My Doomsday Simulator Game

Chapter 68 How can you fight me?

Chapter 68 68. How to fight me

With his eyes burning with fire, Su Hong saw through the darkness and found a passage leading to the inside of the prison in the fireplace hall.

"Philip, go."

He jumped from the top of the guard spider and ran to the ground.

Not long after he left, a thick blood mist surrounded the fireplace hall and extinguished the last flame in the prison.


The vibration intensified, the stone bricks on the wall cracked, and the originally straight passage was twisted into a V shape.

Su Hong was quick and jumped into another section of the passage. He glanced back and saw that the passage behind was blocked by inexplicable flesh and blood.

There was no way out, and the spider group left in the fireplace hall had lost contact, so he could only move forward.

"Boy, where can you escape to?"

Before he went too far, the cold voice of the Divergent Knight came from behind him.

Su Hong's heart sank. The appearance of the Divergent Knight here meant that Warden Protz had died, and there was no one in the entire prison who could stop him.

Of course, in such a desperate situation, death is normal. He was afraid of death anyway, so he just fought back without any hesitation.

"Come here."

The road ahead of the passage became wider and wider, and he entered a circular corridor.

The corridor was covered with thick blood mist, and monsters had already entered here through other passages.

He couldn't go to the left or right, so his only choice was to push open the black iron door with strange patterns in front of him.


The shadow turned into an arm and pushed the door with him. The heavy and ancient door was pushed open suddenly, and fresh air poured in. His vision suddenly became wide.

"Is this the center of the prison?"

The central platform of the prison was exposed under the dark sky, and the hollow was flowing with blood and tears. The disaster blood mist poured down like a waterfall. The red blurred his vision, and even the Holy Candle Eye could not see through it.

The dark walls around him dropped huge chains, which went deep into the blood color and converged to the platform in the middle, as if they were restraining a terrifying existence.

Looking at the two sides of the stairs, there was only endless darkness in the gap between the wall and the boulder platform, like a bottomless hell.

If you make a mistake, you will be doomed.

"You witnessed the scene of the blood mist pouring back. Your soul seems to have been sublimated in the baptism of the disaster. The disaster potential +200."

"Such a big battle?"

Su Hong's mind flashed with thoughts. He suspected that what he was in front of was the source of the disaster pollution that radiated the entire city.

There were twelve stairs leading to the platform. The monsters that escaped from the prison squeezed through the black iron door and rushed in from other passages.

The divergent knight also appeared behind him. Looking at the platform in front of him that was watered with blood, the man whispered, "What a wonderful power, this is what God should have."

"God?" An ancient voice suddenly came from the blood mist.

"Cholera Prison, your presence here means that Michel Protz is dead..."

The voice in the blood mist was full of compassion, and it became firm in an instant.

"In that case, let the fire burn away all the sins."

"Wait!" Even the Divergent Knight did not expect that the disaster was still conscious. He was frightened and retreated madly.

But it was too late. Under Su Hong's gaze, the blood mist crackled and sparked, and then it was ignited with a bang, like a tree of fire climbing and spreading, illuminating the dark sky of the entire city.


The flames instantly engulfed Su Hong and his group, and all the monsters were annihilated in the flames of burning souls and turned into ashes.

The dark bottom of the hell burned fiercely, and no one was lucky enough to survive.

"Simulation ends."

"Survival time: 19 hours."

"Evaluation: You have seen the future of flames lighting up the sky, but disasters still exist."

"You can spend disaster potential to bring out rewards from the simulation:

Eye of the Holy Candle (Excellent + Talent): 500 disaster potential.

Disaster level 19: 1600 disaster potential.

Weird-shaped fruit (excellent material): 50 disaster potential.

Desecrated necklace (excellent equipment): 300 disaster potential.

Iron ore heart (disaster item): 300 disaster potential."

"You witnessed the scene of the Paladin eliminating evil, disaster potential +500."

[Disaster potential: 3023/8]

In the room, Su Hong stood up suddenly, his nerves still retaining the pain of being burned by the flames, and he realized that his back was already wet.

"I'm not a monster, why did you burn me too."

He complained and got up from the bed.

What he saw and heard during this simulation was too thrilling. For the first time, his disaster potential broke through the 3,000 mark.

Even if he took out all the rewards, there would still be some disaster potential left.

What was even more terrifying was that he only took a look at the disaster on the central platform of the prison, and the upper limit of his disaster potential increased from six to eight.

"Take out all the rewards." Su Hong whispered.

[Disaster Potential: 273/8]

His disaster potential dropped rapidly, and he suddenly felt his eyes hot, as if he was surrounded by flames. Looking around, the disaster blood mist swelled and jumped with the rhythm of his body's breathing, like an extension of power.

After the transformation, Su Hong summoned Philip.

"Take this strange-shaped fruit to Cantou, and put the blasphemous necklace and iron ore heart in my disaster storage."

After he gave all the gains in the simulation to Philip, the little ghost hurried away in the night.

After washing himself in the bathroom, Su Hong returned to the bedroom. He was not in a hurry to rest, but sat on a chair and recalled the details of this simulation.

After seeing the scene deep in the Dark Underground, he confirmed one thing, that the Paladin who stirred up the turmoil in the kingdom was indeed the source of the disaster pollution in the radiation city.

As for why the Paladin who was framed by the kingdom in the mouth of the Templar Knights became a disaster, there is not enough information at present. He guessed that either the information given by the Templar Knights was false, and there was no frame-up in the matter of the Paladin.

Or there is a deeper hidden story.

"I remember that the last simulation of the Divergence Knight successfully took over the body of the disaster and controlled the city with the Shadow Demon."

"How did he get close to the Paladin? Why didn't he do it this time?"

After thinking for a while, he came to a conclusion, "If you want to get close to the Paladin, the Paladin Badge is the key."

The Paladin Badge has been snatched by him. Without the Paladin Badge, the Divergence Knight naturally cannot gain the trust of Warden Protz. He can only enter the depths of the prison by destroying the prison.

However, this will lead to another problem. After the death of Warden Protz, the Paladin did not even recognize the Paladin Badge and burned him together.

It was said that seeing the token is like seeing the person.

This is a pitfall.

"In other words, if you want to get close to the Paladin, the Paladin Badge is only one of the conditions. You must also ensure that Warden Protz is alive."

"Now that the target has been set, the next step is to find a way to help Warden Protz expel the Divergent Knight from the prison."

It is simply wishful thinking to want to do this with the power he currently controls.


Su Hong opened the map on his mobile phone and found the location of the disaster breeding farm hidden by the divergent forces.

Su Hong murmured: "If we can grab the breeding farm, with a lot of flesh and blood, Canned will be able to break through to the second level of immortality after the end of the world."

"My blasphemous spider plan can also be carried out smoothly."

"If I break through the second level of immortality again, there will be three second-level immortality."

"The Divergent Knight will fight me with his head."

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