My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 67 67 Holy Candle Eye

Chapter 67 67. Eye of the Holy Candle

"Fusion." Su Hong whispered.

The moment the words fell, he felt as if he had fallen into an endless abyss. Can, Li Dian, the warden, and even himself were drowned in the endless darkness.

The world returned to the eternal night, and his heart sank into the deep sea.

I don't know how long it has been, a soft whisper like spring rain moistened everything, sprinkled on his heart, and made the warmth grow.

"Wake up..."

Su Hong opened his eyes, and the sparks gathered in the darkness around him, gradually condensing into a flame shadow.

The Holy Spirit of Flame gently stroked his eyes with both hands. The dazzling flame not only did not burn his eyes, but also made his perception gradually return to reality in the warmth.

"I give you the flame to see through everything, return to your true self, child..."

The voice of the Holy Spirit of Flame gradually became ethereal, weak and invisible.

However, Su Hong could no longer care about what happened at this time. He only felt that his eyes were in great pain, as if they were burned by a raging fire.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, piercing through the dark sea, and saw the real world on the water surface. Li Dian and Warden Protz were like flowers in the mirror and moon in the water, staring at him.

"I should go back." Su Hong murmured, his body unconsciously floated upwards, and suddenly dived out of the sea, and his consciousness returned to reality.

The bonfire in the fireplace was still crackling, but the world in his eyes seemed to have changed.

"Fusion successful, get the disaster talent (temporary): Holy Candle Eye."

"Holy Candle Eye (Excellent +): eyes blessed by unknown holy spirits, which contain the mystery of black sun magic. Use the holy eye candlelight to see through everything. Wherever the bright fire shines, break the falsehood and see the truth."

"Blessed by the Holy Spirit, the flame will illuminate the way forward for you, and the disaster potential +500."

"What was that just now?" Su Hong realized it later.

It was the first time he encountered such a special situation after fusing talents.

It was like these eyes met special conditions and obtained the qualification to meet some mysterious beings.

Su Hong covered his head and looked up at the warden Protz opposite him. He couldn't control his ability. His eyes were like candle flames, and his sight passed through the skin texture and observed the flowing blood. The disaster blood mist was entangled with the flesh and blood.

In his opinion, the flow of the disaster breath became regular.

The disaster blood mist cyclone on Warden Protz's body was like a node, as if it could be broken, it would be able to defeat part of his body's power.

"Is this the weakness of the Eye of Insight?"

Su Hong restrained the flames in his eyes and returned to normal.

In his perception, it seemed that a long time had passed since the fusion of talent, but in reality, only more than ten seconds had passed.

He was fine. Li Dian, who was standing next to him, was completely confused by him and Warden Protz after watching the scene of his talent transformation.

It would be fine if the disaster monster gave the disaster item casually. Li Dian didn't expect Su Hong to really dare to accept it, and he was not afraid of any trap.

It would be fine if he accepted it, but why did he really fuse the disaster item, and it seemed that a wonderful change had occurred.

He felt that his knowledge could no longer keep up with the magical reality.

Warden Protz was also surprised by Su Hong's change. He slowly said, "Congratulations, you have received the attention of the Holy Spirit."

"What is the Holy Spirit?" Su Hong asked.

"A sacred creature born from fire. As for more, I don't know."

Warden Protz stood up and was about to leave.

Su Hong's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered that he had obtained the Paladin Badge in the Disaster Shelter.

"Warden, do you recognize this badge?"

Su Hong was about to raise his hand, but suddenly he saw a large amount of disaster blood mist gathering in the darkness, and the Holy Candle Eye saw through the mysterious man hidden in the darkness.

He was shocked and fell to the ground and rolled. A spear brushed past his shoulder and sank into the stone bricks.

"Paladin Badge?!" Warden Protz's stiff face changed, and Su Hong seemed to see the man's surprised expression.

But after seeing Su Hong being attacked, his face instantly became gloomy again.

"Damn outsider!"

The blood mist of disaster intertwined to form a bloody chain, rushing towards the darkness like a python.


Sparks flew everywhere, and the mysterious man appeared within the range of the fireplace bonfire. He said hoarsely: "Codename One, you disappoint me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Dian's face changed, and he knelt on the ground in pain. His flesh and blood continued to expand like boiling water. He turned into an irrational monster and pounced on Su Hong.

"Damn outsider!"

Warden Protz caught up with the mysterious man, and soul magic clashed with chaotic souls. Every time they fought, the aftermath spread like the sharp wailing of a banshee, piercing everyone's soul.

Su Hong easily avoided the attack of the flesh monster, and Li Dian's calm voice came from his flesh and blood.

"Boss, kill me. The Knight of Divergence disturbed my body balance, and the chaotic soul has destroyed this body."

"Although I can still maintain my will, I can no longer control this body."

Su Hong nodded, "Don't worry, I will fulfill my previous promise."

The promise he made was to help Li Dian escape from the control of Divergence.

Now he is powerless, but in reality there is still hope.

His eyes burned with orange-yellow flames, and all the weaknesses of the monster were in sight. More than a dozen shadow spears flew out of his shadow, tearing all the flesh tentacles and destroying the disaster nodes.

The squirming flesh fell to the ground and completely lost its vitality.

Su Hong inserted his hand into the rotten meat and took out a diamond-shaped iron ore.

"I found the 'disaster item' iron ore heart. Do you want to refine it?"

Putting away the iron ore heart, Su Hong looked into the depths of darkness. The disaster blood mist was stirred into a vortex, and the prison was shaking. The battle between Warden Protz and the Divergent Knight was too terrifying, and he could not help at all.

"Can, let's leave here."

Since he can't help, staying here is also a burden, so it's better to run away early.

Su Hong stood on the head of the guard spider and retreated with the spider group in the direction away from the battle site.

However, the retreat was not as smooth as expected. The thick prison door railings on both sides were shaking, and iron filings were flying like rain.

The Holy Candle Eye saw the traces left by the Divergent Knight on the prison door.

Suddenly he realized that something was wrong, and his face changed, "Can, retreat quickly!"


The prison door shook violently, and the iron pillars and railings made a teeth-grinding bending sound. The monster imprisoned inside was about to escape.

As soon as the spiders returned to the fireplace hall, the ground shook more violently. The thick blood mist of disaster spread out from the depths of the prison like a tide. The black shadows were agitated in the blood mist and made terrifying roars.

"You witnessed the collapse of the Dark Underground Prison and the escape of the demons. Disaster potential +500."


Even more terrifying movements came back from the other side, where Warden Protz and the Divergent Knights were fighting.

Now there are wolves in front and tigers behind, and he is completely trapped in the prison.

"Mom..." Can said fearfully.

Su Hong gritted his teeth, "If I can't escape, then I won't escape."

"I want to see what is deep in the prison."

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