My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 55 - Preparation.

At 9:00 in the morning, Arther woke up. After having a good sleep his mind was feeling more refreshed. He checked the time and went to take a bath. After doing all this he opened the windows of the MCV for the light to pass by, this also woke everyone up. Slowly everyone got out of bed and the MCV became noisy due to everyone doing their daily chores. Arther and Nanny's mothers were the first to get ready and they went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. With the help of Mey, Abella was able to prepare breakfast faster.

Abella was not used to waking up so late hence she was not feeling refreshed, yesterday everyone was so tired that they didn't know about the time when they slept. Until the breakfast was ready their fathers also got ready and went to the living room. Mey and John were directly brought here by Arther without any luggage hence they didn't have any clothes to wear. Thanks to Arther he had thought about this and stored few clothes of their size when looting the supermarket. He had placed the clothes in the wardrobes in the rooms according to their sizes.

After his father and John came the ladies plated the breakfast for everyone.. While they were having breakfast the atmosphere was a bit awkward as Mey and John had many questions they needed answers to, and Arther's parents also had some questions for them. But no one knew how to start, Arther knew their thoughts but decided to ignore them for the time being since he had to plan their further journey. From the time he has woken up his instincts was urging him about something.

"I know all of you have some questions but we will discuss that later, for now, I want your help in planning the future plans. I have decided to visit a few important places but before we start our journey I want mom and dad to help uncle and aunt get familiar with the MCV. They will be staying with us here. After you a done getting familiar I will explain to you your tasks. Here everyone is given a task so will be for you. I hope you are ok with it.", he looked at everyone while eating his breakfast.

After listening to him his parent nodded without any question while Mey and John had a look of hesitation on their face. Arther waited patiently for them to ask their doubts.

"Umm, Arther why don't we return home instead.", it was John who asked, Mey also looked at Arther hoping to find an answer to her question from this.

Hearing this Arther smiled with a mocking expression as he looked at Uncle John, "Uncle, do you think we will be safe there, after what happened yesterday. Our houses might have already been sealed by the police and we will be getting searched for in the entire city and its premises. They might soon reach here too. So according to me, we might not have much time left to stay here. It is better to keep moving."

"But for how long are we going to keep hiding, and that too from the government, sooner or later we will be caught."

"No. We just need to hide for today. Tomorrow no one will have the time and power to remember about us.", Arther spoke with a meaningful expression. After this he didn't wait for any other questions, he went directly to the driver's cabin.

"Dad after you are done with the work I have given bring uncle to the driver's cabin. I have some important work for you guys."

While this small discussion came to an end, in the dorm room, Nanny and Jessy were having a happy sleep. No one tried to wake them up too since they had no work to do. Arther also didn't wake them up since they will be having some work at night.

Both of them were having a nice sleep unknown about the disaster Arther was planning for them.

Soon Arther's parents were done explaining all thing to Nanny's parents. And as Arther has thought Mey had a good opinion about his greenhouse and many ideas. After knowing her real identity he had already decided to take her in charge of the greenhouse while his mother will become in charge of the kitchen and all the food stored in the MCV. With the upgrade of the kitchen storage and increase in the number of members in the MCV, they are required to properly manage the food usage. In the future, this will become more and more important for them.

After planning and speaking about this with everyone he handed over the tasks. The first he did was to add his mother's fingerprints and iris in the kitchen storage so that she can access them anytime. The same was done for Mey with the greenhouse. She was very happy with the greenhouse given under her care and looking at the plant pots they had collected from her house. These were grown by her with great care and meant a lot to her. Arther also promised to make a lab available for her research in the future according to her design. And she was also asked to make few designs for the greenhouse. These designs will be used by Arther in further upgrades.

After the ladies were allocated their tasks he led his father and uncle to a nearby well. This was an old well that may be constructed by those living in the house. Due to not being maintained for a long time the walls of the well were mostly destroyed and the water level has also dropped a lot, so it was very difficult to take the water from here. But Arther didn't find any other place where they can find clean water nearby. Before entering the deeper forest and passing the graveyard he wanted to fill the water tanks inside the MCV for both cooking and other purposes.

There was an automated pumping system and a long water pipe in the backside of the MCV, connected to the tanks. With this, they can easily take the water from the well, but it required someone to hold the pipe along the well hence he allotted this work to his father and Uncle.

After this was done he went to the cabin to turn on the water pump, with this the tank started getting filled slowly. With the water being stored, his mother also sorted out all the food products. While Mey checked on the crops and poultry in the greenhouse.

After checking on everyone Arther closed his eyes and called for the system panel to decide on further upgrades. He had some ideas about what needed to be modified before starting the journey.

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