My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 95 - [Bonus ]

Following this, there was a flicker on the monitor and a face of an old man in his 50s appeared on it. While Mey was still a bit confused the girl on the screen spoke,

"Hello host, welcome to the laboratory facility. I am your AI lab assistant."

Hearing this Mey was shocked, seeing her expression Arther was satisfied.

"From now on he will be your assistant, It has many advanced functions. It was made according to an advanced researcher and he has a vast amount of knowledge inlaid in her memory. I have transferred the authority of the Laboratory and the small storage inside to you along with the AI. You can make changes to it as you want. And yes there are a few advanced pieces of equipment which need to be ordered to the AI for use."

"You take a look at it while I lead the other."

"Um", Mey was so immersed that she ignored Arther.

Coming out of the room Arther looked at the two girls standing at the door. They were Rose and Lia. This was also their first time seeing such an advanced MCV or rather a miracle.

Even though they were very surprised and shocked they didn't dare to run around, seeing Arther coming out of the room both of them looked at him with a worried expression.

They were worried since their life was now completely in Arther's hands, he has already emptied the materials in the warehouse, and now if he disagrees to take them along with him they didn't have the confidence to fight against him.

And now one of their team members was also in a critical condition for whom Arther is the only last chance.

Arther looked at both of them and Arther nodded, he has deliberately allowed them to follow in, he wanted to see if after seeing the MCV does they have any move. This was a test for both of them if their greed makes them do something wrong he was ready to put a bullet in their head at any time, even though they are well trained he didn't want an ambitious subordinate.

But their behavior has satisfied his mind so he decided to take them in, he was not worried that they will leave the team after getting in contact with the military. Since the military will be inside the base cities, it was difficult to tell whether they can contact the inside, and even if they succeed to do so after seeing the conditions outside they won't dare to trust that inside anymore.

"Rose, I am convinced with both of your sincerity and have decided to help you out of here."

Hearing this there was a happy smile on their faces, "Arther, what about Andrius."

Rose nervously looked at Arther, if she wants to she can happily leave this hell-like forest along with Arther and didn't need to think about her teammate but her conscience didn't allow her to do so.

"Hmm, I have a way to treat him, go and bring him in the front of the warehouse, I will drive the MCV out first."

After a hurried nod both the girls ran out. After they left the door he closed it.

Till then everyone had also finished with the inspection of the rooms and came out with a satisfied look.

Arther also felt happy seeing his family, isn't it this for what he has been striving for. He wanted his family to have a comfortable, safe and happy life. Now he had a little confidence in exciting the forest without any problems.

"Everyone I hope you like your room, about the other facilities in the MCV I will explain it later. Since the MCV is ready I think we should leave this forest as soon as possible first."

Everyone nodded hearing this, now the forest had many unknown factors and it was best to leave here as soon as possible. "In two hours we will leave, so get to work and collect anything useful from the warehouse we might need. Especially the food, uncle John and Nanny go to the lower floor and take all the batteries and the emergency generator."

"Meet at the door of the warehouse, I will drive the MCV there till then."

After Arther passed out the orders, everyone went out of the MCV. Mey and Abella went to the canteen to collect all the food and grains, while Jack and Jessy collected all the useful things from the rooms.

Getting out of the MCV, Arther chose to store it inside the tattoo, the moment it entered the tattoo there was a small tingling on his skin which last for not more than a second, Arther didn't even notice this. But there was a change in his body, it looked carefully one can find his skin more white and smooth while the small hairs on his body had a shiny metallic luster.

He walked to the fuel tank in the parking, this was a huge fuel tank built underground with a motorized pump knob in a corner used for filling the vehicles.

Ather turned on the knob, with the knob turned on a steady stream of fuel started to flow out of the tank but instead of falling on the ground it magically disappeared halfway in the air. This was because Arther was using the MCV to collect the fuel.

After more than an hour, the fuel tank was completely emptied. With this, he had enough fuel to generate electricity for the MCV for 24 hours a month. He also filled many barrels of fuel, the total amount of fuel was around 26,000 gallons considering the fuel tank, the storage in the dual engine, and the storage barrels.

After this was done he went to the front of the warehouse where till now a lot of materials were piled up, he directly stored all the things inside. He asked everyone to rest till he completes the work inside. Soon Rose and Lia also came with Andrius wrapped in a bedsheet.

After they put him on the ground Arther gestured at Rose to follow him.

He directly led her to the lowermost floor, then under the shocked expression of Rose he put a hand on the large alloy door in front of them, then with thought, there was a small hole in the door which slowly widened up.

"How much time?", Arther asked her while entering.

Hearing this Rose was woken up from the shock and she hurriedly replied.

"Since you have not damaged the lock system of the door it will provide us with a short time of around 10minutes. After the air pressure in the room reduces below a certain level the defense system will scan the warehouse, to avoid this scan a special ID is required but since we don't have one the self-destruction will be initiated."

"So you mean we have 25 minutes in total right?"

"Cool, let's get to work.", with a swing of his hands Arther started collecting all the boxes and materials placed in the room. He didn't have much time to observe the details, so anything that can be moved was stored. When he was almost done with the work there was a harsh alarm around the entire warehouse which can be heard till a long distance.

This also shocked everyone waiting at the door, Lia standing beside Andrius was shaking due to fear and in a few seconds, she was drenched with sweat. Seeing her this way everyone knew that Arther must have done something he should have.

While Jack and John were thinking whether to go inside to check Arther and Rose ran outside hurriedly.

Without any more nonsense, Arther took out the MCV and asked everyone to board. until the last person was boarded the self-destruction countdown was already 15 minutes past.

As soon as the door was closed Arther used the system control to drive the MCV at full speed in one direction.

The MCV was like an angry bull, it started both the engines for maximum inertia and a huge collision column was erected in the front with a thorny shining spike which directly rammed into the trees in the front directly breaking them in half, the speed of the MCV didn't reduce much as two super engines worked at full capacity and the huge tires crushed everything in the past and moved further.

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