My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 143 This quality of life... the envy of thieves

Stop and go, Captain Chen saw many novel things along the way.

There are chubby puppets, exquisite buildings, and the towering city wall... These are said to be built by the capable people of the shelter. Before arriving, he had no idea that the shade shelter would be such a scene. .

After seeing so much, his purpose of coming to the green shade has basically been achieved.

Although his intuition told him that Green Shade Shelter had secrets, he didn't have to explore it.

The superiors sent them here to conduct an investigation. The most important thing is to have a more comprehensive understanding of the green shade, so as to analyze the character of the person in power in the green shade shelter and whether they have a threatening tendency.

Rather than to investigate the shade upside down.

Of course, the captain surnamed Chen would not deliberately explore it. It would be best if he could ask something, and if he could not ask some key secrets, he was not discouraged.

What's more, the strength of the Green Shade Shelter was there, and he didn't think that only a few of them could find out any secrets.

"After buying the equipment, you can almost leave. When the time comes, send the information up and see what arrangements are there..."

He thought about it.

At this time, several people had come to the villa area, and under the leadership of Wang Zhou, they came to a large three-story building.

This building is also a building built by Tang Yu through the system, and it has the characters of Luyin Department Store written on it.

"This Luyin Department Store is divided into two parts, which are separated from each other. One is the convenience goods area, and the other is the equipment and props area. Which one do you want to go to first?"

This is actually Tang Yu's laziness and doesn't want to build two buildings. Anyway, he will move to the commercial area in the future. This time, it's OK to click on it.

Captain Chen hesitated.

As a member of the intelligence department, although his rations cannot be compared with those before the end of the apocalypse, they are much better than ordinary survivors.

And Luyin is only a small shelter. Even if the high-level strength is strong, at most it is to collect some things from the wild. He does not look down on it, not to mention this supermarket, which is facing the public of the shelter. Captain Chen is even more is not interested.

It's just that he thought about it, his character is a wild awakener, since he came to the shelter, in addition to equipment, he must also buy some other supplies.

Anyway, we have to go, "Then let's go to the convenience area first..."

Walking into the department store, Captain Chen was surprised to find that the interior of the building was even more... delicate than he imagined.

He can only suffocate such a word. There are many shelves here, which are planned into areas, such as daily necessities area, fresh vegetables area, beverage and snack area, clothing area, etc., etc., and the pre-apocalyptic area Supermarkets are no different.

But it was nothing different, he felt incredible.

In the post-apocalyptic era, when supplies were extremely scarce, the commodities in this supermarket were still so complete.

Even in the official supermarket in Lindong, there are very few such as fresh vegetables, but here, most of the vegetables, meat, and even fruits and vegetables can be found.

"These, these..." He didn't know what to say.

Wang Zhou seemed to have expected his reaction, "That's why it's called a department store. Do you think a place with incomplete goods can be called a department store? As for these fruits and vegetables, I can say responsibly that they are of high quality. Would you like to buy some to try?"

Several people were a little moved.

In their rations, vegetables and fruits are all treasures, and they can only be allocated a little after a long period of time. However, they looked at the vegetables and fruits in front of them. From the appearance alone, they were much better than their rations.

It's as fresh as if it was just harvested.

Captain Chen glanced at the price above and was stunned again.

This is not too expensive, but too cheap. There are three kinds of prices marked on it, contribution degree, work point, and source crystal.

He doesn't know the first two, but one unit of source crystal can buy a basket of fruits. Isn't this too cheap?

Does that mean that most of the survivors in the entire green shelter can eat fruits and vegetables.

Captain Chen walked around the department store. Whether it was meat, daily necessities, medicines, snacks, clothing, the prices of all kinds of commodities were really only two words, that is, they were not expensive.

He also asked Wang Zhou with disbelief about the per capita income level of the survivors in the shelter, and came to the conclusion that the Luyin Department Store was indeed a department store for ordinary survivors.

That is to say...

He is more or less an officer, but in terms of quality of life, he is not as good as the most ordinary survivor of Green Shade.

It's just...

Captain Chen had a sentence stuck in his throat and wanted to say it.

In the end, when a few people walked out of the convenience commodity area, they all carried one or two bags in their hands. If they didn't think about buying too much, it would be difficult to bring them on the way back, and they would probably go crazy.

Several people, including Captain Chen, had complicated expressions. He picked up a ruddy apple and took a bite.

The sweet juice poured into the throat along the mouth, and there was an indescribable comfort.

Under the leadership of Wang Zhou, several people walked through the door on the other side into the commodity area of ​​the equipment and props.

Compared with the convenient area, there are fewer shelves on this side, but as soon as you enter the door, you will see rows of brand-new guns hanging on the opposite wall... There are pistols, submachine guns, automatic rifles, and even light machine guns.

With his eyes, he can see at a glance that these guns are of high quality, and they are not comparable to the kind of workshop work.

Captain Chen was surprised again... Since he came to the Shade Shelter, he didn't know how many times he was surprised. Originally, as an intelligence officer, he should have a calm heart, but now, he only needs his true colors. By acting, you can maintain your own character.

It can't be broken.

I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

While browsing the merchandise, Wang Zhou began to act as a salesman again, "This is the hot weapons area, ranging from pistols to heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, sniper rifles, these are all..."

Captain Chen couldn't help asking, "Do you even have sniper rifles and bazookas?" But he didn't find it in this row of merchandise.

"There are some, but it's just..." Wang Zhou sold them off and walked inward with them, finally stopping in front of a shelf, "That's it."

"Why is the price listed above only contribution points?"

"Because these are restricted weapons, only members of the patrol team and members of some special positions can buy them. How about you, big brothers, do you want to join our shelter to ensure that they are delicious and spicy, and the treatment is fat."

The captain surnamed Chen politely refused, and he must not buy any firearms. "Our brothers are still used to using cold weapons. This time, I heard that the cold weapons in your shelter are extremely sharp, so I wanted to come and take a look."

(PS: The author is asking for a subscription to QAQ. By the way, the starting point of this book will be published, and the update time will be before 11 o'clock in the evening...)

Thanks for the 7,500-coin reward for "playing games at work" (o▽)o, thanks to "Zhuo Yichen" for the 1,000-coin reward, thanks to "Ice and Snow Tyrannosaurus Rex" for the 1,000-coin reward, and thanks to "Little zzg Killing God"" 500 coin rewards for "Don't Miss Love" and "Fiction Fans on Campus", thanks to "Tea Mile Table", "kalock No. 98", "Tling" and "Tang Family Nineteen". . . .

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