My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 54 - Apocalypse Beginning.

Arther led Nanny and her parents outside the city without getting anyone's notice. To avoid being caught they walked all the way into the mountains instead of driving the MCV. After crossing the suburbs of the city in the western part they reached the foot of the mountains, from there Arther led them deeper through a mud path. When they left the city it was already 5:00 in the morning of 10 March. Arther was now in a hurry to meet with his family and leave here as soon as possible since they had to cross the crematory in the woods before going deeper.

He has not allowed his family to pass through due to his fears, he knew very well what was hidden below that place and hence he didn't want his family to pass there alone.

With the sunrise faint light was spread in the sky, but the forest was still darker but there was the sound of birds and insects which indicated life in the forest. For nature lovers and trekkers this site might have been an enjoyable site but for Nanny and her parents, it was not feeling good. They have been running for a whole night and were physically very tired.

After walking for a few more minutes Nanny was no more able to keep up with them, she sat down on a tree root, "I can't walk anymore."

Everyone stopped seeing this, Arther looked at Nanny and her parent's faces which were haggard, due to unknown reasons he didn't feel any tiredness but he still took their health under consideration and decided to take a rest for some time..

He took out a bottle of water from the storage and passed it to them, along with something to eat. After resting for few minutes they continued on the journey.

Soon they reached an open area between the forest with a broken house, the house was a two-story small house that had most of its wooden construction decayed and broken. This was a place, Arther used to hide along with his friends when they were in military school. In short, it was his secret hideout. He has not been here for a long time since they shifted to the village due to the long distance.

To avoid getting tracked Arther has led them through the small mud path he knew of, from there they reached the backside of the house while a wider soil road was in the front of the house leading to the village and city, from this road itself his family drove here. When they moved to the front of the house they found the pickup truck his family has driven here, inside the truck his father was sitting in the driver's seat waiting for Arther to return while his mother and sister were inside the house.

Arther went to the truck and called out to his dad, "Dad, where are mom and sis."

"They are inside I have asked them to sleep inside.", his father greeted Mey and John and led Arther inside the house, Nanny and her parents followed them inside too. The wooden door of the house was also decayed and broken, to prevent wind from entering they have covered it with a tent cloth, inside there were two sleeping bags on the floor with Arther's Mother and sister sleeping soundly, beside them in a corner were an outdoor stove and some cups and spoons which seemed to have been recently used, After confirming everyone's safety Arther was relieved and happy. He went outside and took out the MCV, they then woke up his mother and sister and asked everyone to rest in the MCV for some time, while Arther also went to his room to rest, his dad shared the bedroom with Nanny father while their mom's slept with the girls in the bunk beds. Arther didn't allow anyone inside his room for his comfort.

After everyone was settled in the room he went to his room and closed all the doors and windows of the MCV. In Arther's room, he was lying on the bed thinking about everything that happened till now, from the day he was reborn to now everything felt like a dream, he also remembered his past life how he struggled to survive and how different his life was going to be now. His only wish in this life was to keep his family safe and to live a happy life. While lost in his thoughts he slowly went to sleep without his notice.

While Arther was having a good sleep here the city was no so silent, the number of patrols and police was increased, the government was trying their best to find out about Arther and the scientist who escaped. All the facilities and labs where other scientists and researchers were kept were shifted inside the base city and all the workers were forcefully shifted there too.

Making use of this opportunity many more people of the organization were successful in escaping and they went to hide in other cities. These people who were meant to be dead in Arther's past life were the biggest benefactors of these events, they were also the butterfly effect Arther produced.

While this was happening, in the space distortion there were also a few changes that were the indicators of the coming apocalypse, the size of the space distortion was compressed to its limit while the energy at the center was increasing at a rapid rate. With this increase in energy, the gravity nearby was also affected and many small gas particles were being attracted along with the solar waves.

This change also had an effect on the Nova planet nearby, there was a huge change in the planet's atmosphere. The trees in the deeper parts of the forest, deep inside the oceans, and either such place where the pollution was least were the places where this changed appeared first. The trees grew bigger and denser while the insects went into hibernation before the time period, the same can be observed for some animals.

While Arther was asleep the planet had undergone a great change about which the humans were unaware.

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