My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 8 - Change

All the countries decided to announce the lockdown today at 4:00 noon provide the public with a buffer time till midnight after which there will be a curfew till the countries don't have any solution about the EMP damage, till then every day each city will have to open their food granaries to provide food to the common people.

All the countries also started to accumulate grains and other necessary amenities for emergencies.

Thus the meeting came to a conclusion and the observatory was tasked with using its complete power to observe the space distortion. And also trying to establish contact with the NSO, for this they were allowed to collaborate with Astral countries military systems and all worlds satellites. Though later it was known that few satellites have also lost network, only those satellites that were on the opposite side of the globe were shielded. (The NSO was nearest to the space distortion hence was able to notice the anomaly earlier).

What no one knew was that the NSO has already lost its orbit and all the astronauts were turned to ashes due to the energy wave, those on the planet didn't feel its power due to the atmosphere, but it has surely brought a change that humans have not yet noticed.. And when they will notice it, it would be too late.

Arther was done with gathering all the information he thought was required, of course, a single person couldn't sort out everything. He checked the time it was 4:00.

"It must be time," he thought as he went down for watching the news as in his previous life the governments across the world announced the lockdown at this time.

If it does then it will be confirmed that he is reincarnated and there is o change in this world's fate.

After he turned on the TV he saw the news channels showing the same news, as he saw the news he was shocked as it was the same news if possible he never wanted to see. It would have been better if what he experienced was just a nightmare and all was fake but it looks like God has abandoned this world and its humans.

"What happened Arther, I have never seen you watching the news before." his mother walked from the kitchen and asked with a concerned expression as she saw his lost look. She then watched the news and was shocked too, as the lockdown of the entire world was not a small matter. It has never happened before.

She hurriedly went to her room, must be to inform his father and sister.

This didn't matter to Arther as he knew that news was all showing fake reasons created by those higher-ups, the reason they gave was the spreading of harmful disease. This might seem related to the undead virus but Arther knew it was not as that virus was spread only through wounds and contact from the undead, and now there were no undead and news showed that the disease spread through the air.

What he was worried about was what he a secondary high school student can do even if he knew about everything. He can't just tell about the apocalypse to his family as they won't believe it and might send him to a psychiatrist.

He decided to wait for the night first and then find a way to get the skeleton of his grandmother in the backyard. This will temporarily erase his worries and tomorrow he will try finding other survival methods and also convince his parents for hoarding grains and food products with the excuse of lockdown.

"Arther looks like we have to cancel our vacation plans as in lockdown we can't anywhere, but don't be sad as I have asked your father to bring meat from the market he will be coming soon today we will have meat for dinner. ", his mother came from inside.

"Mom if dad is going to the market ask him not to bring meat instead bring some canned foods, I think this lockdown will not be opened in a small-time it is better if we hoard some food for ourselves", Arther tried to convince his mother as he knew he can't convince his father with any means.

"Little Arther has grown up, knows to think about the family, but you don't need to worry about these things your father and I can think out of it and news said it will at most for 5-6 days. And the government is providing the food we don't need to worry about it."

Arther sighed after hearing her, he knew they couldn't spend their saving on food just because he said.

"Looks like I need to find out a way myself" since he can't find any solution he went to his room to play some games on his tab.

The evening went uneventful after having dinner which contained his favorite food he had a very fulfilling dinner with the warmth of family after a long time. He didn't want to lose this, this was what he had yearned for his past life.

After dinner, he went to his room for playing games again. He decided to wait till everyone was asleep and then find a chance to get rid of the skeleton in the backyard. After a few hours after his family went to bed, he checked the time it was 2:00 at night. There will be no one outside as the lockdown has been imposed at midnight itself. He slowly opened his room door and checked the corridors for any sound. After confirming everyone was asleep he closed his room door and went to get the thing he had kept ready at noon itself, it contained rope, shovel, and few other things he has also decided what to do with the skeleton. He can just throw it away as it will be more dangerous after awakening and before being an undead it was his grandmother's skeleton so head to respect the dead.

He tied the rope to his bed's leg and went out through the window. He did it since the main door and back door will be locked by his mother before sleeping. It was the same in every household in the suburbs since in winter there might be some wild animals in the fields at night or robbers since the security system was not so good in the suburbs.

While Arther was doing this in the space distortion there was a faint fluctuation that went unnoticed from the observatory and after that fluctuation, a faint dot of light with a very high speed left that space and entered the planet after flickering around for a few times it slowed down as though it was losing its power and then it fell in the eastern part of the continent.

While Arther has just landed on the ground he noticed a small spot of light from the corners of his eyes moving towards him at a very high speed, he was frightened to shits but he had time only to raise his hand to protect his head before the light collided with him, he waited for the pain to come but nothing happened but he was feeling very fatigued and was slowing losing strength. To avoid the needless problems, he climbed up the rope again and retracted it and closed the window, and fainted on the floor itself.

Thus such a huge change went unnoticed by the entire world.

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