My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 94 - Upgrade Complete.

The day passed by without any suspense.

The next day at 7:00 Arther received the system notification that the MCV upgrade was completed. Hearing this he hurried over to see the new look of the MCV. Considering the changes he had made to the MCV was looking forward to the new capabilities of the MCV.

At this time almost everyone was awake and were in the canteen or on the watch at the terrace. When Nanny was going to the second floor for some work she felt a fast wind flowing past her, looking behind she saw it was Arther running to the ower floor like a crazy man.

Arther didn't mind looking at the surprised expression of everyone now, he came to the parking place where the MCV was parked.

Nanny and others also followed Arther to the lower floor to what made the home act in such a way.

When they came to the parking place the scene in front of them almost scared them. The entire floor was empty and all the parked vehicles have disappeared, what replaced them was a huge vehicle with tires almost reaching human height.

"OH MY GOD!", Jessy looked at the vehicle in front of them and was as confused and surprised as others.

All of them were having the same questions in their mind, 'How and from where this thing came here.'

The most surprised of all was Rose, others didn't know but she knew there were many combat vehicles placed here, then where did they go?

And then all their attention was moved from the vehicle to the person standing in front of it and doing an odd dance.

Seeing the sheer size and the momentum it will bring when moving, thinking about this Arther was so excited that he can't control himself and started dancing. 'Hahaha, what vine monster, what undead, what beasts, everyone will be crushed under the MCV's tires.'

After the initial excitement, he calmed down and noticed the people standing behind and their odd looks. Seeing this felt a bit awkward,

"Hello everyone, let's go check our upgraded home.", he directly avoided their gazes and walked near the MCV.

The height of the chassis was customized in such a way that it can be driven in any rough terrain without any damage.

Hearing Arther's call everyone excitedly went near the MCV. All of them knew that Arther was upgrading the MCV but didn't know it will change so much. But instead of asking about how he did it, they were more excited about living in this MCV.

The stronger the MCV was the safer they will be in this apocalypse world.

Without making them wait any more he ordered the door to open. This was a new function after the upgrade, without Arther's authority no one can open the door from inside or outside.

With the order's received an inlaid curved door with a thickness of around 150mm, this was the first line of defense of the MCV so Arther made it accordingly. It was made by using the alloy doors of the parking place. The huge reinforced doors were melted into liquid metal and then the system compressed it to the extreme creating a more compact alloy door that can't be damaged even using the explosives.

The door opened from the upper edge and fell to the front, the inner side of the door was made into steps for boarding.

As the door opened in front of them Arther led everyone inside the MCV. About the interior of the MCV, he was not unknown as he was the one to design it, but others were completely shocked.

As everyone entered the MCV, the door was automatically closed followed by complete darkness. Then in a few seconds, a blue light was lit and they were able to see the surrounding clearly, they were standing in a small room with metal walls on both sides, and the most shocking thing was that the walls were composed of tiny openings. This was a sanitation room to avoid the virus from entering the MCV.

After waiting for few seconds a door was opened on the other side of the room and a bright light came from inside.

Arther led them inside, this was the main living area. They entered a huge living room with a semi-open kitchen on the right side. On the left side of the living room were few small glass panels, these were the glass windows for observing the outside. It was made of reinforced glass and can only be seen from inside. For the outside, it was covered with camouflaging lamination making it look not different than the other body.

On the front wall was a huge home theatre system with a full ceiling-to-floor monitor and three speakers on both sides of the ceiling. Seeing this everyone standing behind Arther was almost shocked crazy.

"Hahaha, this is what I have always dreamed of so I made one for me.", Arther spoke to them with an embarrassed expression. Being a shut-in otaku he was fond of movies and games, this was his dream to own such a huge monitor.

"Huh, brat I thought you were getting mature.", hearing what Arther said, Jack sighed and spoke while shaking his head. Even though he said so was having a happy dance inside his mind, since.......this was his teenage dream too.

To avoid getting scolded Arther hurriedly led the others to other places. On the right side of the living room was a corridor leading further inside.

First came the open kitchen with its small dimensional storage and advanced modern kitchen. His mother and Mey were convinced seeing the kitchen, being housewife they also wanted to cook in such a kitchen.

"Mom, from now on this kitchen will be under your authority. I have already imported your fingerprints for storage. And yes, don't store too much food here, there is another storage above."


After seeing the kitchen he opened the door in front of the kitchen, this was a couple of bedrooms with an inlaid washroom and bath.

"Mom, Dad this will be your room I have added everything according to your needs. Go and see if you like it while I take others to their rooms."

Hearing this parents happily entered the room, having a private space was what everyone want. Seeing the eager looks of others Arther smiled and led others to their rooms.

There were two rooms besides the kitchen and his parent's room. These were his sister's and Nanny's rooms. Without waiting for Arther's explanation the girls hurried into their rooms.

With a wry smile, Arther led Mey and John to the room beside Nanny's room on the right side. This room was also a couple of bedrooms. But on the left side of the room was another door. While John was having a happy look at their room Arther led the excited Mey into the inner room.

When the door was opened what came in front of them was a single room with shelves on one side while a laboratory table on the other side. On the wall in the front was a small LCD monitor, while Mey was looking at the ordinary equipment and empty shelves with a bit of disappointed look Arther smiled at her, "Aunt Mey, have a look at this."

With this he turned on a switch on the monitor.

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