for the modification menu, selected the kitchen storage, soon many different ways of modifications and refitting were displayed on the screen, the first was a normal box, then a cupboard, as he scrolled down there were many awesome things like dimensional storage. But the materials they required were nothing he has ever heard of like star iron, deepsea bluestone, meteorite gold, etc. so he scrolled up again and after searching for a long time he found few suitable ideas.

First, it was a highly compact folding storage compartments which can utilize all the space inside the storage in an organized manner, it will increase the storage capacity by 10%.

Second, it was a kitchen cabinet with a temperature controls system and a refrigerator.

And the last one was a level 1, kitchen storage. It had most of the features from above.

Arther selected the last one as it can increase the storage capacity by 15% and it also had the temperature and moisture controller for the longer shelf life of food. It also had a small freezer to store meat. The only drawback was that it consumed all the stored raw material and he also had to use some furniture in the house for steel and wood. As soon as he selected this option all the materials he had stored disappeared and the storage in the kitchen changed a bit, the walls of the storage were previously a little thick for safety, but now they were thinned out but they seemed stronger, there some new swithers and dials on its door for temperature. Once the storage was done he placed all the things he removed before inside, it was a bit time-consuming to place everything due to the compact compartments.

After arranging all this he went to his family who was playing cards in his parent's bedroom. Seeing Arther they ended the game as they knew it was time to leave as Arther has notified them earlier itself.

With everything, ready Arther could have directly taken them to the mountains to the place he wants to visit first in the apocalypse but he had an important thing to do before that. He wanted to check on the city condition one last time to see if can have any good thing from there and he also had to find out the whereabouts of Nanny's parents and take them with him if possible.

But all this he had to do alone, he didn't want to risk his family there. So he has decided to first leave them near the mountains and find a place for them to hide and then carry out his further plans. This will be the first time he will test out his MCV so he was very excited.

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