My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 7 - Other Half Signal.

After hearing the confirmation of the new energy and its possible uses from Dr. Hoggs1 everyone present had a bright light in their eyes as they knew the one who can control this energy will become the hegemon ruling over the entire humanity. All the superpower present have already notified their respective higher-ups about this matter, thus all the advanced laboratories and famous scientists under them were united to work on this project secretly. This was a race against time the one who is successful earlier will eat the meat leaving only the soup behind for others.

The main competition was between those sitting on the highest level and the temporary union formed by those below them, countries in the lowest level of hierarchy very well knew their strength, hence they weren't trying to enter this competition at all as even if they succeed they didn't have the resources and power to protect this wealth, what they were trying to do was find a way for the survival of their countries and gaining some favor from those above to at least eat the soup.

Dr. Hoggs sighed with a wry smile as he watched the commotion in the hall he knew very what those people were thinking about, and he knew even if he warned them about its destructive power these countries will first try to create weapon technologies for a greater sense of security and strength, this is human nature and it can't be changed.

What made him sad though was the new energy was more important to these than the message in the signal and the possibility of new intellectual life. These guys even ignored the art of the other half signal.

While the old man was in his thinking about the possibilities of the new race, and admiring their power to create and use such energy there was a commotion in the observatory, he asked and the young man standing beside him to call the in-charge for knowing what is happening outside. The young man was his assistant and rare talent in material engineering whom he accepted as his apprentice.. When the young man was about to leave the glass door of the room was open by a scientist in a white lab coat and specs with messy hair, he seemed to have not slept for a long time due to the dark circles under his eyes. He was the chief in charge of the team appointed for communication with the Nova space observatory(NSO) in the space.

"I am sorry for disturbing you sir but there is something NSO has sent", he tried to speak while faintly huffing for breath.

Dr.Hogg was surprised by the behavior of the scientist as everyone in the observatory was notified about the meeting and was not allowed to enter without any emergency. Thus he knew it must be an emergency, NSO was jointly launched by various space agencies across the world for the observation of space, it contained enough life sustainability power for the survival of twenty well-trained astronomers for two years. He asked them to send the report and information on his office computer. As he received the message and read the information his face went pale and cold sweat dripped on this forehead.

The people present in the meeting hall also noticed the changes in the observatory thus everyone had their attention on the screen waiting for the report from the observatory.

"Present it on the screen", Dr.Hogg asked the young man and went to explain things to those people again.

We have received footage from NSO of the space a few thousand kilometers away from the moon, the live footage sent from the NSO is being presented on the screen, everyone I think the other half of the signal is here but it is a bit different than the first signal. "

Everyone watched the screen on which showed a screen of dark space,

In the dark space, there was a faint line of distortion that can't be observed without the resolution of the cameras, in the center of the distortion there is a small bright source of light.

The entire scene went silent after seeing the screen as every present though not knowledgeable enough knew that something big has happened.

After a silence of few minutes the observatory had a small power fluctuation resulting in few seconds of power off, this though very small was enough to startle everyone. One should know that the observatory had its nuclear power plant for power generation. It had one of the world's best communication technologies and advanced instruments for protection from any damage.

"The power disturbance was caused by another signal wave containing a higher amount of the same energy, but due to the high amount of energy there might be a space distortion whose results we don't know for now, but if the distortion increase there is a chance of space tear resulting in a very dangerous situation for the Nova planet and mankind, the entry of signal in planet atmosphere has created an EMP effect which resulted in the previous power disturbance, due to it we have lost contact with the NSO, we are trying our best to establish our contact for gaining further information. It is estimated by our scientist team that the space distortion has produced an even larger energy wave which will soon collide with the planet resulting in a huge EMP effect and changes in the planet's magnetic field resulting in semi to complete nullification of all the electrical components."

The scientist rapidly calculated all the possible outcomes they can think of,

"How much time will it take for the wave to hit the planet? is there any way to avoid it or save the electric components.", one of the head butlers of a clan asked the question which piqued everyone's worries.

"According to our calculations, it might take 3-4 days at most, with our current technology we can't do anything about it in such a short time, the only way to save few components is through creating a faraday's cage around it."

After hearing the reply everyone present was in a huge predicament since all the human world works based on these electrical components, without them, there will be no long-distance communication and working of all industries will be stopped which will greatly affect their control over the area and huge economic loss with social unrest, the higher-ups immediately tried to find a solution after consulting their clans and organizations.

After a long period of discussion, they came to a decision.

"All the countries present are requested not to disclose this news to avoid social unrest, there will be an official lockdown throughout the world for immediate response after passing of the wave, all the important state industries and electrical facilities are to be saved at any cost, the four clan union will provide an immediate aid of 500 billion WC to the world rescue organization.", one of the head butlers represented the four clan union and presented this proposal which no had the power to reject and thus it decided.

(In the last chapter I had used the Mr. annotation but thought it was not appropriate so changed it to Dr. )

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