My Doomsday Farming Truck

Chapter 96 - Destruction.

The moment the MCV drove away, Arther ran to the driver's cabin. The huge inertia of the MCV also affected those in the living room.

After the initial shock everyone stabilized. Seeing Arther moving to the higher floors John and Jack also followed him. Being men in the family they had to certainly take some responsibility and can't just let a small kid do everything. This was against their male ego.

Coming to the third floor Arther hurried to the driver's cabin, sitting in the driver's seat he took over the driving wheel. Even though with the system help he can easily drive the MCV but having the steering wheel in his hands helps to reduce the anxiety in the heart a little bit.

As soon as he sat the seat belts were automatically put on, then he turned on the surveillance camera around the MCV for better driving. This was the first time he was driving such a huge vehicle hence he was a bit excited. But excitement aside the danger was not yet relieved.

In a few more minutes John and Jack also came to the cabin. This was the first time they had visited the upper floors of the MCV and hence were a bit shocked on the way slowing them down a bit.

Seeing his father and John entering the cabin Arther didn't have much attention towards them and gestured John to take a seat beside him while his father took the one behind him.

After they fastened the seat belts Arther pushed the surveillance screen towards John. There were not many words between them and both of them started observing the pictures transmitted by the cameras.

They were shocked to see the destruction caused by the MCV on the way. An almost clear path was left behind. But in a few minutes, it was covered by new plants engulfing the dead ones.

This scene was creepy enough to scene and sent chills down their spine.

After rushing in the forest for some time there was a huge blast behind them, following the blast was a shock wave that swept away the surroundings. The rear cameras of the MCV were also disturbed for some time before stabilizing again. After driving for a little further away Arther stopped the MCV and turned to look at the screen.

"How is it?", he looked at the two men watching the screen attentively.

"Brat, you almost got us here. This seemed to be an explosion from a small guided missile. Fortunately, we are out of its effective range."

"Hmm, is there any movement in the forest?",


Hearing this Arther frowned a bit, according to the sound and destruction brought by the explosion just now there must have been some movements from the things beast hiding nearby. Even though he was sure if there were any beasts but the current time was when the beasts in the previous life woke up.

After pondering for some time Arther stood up from the driver's seat and handed it over to John while he asked his father to keep observing for any movement.

"Once there is any change don't wait for my confirmation to drive out in the same direction directly."

Hearing this both of them nodded and then concentrated on the screen, while Arther came to the second cabin. This was the weapon control room and also the reconnaissance room. With a thought in his mind an ordinary reconnaissance drone came in his hands this was collected from the warehouse earlier.


New equipment found.

Whether to attach with the Carrier's body?


Without thinking much Arther clicked the Yes option. And a new module was added to the system panel.

Opening the module there were many upgrade options

[Beehive: Provided with 20 ordinary drones with an internally connected network system.

Microdrone: A small drone with high speed, provided with advanced voice damping equipment.

Seagull: Large drone with huge battery life and high flying altitude. Attached with a camouflaging lamination for charging and short-time invisibility.

Eagle: Small scale unmanned vehicle, can fly for long-distance and can be installed with a light machine gun or low-weight air to air missiles. With an intermediate weapon system.

Spider: Ground reconnaissance equipment. Due to the advanced stability and aiming system, it can easily complete the reconnaissance mission in difficult terrains.


Seeing so many options Arther was a bit overwhelmed, as he scrolled down the list he even found some outer space fighter jets with complete invisibility options. Such things can only be his fantasies for now as he didn't have the materials or the energy required.

The only useful one, for now, was the beehive. Since it can optimize the drone a little bit and can increase the number of drones. With a thought the production was complete.

This module was a completely hidden one similar to the RCV. With a thought, there was a small opening in the MCV roof and a drone flew out of the hole with a buzzing sound.

The speed of the drone was average but it reached bear the warehouse in a few minutes.

When it came near the warehouse all the cameras and other surveillance devices were turned on and at the same time the huge TV in the living room, a small box on the screen in the driving room and a screen in the control room showed the live footage of the drone.

This was arranged by Arther to allow everyone to know about the conditions outside.

Everyone sitting in the living room was shocked to see the huge display on the wall turning one automatically.

But soon the footage on the screen shocked them even more.

The drone hovered in the air over the warehouse, currently, the ground was covered with a faint smoke while the trees and plants in the surrounding have caught fire which was surprisingly not spreading out to other trees.

After observing the scene for a few minutes patiently Arther ordered the drone to lower the height to get a clear picture.

As soon as the drone flew down they were able to see the scene under the smoke. Currently, there was a huge crater at the place where there was a warehouse once, in the depth of the warehouse there was a solid metal foundation which was also blown apart by this blast showing the soil below.

While the surrounding was even more horrible, there were all types of building garbage that flew to the surrounding from the warehouse and caused another wave of destruction in the surrounding.

When they were observing the destruction there was a small movement in the soil below the crater.

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