My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 49 - Space Changes.

While everything was going on well with Arther, things were different in the world view. The reduction in trade and transport due to lockdown has created s burden on the economy of the countries. And now with everyone holing inside the survival bases things have taken a wrong turn, many bigger terrorist cults and organizations have started appearing in many important cities, since the army has been displaced inside the bases the border security of the countries has been reduced to a certain extent.

On 7th March, evening 5:00, all the major countries and clans received news from the space observation stations that they observed some major changes in the space distortion. This news was like a stone dropped in the silent water and all the governments gathered again for a meeting, this time though the meeting was held online. The main motive of this motive was to know of the changes and their effect on the planet and humanity. And its countermeasures.

At 8:00 evening many higher-level officials of the countries attended the meeting held by the space observatory. This time many different space observatories have also participated in the observation and research. Many new things have been discovered with this.

Soon the meeting started, the host and speaker of the meeting was a middle-aged man in formal attire, he was the temporary chief supervisor of the joint committee of space observatories. He was elected by all the countries together..

"Hello everyone, you all must have received the basic information about today's meeting. We have also mailed you a copy of the information for reference, without further delay I will begin the meeting."' soon the screens of everyone changed and now it showed the video of outer space, in the center of the screen was the space distortion but contrary to before it was now smaller and circular.

"So as you can see, few days before we have observed some changes in the distortion which resulting in its shortening. Our researchers speculated it to be the self-healing capacity of space. For the last few days, it has been continuously reducing. But today our observers have found something different. The energy content inside the distortion has not changed and has even increased a bit, before we were not able to observe it due to the failure of most of our satellites and the electromagnetic field around the distortion, today for a small period of time this field was distorted which allowed us to take the readings. The amount of energy now stored inside has crossed the safety factors of the entire solar system. And we still don't know the reason for the disturbance earlier."

Everyone was silent for some time before one of the representatives spoke, "How is the stability of this energy?"

"To be true we don't know."

"So we have one option of escaping the solar system for survival?", another representative spoke. Hearing this the middle-aged person laughed with a wry smile.

"Humanity doesn't have any such technology to do space travel, for now, even if all the countries work together it will take next 10 years to create a basic model for space model. And even if we had any way to do so now it is too late. As the gravity of the space distortion is so huge that as soon as anything leaves the Nova planet it will be sucked and the energy inside it has the power to destroy anything."

Hearing this everyone was silent for a long time as no one had any solution for this situation. After a long discussion, the meeting came to an end with no prior plan for coming dangers. The governments had decided to reinforce the bases and bunkers and dig deeper below the surface. Being underground was much safer than on the surface. Thus meeting didn't bring any good results as before, the atmosphere among the higher circle deteriorated which resulted in them taking even more rapid measures for the impending dangers, and the resource for these measures were collected from the resources stored.

Arther was unaware of all these details. Currently, he was having dinner with his family, in the evening the poultry and fish along with seeds and other agricultural products were also delivered. Everything else was stored except the hens, quails, and fish as for now he can't store living things inside even the plants were not stored. His father has asked for a pickup truck from one of his friend which they will use to take all this and drive in the mountains.

Soon after finishing the meal, they gathered in the living room for a final family meeting where they discussed the plans, until now everyone has started to believe in Arther after seeing him being able to make the things appear and disappear. When Arther told everyone about him going to find Nanny's parents everyone was against it for some time, later his father wanted to follow him but Arther made him stay with the family for their safety, in the end, Nanny insisted on following him and he also agreed with it as he might need her help convincing her parents if required.

The pickup truck was parked in the front of the house, it was a very old model. His father's friend used this truck for transporting stones, bricks into the village, and the goods from the village to the market. Hence the truck was not so clean it was filled with some residues of bricks, stones, vegetables, etc. but Arther and others had no other option than to make do with it. Arther with the help of his father loaded everything into the truck and they drove it out.

Slowly they drove it out of the village through the mud path, in short, few minutes of driving they entered the city. This time Arther has decided to take a shortcut directly on the other side of the city into the mountain, he could have taken the route from where he returned last time but it was very time-consuming. On the way, they had to stop many times due to the patrlo cars since the truck engine made a very high noise when turned on they had to be extra careful. After driving for three and a half hour they reached the outer border of the city from where the mountains and shrubs can be seen, here Arther and Nanny parted with his family and turned into the city again.

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